/*********************************************************/ /* Image manipulation routines. Calls mapobject_shade.c */ /* functions to compute the shading of the image at each */ /* pixel. These routines are used by the functions in */ /* mapobject_preview.c and mapobject_apply.c */ /*********************************************************/ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "map-object-main.h" #include "map-object-preview.h" #include "map-object-shade.h" #include "map-object-ui.h" #include "map-object-image.h" PikaImage *image; PikaDrawable *input_drawable; PikaDrawable *output_drawable; GeglBuffer *source_buffer; GeglBuffer *dest_buffer; PikaDrawable *box_drawables[6]; GeglBuffer *box_buffers[6]; PikaDrawable *cylinder_drawables[2]; GeglBuffer *cylinder_buffers[2]; guchar *preview_rgb_data = NULL; gint preview_rgb_stride; cairo_surface_t *preview_surface = NULL; glong maxcounter, old_depth, max_depth; gint width, height; PikaRGB background; gint border_x, border_y, border_w, border_h; /******************/ /* Implementation */ /******************/ PikaRGB peek (gint x, gint y) { PikaRGB color; gegl_buffer_sample (source_buffer, x, y, NULL, &color, babl_format ("R'G'B'A double"), GEGL_SAMPLER_NEAREST, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE); if (! babl_format_has_alpha (gegl_buffer_get_format (source_buffer))) color.a = 1.0; return color; } static PikaRGB peek_box_image (gint image, gint x, gint y) { PikaRGB color; gegl_buffer_sample (box_buffers[image], x, y, NULL, &color, babl_format ("R'G'B'A double"), GEGL_SAMPLER_NEAREST, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE); if (! babl_format_has_alpha (gegl_buffer_get_format (box_buffers[image]))) color.a = 1.0; return color; } static PikaRGB peek_cylinder_image (gint image, gint x, gint y) { PikaRGB color; gegl_buffer_sample (cylinder_buffers[image], x, y, NULL, &color, babl_format ("R'G'B'A double"), GEGL_SAMPLER_NEAREST, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE); if (! babl_format_has_alpha (gegl_buffer_get_format (cylinder_buffers[image]))) color.a = 1.0; return color; } void poke (gint x, gint y, PikaRGB *color, gpointer user_data) { gegl_buffer_set (dest_buffer, GEGL_RECTANGLE (x, y, 1, 1), 0, babl_format ("R'G'B'A double"), color, GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE); } gint checkbounds (gint x, gint y) { if (x < border_x || y < border_y || x >= border_x + border_w || y >= border_y + border_h) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } static gint checkbounds_box_image (gint image, gint x, gint y) { gint w, h; w = gegl_buffer_get_width (box_buffers[image]); h = gegl_buffer_get_height (box_buffers[image]); if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= w || y >= h) return FALSE ; else return TRUE ; } static gint checkbounds_cylinder_image (gint image, gint x, gint y) { gint w, h; w = gegl_buffer_get_width (cylinder_buffers[image]); h = gegl_buffer_get_height (cylinder_buffers[image]); if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= w || y >= h) return FALSE; else return TRUE; } PikaVector3 int_to_pos (gint x, gint y) { PikaVector3 pos; pos.x = (gdouble) x / (gdouble) width; pos.y = (gdouble) y / (gdouble) height; pos.z = 0.0; return pos; } void pos_to_int (gdouble x, gdouble y, gint *scr_x, gint *scr_y) { *scr_x = (gint) ((x * (gdouble) width)); *scr_y = (gint) ((y * (gdouble) height)); } /**********************************************/ /* Compute the image color at pos (u,v) using */ /* Quartics bilinear interpolation stuff. */ /**********************************************/ PikaRGB get_image_color (gdouble u, gdouble v, gint *inside) { gint x1, y1, x2, y2; PikaRGB p[4]; pos_to_int (u, v, &x1, &y1); if (mapvals.tiled == TRUE) { *inside = TRUE; if (x1 < 0) x1 = (width-1) - (-x1 % width); else x1 = x1 % width; if (y1 < 0) y1 = (height-1) - (-y1 % height); else y1 = y1 % height; x2 = (x1 + 1) % width; y2 = (y1 + 1) % height; p[0] = peek (x1, y1); p[1] = peek (x2, y1); p[2] = peek (x1, y2); p[3] = peek (x2, y2); return pika_bilinear_rgba (u * width, v * height, p); } if (checkbounds (x1, y1) == FALSE) { *inside =FALSE; return background; } x2 = (x1 + 1); y2 = (y1 + 1); if (checkbounds (x2, y2) == FALSE) { *inside = TRUE; return peek (x1, y1); } *inside=TRUE; p[0] = peek (x1, y1); p[1] = peek (x2, y1); p[2] = peek (x1, y2); p[3] = peek (x2, y2); return pika_bilinear_rgba (u * width, v * height, p); } PikaRGB get_box_image_color (gint image, gdouble u, gdouble v) { gint w, h; gint x1, y1, x2, y2; PikaRGB p[4]; w = gegl_buffer_get_width (box_buffers[image]); h = gegl_buffer_get_height (box_buffers[image]); x1 = (gint) ((u * (gdouble) w)); y1 = (gint) ((v * (gdouble) h)); if (checkbounds_box_image (image, x1, y1) == FALSE) return background; x2 = (x1 + 1); y2 = (y1 + 1); if (checkbounds_box_image (image, x2, y2) == FALSE) return peek_box_image (image, x1,y1); p[0] = peek_box_image (image, x1, y1); p[1] = peek_box_image (image, x2, y1); p[2] = peek_box_image (image, x1, y2); p[3] = peek_box_image (image, x2, y2); return pika_bilinear_rgba (u * w, v * h, p); } PikaRGB get_cylinder_image_color (gint image, gdouble u, gdouble v) { gint w, h; gint x1, y1, x2, y2; PikaRGB p[4]; w = gegl_buffer_get_width (cylinder_buffers[image]); h = gegl_buffer_get_height (cylinder_buffers[image]); x1 = (gint) ((u * (gdouble) w)); y1 = (gint) ((v * (gdouble) h)); if (checkbounds_cylinder_image (image, x1, y1) == FALSE) return background; x2 = (x1 + 1); y2 = (y1 + 1); if (checkbounds_cylinder_image (image, x2, y2) == FALSE) return peek_cylinder_image (image, x1,y1); p[0] = peek_cylinder_image (image, x1, y1); p[1] = peek_cylinder_image (image, x2, y1); p[2] = peek_cylinder_image (image, x1, y2); p[3] = peek_cylinder_image (image, x2, y2); return pika_bilinear_rgba (u * w, v * h, p); } /****************************************/ /* Allocate memory for temporary images */ /****************************************/ gint image_setup (PikaDrawable *drawable, gint interactive, PikaProcedureConfig *config) { gboolean transparent_background; input_drawable = drawable; output_drawable = drawable; g_object_get (config, "transparent_background", &transparent_background, NULL); if (! pika_drawable_mask_intersect (drawable, &border_x, &border_y, &border_w, &border_h)) return FALSE; width = pika_drawable_get_width (input_drawable); height = pika_drawable_get_height (input_drawable); source_buffer = pika_drawable_get_buffer (input_drawable); maxcounter = (glong) width * (glong) height; if (transparent_background == TRUE) { pika_rgba_set (&background, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } else { pika_context_get_background (&background); pika_rgb_set_alpha (&background, 1.0); } if (interactive == TRUE) { preview_rgb_stride = cairo_format_stride_for_width (CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, PREVIEW_WIDTH); preview_rgb_data = g_new0 (guchar, preview_rgb_stride * PREVIEW_HEIGHT); preview_surface = cairo_image_surface_create_for_data (preview_rgb_data, CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, PREVIEW_WIDTH, PREVIEW_HEIGHT, preview_rgb_stride); } return TRUE; }