/* * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * This is a plug-in for PIKA. * * Generates images containing vector type drawings. * * Copyright (C) 1997 Andy Thomas alt@picnic.demon.co.uk * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "gfig.h" #include "gfig-dialog.h" #include "gfig-style.h" #include "gfig-arc.h" #include "gfig-bezier.h" #include "gfig-circle.h" #include "gfig-dobject.h" #include "gfig-ellipse.h" #include "gfig-line.h" #include "gfig-poly.h" #include "gfig-rectangle.h" #include "gfig-spiral.h" #include "gfig-star.h" #include "libpika/stdplugins-intl.h" static GfigObject *operation_obj = NULL; static GdkPoint *move_all_pnt; /* Point moving all from */ static void draw_one_obj (GfigObject *obj, cairo_t *cr); static void do_move_obj (GfigObject *obj, GdkPoint *to_pnt); static void do_move_all_obj (GdkPoint *to_pnt); static void do_move_obj_pnt (GfigObject *obj, GdkPoint *to_pnt); static void remove_obj_from_list (GFigObj *obj, GfigObject *del_obj); static gint scan_obj_points (DobjPoints *opnt, GdkPoint *pnt); void d_save_object (GfigObject *obj, GString *string) { do_save_obj (obj, string); switch (obj->type) { case BEZIER: case POLY: case SPIRAL: case STAR: g_string_append_printf (string, "\n"); g_string_append_printf (string, "%d\n\n", obj->type_data); break; default: break; } } static DobjType gfig_read_object_type (gchar *desc) { gchar *ptr = desc; DobjType type; if (*ptr != '<') return OBJ_TYPE_NONE; ptr++; for (type = LINE; type < NUM_OBJ_TYPES; type++) { if (ptr == strstr (ptr, dobj_class[type].name)) return type; } return OBJ_TYPE_NONE; } GfigObject * d_load_object (gchar *desc, FILE *fp) { GfigObject *new_obj = NULL; gint xpnt; gint ypnt; gchar buf[MAX_LOAD_LINE]; DobjType type; type = gfig_read_object_type (desc); if (type == OBJ_TYPE_NONE) { g_message ("Error loading object: type not recognized."); return NULL; } while (get_line (buf, MAX_LOAD_LINE, fp, 0)) { if (sscanf (buf, "%d %d", &xpnt, &ypnt) != 2) { /* Read block if there is one */ if (!strcmp ("", buf)) { if ( !new_obj) { g_message ("Error while loading object (no points)"); return NULL; } get_line (buf, MAX_LOAD_LINE, fp, 0); if (sscanf (buf, "%d", &new_obj->type_data) != 1) { g_message ("Error while loading object (no type data)"); g_free (new_obj); return NULL; } get_line (buf, MAX_LOAD_LINE, fp, 0); if (strcmp ("", buf)) { g_message ("Syntax error while loading object"); g_free (new_obj); return NULL; } /* Go around and read the last line */ continue; } else return new_obj; } if (!new_obj) new_obj = d_new_object (type, xpnt, ypnt); else d_pnt_add_line (new_obj, xpnt, ypnt, -1); } return new_obj; } GfigObject * d_new_object (DobjType type, gint x, gint y) { GfigObject *nobj = g_new0 (GfigObject, 1); nobj->type = type; nobj->class = &dobj_class[type]; nobj->points = new_dobjpoint (x, y); nobj->type_data = 0; if (type == BEZIER) { nobj->type_data = 4; } else if (type == POLY) { nobj->type_data = 3; /* default to 3 sides */ } else if (type == SPIRAL) { nobj->type_data = 4; /* default to 4 turns */ } else if (type == STAR) { nobj->type_data = 3; /* default to 3 sides 6 points */ } return nobj; } void gfig_init_object_classes (void) { d_arc_object_class_init (); d_line_object_class_init (); d_rectangle_object_class_init (); d_circle_object_class_init (); d_ellipse_object_class_init (); d_poly_object_class_init (); d_spiral_object_class_init (); d_star_object_class_init (); d_bezier_object_class_init (); } /* Delete a list of points */ void d_delete_dobjpoints (DobjPoints * pnts) { DobjPoints *next; DobjPoints *pnt2del = pnts; while (pnt2del) { next = pnt2del->next; g_free (pnt2del); pnt2del = next; } } DobjPoints * new_dobjpoint (gint x, gint y) { DobjPoints *npnt = g_new0 (DobjPoints, 1); npnt->pnt.x = x; npnt->pnt.y = y; return npnt; } DobjPoints * d_copy_dobjpoints (DobjPoints *pnts) { DobjPoints *ret = NULL; DobjPoints *head = NULL; DobjPoints *newpnt; DobjPoints *pnt2copy; for (pnt2copy = pnts; pnt2copy; pnt2copy = pnt2copy->next) { newpnt = new_dobjpoint (pnt2copy->pnt.x, pnt2copy->pnt.y); if (!ret) { head = ret = newpnt; } else { head->next = newpnt; head = newpnt; } } return ret; } static DobjPoints * get_diffs (GfigObject *obj, gint *xdiff, gint *ydiff, GdkPoint *to_pnt) { DobjPoints *spnt; g_assert (obj != NULL); for (spnt = obj->points; spnt; spnt = spnt->next) { if (spnt->found_me) { *xdiff = spnt->pnt.x - to_pnt->x; *ydiff = spnt->pnt.y - to_pnt->y; return spnt; } } return NULL; } static gboolean inside_sqr (GdkPoint *cpnt, GdkPoint *testpnt) { /* Return TRUE if testpnt is near cpnt */ gint x = cpnt->x; gint y = cpnt->y; gint tx = testpnt->x; gint ty = testpnt->y; return (abs (x - tx) <= SQ_SIZE && abs (y - ty) < SQ_SIZE); } static gboolean scan_obj_points (DobjPoints *opnt, GdkPoint *pnt) { while (opnt) { if (inside_sqr (&opnt->pnt, pnt)) { opnt->found_me = TRUE; return TRUE; } opnt->found_me = FALSE; opnt = opnt->next; } return FALSE; } static GfigObject * get_nearest_objs (GFigObj *obj, GdkPoint *pnt) { /* Nearest object to given point or NULL */ GList *all; GfigObject *test_obj; gint count = 0; if (!obj) return NULL; for (all = obj->obj_list; all; all = g_list_next (all)) { test_obj = all->data; if (count == obj_show_single || obj_show_single == -1) if (scan_obj_points (test_obj->points, pnt)) { return test_obj; } count++; } return NULL; } void object_operation_start (PikaGfig *gfig, GdkPoint *pnt, gboolean shift_down) { GfigObject *new_obj; /* Find point in given object list */ operation_obj = get_nearest_objs (gfig_context->current_obj, pnt); /* Special case if shift down && move obj then moving all objs */ if (shift_down && selvals.otype == MOVE_OBJ) { move_all_pnt = g_new (GdkPoint, 1); *move_all_pnt = *pnt; /* Structure copy */ setup_undo (gfig); return; } if (!operation_obj) return;/* None to work on */ gfig_context->selected_obj = operation_obj; setup_undo (gfig); switch (selvals.otype) { case MOVE_OBJ: if (operation_obj->type == BEZIER) { tmp_bezier = operation_obj; } break; case MOVE_POINT: if (operation_obj->type == BEZIER) { tmp_bezier = operation_obj; } /* If shift is down the break into sep lines */ if ((operation_obj->type == POLY || operation_obj->type == STAR) && shift_down) { switch (operation_obj->type) { case POLY: d_poly2lines (operation_obj); break; case STAR: d_star2lines (operation_obj); break; default: break; } /* Re calc which object point we are looking at */ scan_obj_points (operation_obj->points, pnt); gtk_widget_queue_draw (gfig_context->preview); } break; case COPY_OBJ: /* Copy the "operation object" */ /* Then bung us into "copy/move" mode */ new_obj = (GfigObject*) operation_obj->class->copyfunc (operation_obj); if (new_obj) { gfig_style_copy (&new_obj->style, &operation_obj->style, "Object"); scan_obj_points (new_obj->points, pnt); add_to_all_obj (gfig, gfig_context->current_obj, new_obj); operation_obj = new_obj; selvals.otype = MOVE_COPY_OBJ; gtk_widget_queue_draw (gfig_context->preview); } break; case DEL_OBJ: remove_obj_from_list (gfig_context->current_obj, operation_obj); break; case SELECT_OBJ: /* don't need to do anything */ break; case MOVE_COPY_OBJ: /* Never when button down */ default: g_warning ("Internal error selvals.otype object operation start"); break; } } void object_operation_end (GdkPoint *pnt, gboolean shift_down) { if (selvals.otype != DEL_OBJ && operation_obj && operation_obj->type == BEZIER) { tmp_bezier = NULL; /* use as switch */ } if (operation_obj && selvals.otype != DEL_OBJ) gfig_style_set_context_from_style (&operation_obj->style); operation_obj = NULL; if (move_all_pnt) { g_free (move_all_pnt); move_all_pnt = NULL; } /* Special case - if copying mode MUST be copy when button up received */ if (selvals.otype == MOVE_COPY_OBJ) selvals.otype = COPY_OBJ; } /* Move object around */ void object_operation (GdkPoint *to_pnt, gboolean shift_down) { /* Must do different things depending on object type */ /* but must have object to operate on! */ /* Special case - if shift own and move_obj then move ALL objects */ if (move_all_pnt && shift_down && selvals.otype == MOVE_OBJ) { do_move_all_obj (to_pnt); return; } if (!operation_obj) return; switch (selvals.otype) { case MOVE_OBJ: case MOVE_COPY_OBJ: switch (operation_obj->type) { case LINE: case RECTANGLE: case CIRCLE: case ELLIPSE: case POLY: case ARC: case STAR: case SPIRAL: case BEZIER: do_move_obj (operation_obj, to_pnt); break; default: /* Internal error */ g_warning ("Internal error in operation_obj->type"); break; } break; case MOVE_POINT: switch (operation_obj->type) { case LINE: case RECTANGLE: case CIRCLE: case ELLIPSE: case POLY: case ARC: case STAR: case SPIRAL: case BEZIER: do_move_obj_pnt (operation_obj, to_pnt); break; default: /* Internal error */ g_warning ("Internal error in operation_obj->type"); break; } break; case DEL_OBJ: case SELECT_OBJ: break; case COPY_OBJ: /* Should have been changed to MOVE_COPY_OBJ */ default: g_warning ("Internal error selvals.otype"); break; } } static void update_pnts (GfigObject *obj, gint xdiff, gint ydiff) { DobjPoints *spnt; g_assert (obj != NULL); /* Update all pnts */ for (spnt = obj->points; spnt; spnt = spnt->next) { spnt->pnt.x -= xdiff; spnt->pnt.y -= ydiff; } } static void remove_obj_from_list (GFigObj *obj, GfigObject *del_obj) { /* Nearest object to given point or NULL */ g_assert (del_obj != NULL); if (g_list_find (obj->obj_list, del_obj)) { obj->obj_list = g_list_remove (obj->obj_list, del_obj); free_one_obj (del_obj); if (obj->obj_list) gfig_context->selected_obj = obj->obj_list->data; else gfig_context->selected_obj = NULL; if (obj_show_single != -1) { /* We've just deleted the only visible one */ draw_grid_clear (); obj_show_single = -1; /* Show entry again */ } gtk_widget_queue_draw (gfig_context->preview); } else g_warning (_("Hey, where has the object gone?")); } static void do_move_all_obj (GdkPoint *to_pnt) { /* Move all objects in one go */ /* Undraw/then draw in new pos */ gint xdiff = move_all_pnt->x - to_pnt->x; gint ydiff = move_all_pnt->y - to_pnt->y; if (xdiff || ydiff) { GList *all; for (all = gfig_context->current_obj->obj_list; all; all = all->next) { GfigObject *obj = all->data; update_pnts (obj, xdiff, ydiff); } *move_all_pnt = *to_pnt; gtk_widget_queue_draw (gfig_context->preview); } } void do_save_obj (GfigObject *obj, GString *string) { DobjPoints *spnt; for (spnt = obj->points; spnt; spnt = spnt->next) { g_string_append_printf (string, "%d %d\n", spnt->pnt.x, spnt->pnt.y); } } static void do_move_obj (GfigObject *obj, GdkPoint *to_pnt) { /* Move the whole line - undraw the line to start with */ /* Then draw in new pos */ gint xdiff = 0; gint ydiff = 0; get_diffs (obj, &xdiff, &ydiff, to_pnt); if (xdiff || ydiff) { update_pnts (obj, xdiff, ydiff); gtk_widget_queue_draw (gfig_context->preview); } } static void do_move_obj_pnt (GfigObject *obj, GdkPoint *to_pnt) { /* Move the whole line - undraw the line to start with */ /* Then draw in new pos */ DobjPoints *spnt; gint xdiff = 0; gint ydiff = 0; spnt = get_diffs (obj, &xdiff, &ydiff, to_pnt); if ((!xdiff && !ydiff) || !spnt) return; spnt->pnt.x = spnt->pnt.x - xdiff; spnt->pnt.y = spnt->pnt.y - ydiff; /* Draw in new pos */ gtk_widget_queue_draw (gfig_context->preview); } /* copy objs */ GList * copy_all_objs (GList *objs) { GList *new_all_objs = NULL; while (objs) { GfigObject *object = objs->data; GfigObject *new_object = (GfigObject *) object->class->copyfunc (object); gfig_style_copy (&new_object->style, &object->style, "Object"); new_all_objs = g_list_prepend (new_all_objs, new_object); objs = objs->next; } new_all_objs = g_list_reverse (new_all_objs); return new_all_objs; } /* Screen refresh */ static void draw_one_obj (GfigObject *obj, cairo_t *cr) { obj->class->drawfunc (obj, cr); } void draw_objects (GList *objs, gboolean show_single, cairo_t *cr) { /* Show_single - only one object to draw Unless shift * is down in which case show all. */ gint count = 0; while (objs) { if (!show_single || count == obj_show_single || obj_show_single == -1) draw_one_obj (objs->data, cr); objs = g_list_next (objs); count++; } } void prepend_to_all_obj (PikaGfig *gfig, GFigObj *fobj, GList *nobj) { setup_undo (gfig); /* Remember ME */ fobj->obj_list = g_list_concat (fobj->obj_list, nobj); } static void scale_obj_points (DobjPoints *opnt, gdouble scale_x, gdouble scale_y) { while (opnt) { opnt->pnt.x = (gint) (opnt->pnt.x * scale_x); opnt->pnt.y = (gint) (opnt->pnt.y * scale_y); opnt = opnt->next; } } void add_to_all_obj (PikaGfig *gfig, GFigObj *fobj, GfigObject *obj) { GList *nobj = NULL; nobj = g_list_append (nobj, obj); if (need_to_scale) scale_obj_points (obj->points, scale_x_factor, scale_y_factor); prepend_to_all_obj (gfig, fobj, nobj); /* initialize style when we add the object */ gfig_context->selected_obj = obj; } /* First button press -- start drawing object */ /* * object_start() creates a new object of the type specified in the * button panel. It is activated by a button press, and causes * a small square to be drawn at the initial point. The style of * the new object is set to values taken from the style control * widgets. */ void object_start (GdkPoint *pnt, gboolean shift_down) { /* start for the current object */ if (!selvals.scaletoimage) { need_to_scale = 1; selvals.scaletoimage = 1; } else { need_to_scale = 0; } switch (selvals.otype) { case LINE: /* Shift means we are still drawing */ d_line_start (pnt, shift_down); break; case RECTANGLE: d_rectangle_start (pnt, shift_down); break; case CIRCLE: d_circle_start (pnt, shift_down); break; case ELLIPSE: d_ellipse_start (pnt, shift_down); break; case POLY: d_poly_start (pnt, shift_down); break; case ARC: d_arc_start (pnt, shift_down); break; case STAR: d_star_start (pnt, shift_down); break; case SPIRAL: d_spiral_start (pnt, shift_down); break; case BEZIER: d_bezier_start (pnt, shift_down); break; default: /* Internal error */ break; } if (obj_creating) { if (gfig_context->debug_styles) g_printerr ("Creating object, setting style from context\n"); gfig_style_set_style_from_context (&obj_creating->style); } } void object_end (PikaGfig *gfig, GdkPoint *pnt, gboolean shift_down) { /* end for the current object */ /* Add onto global object list */ /* If shift is down may carry on drawing */ switch (selvals.otype) { case LINE: d_line_end (gfig, pnt, shift_down); break; case RECTANGLE: d_rectangle_end (gfig, pnt, shift_down); break; case CIRCLE: d_circle_end (gfig, pnt, shift_down); break; case ELLIPSE: d_ellipse_end (gfig, pnt, shift_down); break; case POLY: d_poly_end (gfig, pnt, shift_down); break; case STAR: d_star_end (gfig, pnt, shift_down); break; case ARC: d_arc_end (gfig, pnt, shift_down); break; case SPIRAL: d_spiral_end (gfig, pnt, shift_down); break; case BEZIER: d_bezier_end (gfig, pnt, shift_down); break; default: /* Internal error */ break; } if (need_to_scale) { need_to_scale = 0; selvals.scaletoimage = 0; } } /* Stuff for the generation/deletion of objects. */ /* Objects are easy one they are created - you just go down the object * list calling the draw function for each object but... when they * are been created we have to be a little more careful. When * the first point is placed on the canvas we create the object, * the mouse position then defines the next point that can move around. * careful how we draw this position. */ void free_one_obj (GfigObject *obj) { d_delete_dobjpoints (obj->points); g_free (obj); } void free_all_objs (GList *objs) { g_list_free_full (objs, (GDestroyNotify) free_one_obj); } gchar * get_line (gchar *buf, gint s, FILE *from, gint init) { gint slen; char *ret; if (init) line_no = 1; else line_no++; do { ret = fgets (buf, s, from); } while (!ferror (from) && buf[0] == '#'); slen = strlen (buf); /* The last newline is a pain */ if (slen > 0) buf[slen - 1] = '\0'; /* Check and remove an '\r' too from Windows */ if ((slen > 1) && (buf[slen - 2] == '\r')) buf[slen - 2] = '\0'; if (ferror (from)) { g_warning (_("Error reading file")); return NULL; } #ifdef DEBUG printf ("Processing line '%s'\n", buf); #endif /* DEBUG */ return ret; } void clear_undo (PikaGfig *gfig) { int lv; GAction *action; for (lv = undo_level; lv >= 0; lv--) { free_all_objs (undo_table[lv]); undo_table[lv] = NULL; } undo_level = -1; action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (gfig->app), "undo"); g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), FALSE); } void setup_undo (PikaGfig *gfig) { GAction *action; /* Copy object list to undo buffer */ #if DEBUG printf ("setup undo level [%d]\n", undo_level); #endif /*DEBUG*/ if (!gfig_context->current_obj) { /* If no current_obj must be loading -> no undo */ return; } if (undo_level >= selvals.maxundo - 1) { int loop; /* the little one in the bed said "roll over".. */ if (undo_table[0]) free_one_obj (undo_table[0]->data); for (loop = 0; loop < undo_level; loop++) { undo_table[loop] = undo_table[loop + 1]; } } else { undo_level++; } undo_table[undo_level] = copy_all_objs (gfig_context->current_obj->obj_list); action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (gfig->app), "undo"); g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), TRUE); gfig_context->current_obj->obj_status |= GFIG_MODIFIED; } void new_obj_2edit (PikaGfig *gfig, GFigObj *obj) { GAction *action; GFigObj *old_current = gfig_context->current_obj; /* Clear undo levels */ /* redraw the preview */ /* Set up options as define in the selected object */ clear_undo (gfig); /* Point at this one */ gfig_context->current_obj = obj; /* Show all objects to start with */ obj_show_single = -1; /* Change options */ options_update (old_current); /* redraw with new */ gtk_widget_queue_draw (gfig_context->preview); action = g_action_map_lookup_action (G_ACTION_MAP (gfig->app), "save"); if (obj->obj_status & GFIG_READONLY) { g_message (_("Editing read-only object - " "you will not be able to save it")); g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), FALSE); } else { g_simple_action_set_enabled (G_SIMPLE_ACTION (action), FALSE); } } /* Add a point to a line (given x, y) * pos = 0 = head * pos = -1 = tail * 0 < pos = nth position */ void d_pnt_add_line (GfigObject *obj, gint x, gint y, gint pos) { DobjPoints *npnts = new_dobjpoint (x, y); g_assert (obj != NULL); if (!pos) { /* Add to head */ npnts->next = obj->points; obj->points = npnts; } else { DobjPoints *pnt = obj->points; /* Go down chain until the end if pos */ while (pos < 0 || pos-- > 0) { if (!(pnt->next) || !pos) { npnts->next = pnt->next; pnt->next = npnts; break; } else { pnt = pnt->next; } } } }