# HECKIMP *Brought to you by Aldercone Studio* This program takes the Gnu Image Manipulation Program source code and creates a rebranded fork. Due to a limitation in how things are implemented, it only works on a checkout of the GnuImp source code called `gimp` relative to the execution, and creates a directory called the short version of the rebrand (for example `pika`) at the same place. Rebrandings are in the form of a directory of resources with a configuration file in Yaml format. For an example see the PIKApp rebrand repository at https://heckin.technology/AlderconeStudio/heckimp-pika ## Installation `python3 -mpip install git+https://heckin.technology/AlderconeStudio/heckimp.git` Or clone the repository and run pip or setup.py however you like. ## Running You will need to make or clone a branding package, such as the pika one listed above. ### TLDR: Assuming you're in a directory with a checkout of the GnuImp source code as `gimp`: `heckimp -c heckimp-pika/pika.yaml` Which will create a `pika` directory with the rebrand. ### More information at: `heckimp --help` will show a lot more information. ## Help? For help, or to help us work on this more and make it more better, contact us on Fediverse: @aldercone@mastodon.art Check out all our great releases at https://heckin.technology/