; PIKA - Photo and Image Kooker Application ; Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis ; ; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program. If not, see . ; ; ; slide.scm version 0.41 2004/03/28 ; ; CHANGE-LOG: ; 0.20 - first public release ; 0.30 - some code cleanup ; now uses the rotate plug-in to improve speed ; 0.40 - changes to work with pika-1.1 ; if the image was rotated, rotate the whole thing back when finished ; 0.41 - changes to work with pika-2.0, slightly correct text offsets, ; Nils Philippsen 2004/03/28 ; ; !still in development! ; TODO: - change the script so that the film is rotated, not the image ; - antialiasing ; - make 'add background' an option ; - ? ; ; Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Sven Neumann ; ; makes your picture look like a slide ; ; The script works on RGB and grayscale images that contain only ; one layer. The image is cropped to fit into an aspect ratio of 1:1,5. ; It creates a copy of the image or can optionally work on the original. ; The script uses the current background color to create a background ; layer. (define (script-fu-slide img drawable text number font font-color work-on-copy) (define (crop width height ratio) (if (>= width (* ratio height)) (* ratio height) width ) ) (let* ( (type (car (pika-drawable-type-with-alpha drawable))) (image (cond ((= work-on-copy TRUE) (car (pika-image-duplicate img))) ((= work-on-copy FALSE) img))) (owidth (car (pika-image-get-width image))) (oheight (car (pika-image-get-height image))) (ratio (if (>= owidth oheight) (/ 3 2) (/ 2 3))) (crop-width (crop owidth oheight ratio)) (crop-height (/ crop-width ratio)) (width (* (max crop-width crop-height) 1.05)) (height (* (min crop-width crop-height) 1.5)) (hole-width (/ width 20)) (hole-space (/ width 8)) (hole-height (/ width 12)) (hole-radius (/ hole-width 4)) (hole-start (- (/ (rand 1000) 1000) 0.5)) (film-layer (car (pika-layer-new image width height type "Film" 100 LAYER-MODE-NORMAL))) (bg-layer (car (pika-layer-new image width height type "Background" 100 LAYER-MODE-NORMAL))) (pic-layer (aref (cadr (pika-image-get-selected-drawables image)) 0)) (numbera (string-append number "A")) ) (pika-context-push) (pika-context-set-paint-mode LAYER-MODE-NORMAL) (pika-context-set-opacity 100.0) (pika-context-set-feather FALSE) (if (= work-on-copy TRUE) (pika-image-undo-disable image) (pika-image-undo-group-start image) ) ; add an alpha channel to the image (pika-layer-add-alpha pic-layer) ; crop, resize and eventually rotate the image (pika-image-crop image crop-width crop-height (/ (- owidth crop-width) 2) (/ (- oheight crop-height) 2)) (pika-image-resize image width height (/ (- width crop-width) 2) (/ (- height crop-height) 2)) (if (< ratio 1) (plug-in-rotate RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image pic-layer 1 FALSE) ) ; add the background layer (pika-drawable-fill bg-layer FILL-BACKGROUND) (pika-image-insert-layer image bg-layer 0 -1) ; add the film layer (pika-context-set-background '(0 0 0)) (pika-drawable-fill film-layer FILL-BACKGROUND) (pika-image-insert-layer image film-layer 0 -1) ; add the text (pika-context-set-foreground font-color) (pika-floating-sel-anchor (car (pika-text-font image film-layer (+ hole-start (* -0.25 width)) (* 0.01 height) text 0 TRUE (* 0.040 height) font))) (pika-floating-sel-anchor (car (pika-text-font image film-layer (+ hole-start (* 0.75 width)) (* 0.01 height) text 0 TRUE (* 0.040 height) font ))) (pika-floating-sel-anchor (car (pika-text-font image film-layer (+ hole-start (* 0.35 width)) 0.0 number 0 TRUE (* 0.050 height) font ))) (pika-floating-sel-anchor (car (pika-text-font image film-layer (+ hole-start (* 0.35 width)) (* 0.94 height) number 0 TRUE (* 0.050 height) font ))) (pika-floating-sel-anchor (car (pika-text-font image film-layer (+ hole-start (* 0.85 width)) (* 0.945 height) numbera 0 TRUE (* 0.045 height) font ))) ; create a mask for the holes and cut them out (let* ( (film-mask (car (pika-layer-create-mask film-layer ADD-MASK-WHITE))) (hole hole-start) (top-y (* height 0.06)) (bottom-y (* height 0.855)) ) (pika-layer-add-mask film-layer film-mask) (pika-selection-none image) (while (< hole 8) (pika-image-select-rectangle image CHANNEL-OP-ADD (* hole-space hole) top-y hole-width hole-height) (pika-image-select-rectangle image CHANNEL-OP-ADD (* hole-space hole) bottom-y hole-width hole-height) (set! hole (+ hole 1)) ) (pika-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0)) (pika-drawable-edit-fill film-mask FILL-BACKGROUND) (pika-selection-none image) (plug-in-gauss-rle RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image film-mask hole-radius TRUE TRUE) (pika-drawable-threshold film-mask HISTOGRAM-VALUE 0.5 1.0) (pika-layer-remove-mask film-layer MASK-APPLY) ) ; reorder the layers (pika-image-raise-item image pic-layer) (pika-image-raise-item image pic-layer) ; eventually rotate the whole thing back (if (< ratio 1) (plug-in-rotate RUN-NONINTERACTIVE image pic-layer 3 TRUE) ) ; clean up after the script (pika-selection-none image) (if (= work-on-copy TRUE) (begin (pika-display-new image) (pika-image-undo-enable image) ) (pika-image-undo-group-end image) ) (pika-displays-flush) (pika-context-pop) ) ) (script-fu-register "script-fu-slide" _"_Slide..." _"Add a slide-film like frame, sprocket holes, and labels to an image" "Sven Neumann " "Sven Neumann" "2004/03/28" "RGB GRAY" SF-IMAGE "Image" 0 SF-DRAWABLE "Drawable" 0 SF-STRING _"Text" "PIKA" SF-STRING _"Number" "32" SF-FONT _"Font" "Serif" SF-COLOR _"Font color" '(255 180 0) SF-TOGGLE _"Work on copy" TRUE ) (script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-slide" "/Filters/Decor")