; An old style script, not an independent plugin ; A script that fails at install time: has syntax error ; ; Setup: copy this file w/ executable permission, to one of the /scripts dirs. ; Example: to ~/snap/393/.config/PIKA/2.10/scripts/test-quit.scm ; Start Gimp, configure to have Error Console open, and quit. ; Install this plugin. ; Restart Pika from a terminal ; Expect: ; - an error in the Pika Error Console ; - an error in the terminal ; !!! the first is currently failing. So this script is to test FUTURE. (define (script-fu-test-install-fail ) ( ; <= syntax error ) ; Much is moot, since this should fail to install (script-fu-register "script-fu-test-install-fail" "Moot" "Moot" "lkk" "lkk" "2023" "" ; requires no image ; no args ) (script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-test-install-fail" "/Filters/Development/Script-Fu/Test")