
818 lines
22 KiB

# PIKA - Photo and Image Kooker Application
# Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Manish Singh <yosh@gimp.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package Pika::CodeGen::lib;
# Generates all the libpika C wrappers (used by plugins)
$destdir = "$main::destdir/libpika";
$builddir = "$main::builddir/libpika";
*arg_types = \%Pika::CodeGen::pdb::arg_types;
*arg_parse = \&Pika::CodeGen::pdb::arg_parse;
*enums = \%Pika::CodeGen::enums::enums;
*write_file = \&Pika::CodeGen::util::write_file;
*FILE_EXT = \$Pika::CodeGen::util::FILE_EXT;
use Text::Wrap qw(wrap);
sub desc_wrap {
my ($str) = @_;
my $leading = ' * ';
my $wrapped;
$str =~ s/\s+$//; # trim trailing whitespace
$str =~ s/&/&amp\;/g;
$str =~ s/\</&lt\;/g;
$str =~ s/\>/&gt\;/g;
$Text::Wrap::columns = 72;
$wrapped = wrap($leading, $leading, $str);
$wrapped =~ s/[ \t]+\n/\n/g;
return $wrapped;
sub generate_fun {
my ($proc, $out) = @_;
my @inargs = @{$proc->{inargs}} if (defined $proc->{inargs});
my @outargs = @{$proc->{outargs}} if (defined $proc->{outargs});
sub libtype {
my $arg = shift;
my $outarg = shift;
my ($type, $name) = &arg_parse($arg->{type});
my $argtype = $arg_types{$type};
my $rettype = '';
if ($type eq 'enum') {
return "$name ";
if ($outarg) {
$rettype .= $argtype->{type};
else {
if (exists $argtype->{struct}) {
$rettype .= 'const ';
$rettype .= $argtype->{const_type};
$rettype =~ s/int32/int/ unless exists $arg->{keep_size};
$rettype .= '*' if exists $argtype->{struct};
return $rettype;
my $funcname = "pika_$name";
my $wrapped = "";
my $new_funcname = $funcname;
my %usednames;
my $retdesc = " * Returns:";
my $func_annotations = "";
if ($proc->{lib_private}) {
$wrapped = '_';
$skip_gi = '';
if ($proc->{skip_gi}) {
$skip_gi = ' (skip)';
if ($proc->{deprecated}) {
if ($proc->{deprecated} eq 'NONE') {
push @{$out->{protos}}, "PIKA_DEPRECATED\n";
else {
my $underscores = $proc->{deprecated};
$underscores =~ s/-/_/g;
push @{$out->{protos}}, "PIKA_DEPRECATED_FOR($underscores)\n";
# Find the return argument (defaults to the first arg if not
# explicitly set
my $retarg = undef;
$retvoid = 0;
foreach (@outargs) {
$retarg = $_, last if exists $_->{retval};
unless ($retarg) {
if (scalar @outargs) {
if (exists $outargs[0]->{void_ret}) {
$retvoid = 1;
else {
$retarg = exists $outargs[0]->{num} ? $outargs[1]
: $outargs[0];
my $rettype;
if ($retarg) {
my ($type) = &arg_parse($retarg->{type});
my $argtype = $arg_types{$type};
my $annotate = "";
$rettype = &libtype($retarg, 1);
chop $rettype unless $rettype =~ /\*$/;
$retarg->{retval} = 1;
if (exists $argtype->{array}) {
$annotate = " (array length=$retarg->{array}->{name})";
if (exists $retarg->{none_ok}) {
$annotate .= " (nullable)";
if (exists $argtype->{out_annotate}) {
$annotate .= " $argtype->{out_annotate}";
if ($annotate eq "") {
$retdesc .= " $retarg->{desc}";
else {
if (exists $retarg->{desc}) {
if ((length ($annotate) +
length ($retarg->{desc})) > 65) {
$retdesc .= $annotate . ":\n * " . $retarg->{desc};
else {
$retdesc .= $annotate . ": " . $retarg->{desc};
unless ($retdesc =~ /[\.\!\?]$/) { $retdesc .= '.' }
if ($retarg->{type} eq 'string') {
$retdesc .= "\n * The returned value must be freed with g_free().";
elsif ($retarg->{type} eq 'strv') {
$retdesc .= "\n * The returned value must be freed with g_strfreev().";
elsif ($retarg->{type} eq 'param') {
$retdesc .= "\n * The returned value must be freed with g_param_spec_unref().";
elsif (exists $argtype->{array}) {
$retdesc .= "\n * The returned value must be freed with g_free().";
else {
# No return values
$rettype = 'void';
# The parameters to the function
my $arglist = "";
my $argdesc = "";
my $sincedesc = "";
my $value_array = "";
my $arg_array = "";
my $argc = 0;
foreach (@inargs) {
my ($type, @typeinfo) = &arg_parse($_->{type});
my $arg = $arg_types{$type};
my $var = $_->{name};
my $desc = exists $_->{desc} ? $_->{desc} : "";
my $var_len;
my $value;
# This gets passed to pika_value_array_new_with_types()
if ($type eq 'enum') {
$enum_type = $typeinfo[0];
$enum_type =~ s/([a-z])([A-Z])/$1_$2/g;
$enum_type =~ s/([A-Z]+)([A-Z])/$1_$2/g;
$enum_type =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
$enum_type =~ s/^PIKA/PIKA_TYPE/;
$enum_type =~ s/^GEGL/GEGL_TYPE/;
$value_array .= "$enum_type, ";
else {
$value_array .= "$arg->{gtype}, ";
if (exists $_->{array}) {
$value_array .= "NULL";
else {
$value_array .= "$var";
$value_array .= ",\n" . " " x 42;
if (exists $_->{array}) {
my $arrayarg = $_->{array};
$value = "pika_value_array_index (args, $argc)";
if (exists $arrayarg->{name}) {
$var_len = $arrayarg->{name};
else {
$var_len = 'num_' . $_->{name};
# This is the list of g_value_set_foo_array
$arg_array .= eval qq/" $arg->{set_value_func};\n"/;
$arglist .= &libtype($_, 0);
$arglist .= $_->{name};
$arglist .= ', ';
$argdesc .= " * \@$_->{name}";
$argdesc .= ":";
if (exists $arg->{array}) {
$argdesc .= " (array length=@inargs[$argc - 1]->{name})";
if (exists $arg->{in_annotate}) {
$argdesc .= " $arg->{in_annotate}";
if (exists $_->{none_ok}) {
$argdesc .= " (nullable)";
if (exists $arg->{array} || exists $_->{none_ok} || exists $arg->{in_annotate}) {
$argdesc .= ":";
$argdesc .= " $desc";
unless ($argdesc =~ /[\.\!\?]$/) { $argdesc .= '.' }
$argdesc .= "\n";
# This marshals the return value(s)
my $return_args = "";
my $return_marshal = "pika_value_array_unref (return_vals);";
# return success/failure boolean if we don't have anything else
if ($rettype eq 'void') {
$return_args .= "\n" . ' ' x 2 . "gboolean success = TRUE;";
$retdesc .= " TRUE on success.";
# We only need to bother with this if we have to return a value
if ($rettype ne 'void' || $retvoid) {
my $once = 0;
my $firstvar;
my @initnums;
foreach (@outargs) {
my ($type) = &arg_parse($_->{type});
my $arg = $arg_types{$type};
my $var;
$return_marshal = "" unless $once++;
$_->{libname} = exists $usednames{$_->{name}} ? "ret_$_->{name}"
: $_->{name};
if (exists $_->{num}) {
if (!exists $_->{no_lib}) {
push @initnums, $_;
elsif (exists $_->{retval}) {
$return_args .= "\n" . ' ' x 2;
$return_args .= &libtype($_, 1);
# The return value variable
$var = $_->{libname};
$return_args .= $var;
# Save the first var to "return" it
$firstvar = $var unless defined $firstvar;
if ($_->{libdef}) {
$return_args .= " = $_->{libdef}";
else {
$return_args .= " = $arg->{init_value}";
$return_args .= ";";
if (exists $_->{array} && exists $_->{array}->{no_lib}) {
$return_args .= "\n" . ' ' x 2 . "gint num_$var;";
elsif ($retvoid) {
push @initnums, $_ unless exists $arg->{struct};
if (scalar(@initnums)) {
foreach (@initnums) {
$return_marshal .= "\*$_->{libname} = ";
my ($type) = &arg_parse($_->{type});
for ($arg_types{$type}->{type}) {
/\*$/ && do { $return_marshal .= "NULL"; last };
/boolean/ && do { $return_marshal .= "FALSE"; last };
/double/ && do { $return_marshal .= "0.0"; last };
$return_marshal .= "0";
$return_marshal .= ";\n ";
$return_marshal =~ s/\n $/\n\n /s;
if ($rettype eq 'void') {
$return_marshal .= <<CODE;
success = PIKA_VALUES_GET_ENUM (return_vals, 0) == PIKA_PDB_SUCCESS;
if (success)
else {
$return_marshal .= <<CODE;
if (PIKA_VALUES_GET_ENUM (return_vals, 0) == PIKA_PDB_SUCCESS)
$return_marshal .= ' ' x 4 . "{\n" if $#outargs;
my $argc = 1; my ($numpos, $numtype);
foreach (@outargs) {
my ($type) = &arg_parse($_->{type});
my $desc = exists $_->{desc} ? $_->{desc} : "";
my $arg = $arg_types{$type};
my $var;
# The return value variable
$var = "";
unless (exists $_->{retval}) {
$var .= '*';
$arglist .= &libtype($_, 1);
$arglist .= '*' unless exists $arg->{struct};
$arglist .= "$_->{libname}";
$arglist .= ', ';
$argdesc .= " * \@$_->{libname}";
if ($arg->{name} eq 'COLOR') {
$argdesc .= ": (out caller-allocates)";
else {
$argdesc .= ": (out)";
if (exists $arg->{array}) {
$argdesc .= " (array length=@outargs[$argc - 2]->{name})";
if (exists $arg->{out_annotate}) {
$argdesc .= " $arg->{out_annotate}";
$argdesc .= ": $desc";
$var = exists $_->{retval} ? "" : '*';
$var .= $_->{libname};
$value = "return_vals, $argc";
$return_marshal .= ' ' x 2 if $#outargs;
$return_marshal .= eval qq/" $arg->{dup_value_func};\n"/;
if ($argdesc) {
unless ($argdesc =~ /[\.\!\?]$/) { $argdesc .= '.' }
unless ($argdesc =~ /\n$/) { $argdesc .= "\n" }
$return_marshal .= ' ' x 4 . "}\n" if $#outargs;
$return_marshal .= <<'CODE';
pika_value_array_unref (return_vals);
unless ($retvoid) {
$return_marshal .= ' ' x 2 . "return $firstvar;";
else {
$return_marshal .= ' ' x 2 . "return success;";
else {
$return_marshal = <<CODE;
success = PIKA_VALUES_GET_ENUM (return_vals, 0) == PIKA_PDB_SUCCESS;
return success;
chop $return_marshal;
if ($arglist) {
my @arglist = split(/, /, $arglist);
my $longest = 0; my $seen = 0;
foreach (@arglist) {
/(const \w+) \S+/ || /(\w+) \S+/;
my $len = length($1);
my $num = scalar @{[ /\*/g ]};
$seen = $num if $seen < $num;
$longest = $len if $longest < $len;
$longest += $seen;
my $once = 0; $arglist = "";
foreach (@arglist) {
my $space = rindex($_, ' ');
my $len = $longest - $space + 1;
$len -= scalar @{[ /\*/g ]};
substr($_, $space, 1) = ' ' x $len if $space != -1 && $len > 1;
$arglist .= "\t" if $once;
$arglist .= $_;
$arglist .= ",\n";
$arglist =~ s/,\n$//;
else {
$arglist = "void";
$rettype = 'gboolean' if $rettype eq 'void';
# Our function prototype for the headers
(my $hrettype = $rettype) =~ s/ //g;
my $proto = "$hrettype $wrapped$funcname ($arglist);\n";
$proto =~ s/ +/ /g;
push @{$out->{protos}}, $proto;
my $clist = $arglist;
my $padlen = length($wrapped) + length($funcname) + 2;
my $padding = ' ' x $padlen;
$clist =~ s/\t/$padding/eg;
if ($proc->{since}) {
$sincedesc = "\n *\n * Since: $proc->{since}";
my $procdesc = '';
if ($proc->{deprecated}) {
if ($proc->{deprecated} eq 'NONE') {
if ($proc->{blurb}) {
$procdesc = &desc_wrap($proc->{blurb}) . "\n *\n";
if ($proc->{help}) {
$procdesc .= &desc_wrap($proc->{help}) . "\n *\n";
$procdesc .= &desc_wrap("Deprecated: There is no replacement " .
"for this procedure.");
else {
my $underscores = $proc->{deprecated};
$underscores =~ s/-/_/g;
if ($proc->{blurb}) {
$procdesc = &desc_wrap($proc->{blurb}) . "\n *\n";
if ($proc->{help}) {
$procdesc .= &desc_wrap($proc->{help}) . "\n *\n";
$procdesc .= &desc_wrap("Deprecated: " .
"Use $underscores() instead.");
else {
$procdesc = &desc_wrap($proc->{blurb}) . "\n *\n" .
return <<CODE;
* $wrapped$funcname:$func_annotations$skip_gi
$argdesc *
$wrapped$funcname ($clist)
PikaValueArray *args;
PikaValueArray *return_vals;$return_args
args = pika_value_array_new_from_types (NULL,
return_vals = _pika_pdb_run_procedure_array (pika_get_pdb (),
pika_value_array_unref (args);
sub generate_hbody {
my ($out, $extra) = @_;
if (exists $extra->{protos}) {
my $proto = "";
foreach (split(/\n/, $extra->{protos})) {
next if /^\s*$/;
if (/^\t/ && length($proto)) {
s/\s+/ /g; s/ $//; s/^ /\t/;
$proto .= $_ . "\n";
else {
push @{$out->{protos}}, $proto if length($proto);
s/\s+/ /g; s/^ //; s/ $//;
$proto = $_ . "\n";
my @longest = (0, 0, 0); my @arglist = (); my $seen = 0;
foreach (@{$out->{protos}}) {
my $arglist;
my $len;
$arglist = [ split(' ', $_, 3) ];
if ($arglist->[1] =~ /^_/) {
$arglist->[0] = "G_GNUC_INTERNAL ".$arglist->[0];
for (0..1) {
$len = length($arglist->[$_]);
$longest[$_] = $len if $longest[$_] < $len;
foreach (split(/,/, $arglist->[2])) {
next unless /(const \w+) \S+/ || /(\w+) \S+/;
$len = length($1) + 1;
my $num = scalar @{[ /\*/g ]};
$seen = $num if $seen < $num;
$longest[2] = $len if $longest[2] < $len;
else {
$arglist = $_;
push @arglist, $arglist;
$longest[2] += $seen;
@{$out->{protos}} = ();
foreach (@arglist) {
my $arg;
if (ref) {
my ($type, $func, $arglist) = @$_;
my @args = split(/,/, $arglist); $arglist = "";
foreach (@args) {
$space = rindex($_, ' ');
if ($space > 0 && substr($_, $space - 1, 1) eq ')') {
$space = rindex($_, ' ', $space - 1)
my $len = $longest[2] - $space + 1;
$len -= scalar @{[ /\*/g ]};
$len++ if /\t/;
if ($space != -1 && $len > 1) {
substr($_, $space, 1) = ' ' x $len;
$arglist .= $_;
$arglist .= "," if !/;\n$/;
$arg = $type;
$arg .= ' ' x ($longest[0] - length($type) + 1) . $func;
$arg .= ' ' x ($longest[1] - length($func) + 1) . $arglist;
$arg =~ s/\t/' ' x ($longest[0] + $longest[1] + 3)/eg;
else {
$arg = $_;
push @{$out->{protos}}, $arg;
my $body = '';
$body = $extra->{decls} if exists $extra->{decls};
foreach (@{$out->{protos}}) { $body .= $_ }
if ($out->{deprecated}) {
$body .= "#endif /* PIKA_DISABLE_DEPRECATED */\n";
chomp $body;
return $body;
sub generate {
my @procs = @{(shift)};
my %out;
foreach $name (@procs) {
my $proc = $main::pdb{$name};
my $out = \%{$out{$proc->{group}}};
my @inargs = @{$proc->{inargs}} if (defined $proc->{inargs});
my @outargs = @{$proc->{outargs}} if (defined $proc->{outargs});
$out->{code} .= generate_fun($proc, $out);
my $lgpl_top = <<'LGPL';
/* LIBPIKA - The PIKA Library
* Copyright (C) 1995-2003 Peter Mattis and Spencer Kimball
my $lgpl_bottom = <<'LGPL';
* This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see
* <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/* NOTE: This file is auto-generated by pdbgen.pl */
# We generate two files, a _pdb.h file with prototypes for all
# the functions we make, and a _pdb.c file for the actual implementation
while (my($group, $out) = each %out) {
my $hname = "${group}pdb.h";
my $cname = "${group}pdb.c";
if ($group ne 'pika') {
$hname = "pika${hname}";
$cname = "pika${cname}";
$hname =~ s/_//g; $hname =~ s/pdb\./_pdb./;
$cname =~ s/_//g; $cname =~ s/pdb\./_pdb./;
my $hfile = "$builddir/$hname$FILE_EXT";
my $cfile = "$builddir/$cname$FILE_EXT";
my $body;
my $extra = {};
if (exists $main::grp{$group}->{extra}->{lib}) {
$extra = $main::grp{$group}->{extra}->{lib}
$body = generate_hbody($out, $extra, "protos");
open HFILE, "> $hfile" or die "Can't open $hfile: $!\n";
print HFILE $lgpl_top;
print HFILE " * $hname\n";
print HFILE $lgpl_bottom;
my $guard = "__PIKA_\U$group\E_PDB_H__";
#if !defined (__PIKA_H_INSIDE__) && !defined (PIKA_COMPILATION)
#error "Only <libpika/pika.h> can be included directly."
#ifndef $guard
#define $guard
/* For information look into the C source or the html documentation */
#endif /* $guard */
close HFILE;
&write_file($hfile, $destdir);
open CFILE, "> $cfile" or die "Can't open $cfile: $!\n";
print CFILE $lgpl_top;
print CFILE " * $cname\n";
print CFILE $lgpl_bottom;
print CFILE qq/#include "config.h"\n\n/;
print CFILE qq/#include "stamp-pdbgen.h"\n\n/;
print CFILE $out->{headers}, "\n" if exists $out->{headers};
print CFILE qq/#include "pika.h"\n/;
if (exists $main::grp{$group}->{lib_private}) {
print CFILE qq/#include "$hname"\n/;
if (exists $main::grp{$group}->{doc_title}) {
$long_desc = &desc_wrap($main::grp{$group}->{doc_long_desc});
* SECTION: $main::grp{$group}->{doc_title}
* \@title: $main::grp{$group}->{doc_title}
* \@short_description: $main::grp{$group}->{doc_short_desc}
print CFILE "\n", $extra->{code} if exists $extra->{code};
print CFILE $out->{code};
close CFILE;
&write_file($cfile, $destdir);
my $pika_pdb_headers = "$builddir/pika_pdb_headers.h$FILE_EXT";
open PFILE, "> $pika_pdb_headers" or die "Can't open $pika_pdb_headers: $!\n";
print PFILE $lgpl_top;
print PFILE " * pika_pdb_headers.h\n";
print PFILE $lgpl_bottom;
my $guard = "__PIKA_PDB_HEADERS_H__";
#if !defined (__PIKA_H_INSIDE__) && !defined (PIKA_COMPILATION)
#error "Only <libpika/pika.h> can be included directly."
#ifndef $guard
#define $guard
my @groups;
foreach $group (keys %out) {
my $hname = "${group}pdb.h";
if ($group ne 'pika') {
$hname = "pika${hname}";
$hname =~ s/_//g; $hname =~ s/pdb\./_pdb./;
if (! exists $main::grp{$group}->{lib_private}) {
push @groups, $hname;
foreach $group (sort @groups) {
print PFILE "#include <libpika/$group>\n";
#endif /* $guard */
close PFILE;
&write_file($pika_pdb_headers, $destdir);