/* flame - cosmic recursive fractal flames Copyright (C) 1992 Scott Draves This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include /* strcmp */ #include "libpika/pika.h" #include "libifs.h" #define CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN 100 static int flam3_random_bit (void); static double flam3_random01 (void); /* * run the function system described by CP forward N generations. * store the n resulting 3 vectors in POINTS. the initial point is passed * in POINTS[0]. ignore the first FUSE iterations. */ void iterate (control_point *cp, int n, int fuse, point *points) { int i, j, count_large = 0, count_nan = 0; int xform_distrib[CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN]; double p[3], t, r, dr; p[0] = points[0][0]; p[1] = points[0][1]; p[2] = points[0][2]; /* * first, set up xform, which is an array that converts a uniform random * variable into one with the distribution dictated by the density * fields */ dr = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < NXFORMS; i++) dr += cp->xform[i].density; dr = dr / CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN; j = 0; t = cp->xform[0].density; r = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN; i++) { while (r >= t) { j++; t += cp->xform[j].density; } xform_distrib[i] = j; r += dr; } for (i = -fuse; i < n; i++) { /* FIXME: the following is supported only by gcc and c99 */ int fn = xform_distrib[g_random_int_range (0, CHOOSE_XFORM_GRAIN)]; double tx, ty, v; if (p[0] > 100.0 || p[0] < -100.0 || p[1] > 100.0 || p[1] < -100.0) count_large++; if (p[0] != p[0]) count_nan++; #define coef cp->xform[fn].c #define vari cp->xform[fn].var /* first compute the color coord */ p[2] = (p[2] + cp->xform[fn].color) / 2.0; /* then apply the affine part of the function */ tx = coef[0][0] * p[0] + coef[1][0] * p[1] + coef[2][0]; ty = coef[0][1] * p[0] + coef[1][1] * p[1] + coef[2][1]; p[0] = p[1] = 0.0; /* then add in proportional amounts of each of the variations */ v = vari[0]; if (v > 0.0) { /* linear */ double nx, ny; nx = tx; ny = ty; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[1]; if (v > 0.0) { /* sinusoidal */ double nx, ny; nx = sin (tx); ny = sin (ty); p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[2]; if (v > 0.0) { /* spherical */ double nx, ny; double r2 = tx * tx + ty * ty + 1e-6; nx = tx / r2; ny = ty / r2; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[3]; if (v > 0.0) { /* swirl */ double r2 = tx * tx + ty * ty; /* /k here is fun */ double c1 = sin (r2); double c2 = cos (r2); double nx = c1 * tx - c2 * ty; double ny = c2 * tx + c1 * ty; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[4]; if (v > 0.0) { /* horseshoe */ double a, c1, c2, nx, ny; if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) a = atan2(tx, ty); /* times k here is fun */ else a = 0.0; c1 = sin (a); c2 = cos (a); nx = c1 * tx - c2 * ty; ny = c2 * tx + c1 * ty; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[5]; if (v > 0.0) { /* polar */ double nx, ny; if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) nx = atan2 (tx, ty) / G_PI; else nx = 0.0; ny = sqrt (tx * tx + ty * ty) - 1.0; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[6]; if (v > 0.0) { /* bent */ double nx, ny; nx = tx; ny = ty; if (nx < 0.0) nx = nx * 2.0; if (ny < 0.0) ny = ny / 2.0; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[7]; if (v > 0.0) { /* folded handkerchief */ double theta, r2, nx, ny; if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2( tx, ty ); else theta = 0.0; r2 = sqrt (tx * tx + ty * ty); nx = sin (theta + r2) * r2; ny = cos (theta - r2) * r2; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[8]; if (v > 0.0) { /* heart */ double theta, r2, nx, ny; if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2( tx, ty ); else theta = 0.0; r2 = sqrt (tx * tx + ty * ty); theta *= r2; nx = sin (theta) * r2; ny = cos (theta) * -r2; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[9]; if (v > 0.0) { /* disc */ double theta, r2, nx, ny; if ( tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < - EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2 (tx, ty); else theta = 0.0; nx = tx * G_PI; ny = ty * G_PI; r2 = sqrt (nx * nx * ny * ny); p[0] += v * sin(r2) * theta / G_PI; p[1] += v * cos(r2) * theta / G_PI; } v = vari[10]; if (v > 0.0) { /* spiral */ double theta, r2; if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2( tx, ty ); else theta = 0.0; r2 = sqrt (tx * tx + ty * ty) + 1e-6; p[0] += v * (cos (theta) + sin (r2)) / r2; p[1] += v * (cos (theta) + cos (r2)) / r2; } v = vari[11]; if (v > 0.0) { /* hyperbolic */ double theta, r2; if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2 (tx, ty); else theta = 0.0; r2 = sqrt (tx * tx + ty * ty) + 1e-6; p[0] += v * sin (theta) / r2; p[1] += v * cos (theta) * r2; } v = vari[12]; if (v > 0.0 ) { double theta, r2; /* diamond */ if ( tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2 (tx, ty); else theta = 0.0; r2 = sqrt( tx * tx + ty * ty ); p[0] += v * sin (theta) * cos (r2); p[1] += v * cos (theta) * sin (r2); } v = vari[13]; if (v > 0.0) { /* ex */ double theta, r2, n0, n1, m0, m1; if ( tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2 (tx, ty); else theta = 0.0; r2 = sqrt( tx * tx + ty * ty ); n0 = sin(theta + r2); n1 = cos(theta - r2); m0 = n0 * n0 * n0 * r2; m1 = n1 * n1 * n1 * r2; p[0] += v * (m0 + m1); p[1] += v * (m0 - m1); } v = vari[14]; if ( v > 0.0) { double theta, r2, nx, ny; /* julia */ if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2 (tx, ty); else theta = 0.0; if (flam3_random_bit ()) theta += G_PI; r2 = pow (tx * tx + ty * ty, 0.25); nx = r2 * cos (theta); ny = r2 * sin (theta); p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[15]; if (v > 0.0) { /* waves */ double dx, dy, nx, ny; dx = coef[2][0]; dy = coef[2][1]; nx = tx + coef[1][0] * sin (ty / ((dx * dx) + EPS)); ny = ty + coef[1][1] * sin (tx / ((dy * dy) + EPS)); p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[16]; if (v > 0.0) { /* fisheye */ double theta, r2, nx, ny; if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2 (tx, ty); else theta = 0.0; r2 = sqrt (tx * tx + ty * ty); r2 = 2 * r2 / (r2 + 1); nx = r2 * cos (theta); ny = r2 * sin (theta); p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[17]; if (v > 0.0) { /* popcorn */ double dx, dy, nx, ny; dx = tan (3 * ty); dy = tan (3 * tx); nx = tx + coef[2][0] * sin (dx); ny = ty + coef[2][1] * sin (dy); p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[18]; if (v > 0.0) { /* exponential */ double dx, dy, nx, ny; dx = exp (tx - 1.0); dy = G_PI * ty; nx = cos (dy) * dx; ny = sin (dy) * dx; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[19]; if (v > 0.0) { /* power */ double theta, r2, tsin, tcos, nx, ny; if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2 (tx, ty); else theta = 0.0; tsin = sin (theta); tcos = cos (theta); r2 = sqrt (tx * tx + ty * ty); r2 = pow (r2, tsin); nx = r2 * tcos; ny = r2 * tsin; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[20]; if (v > 0.0) { /* cosine */ double nx, ny; nx = cos (tx * G_PI) * cosh (ty); ny = -sin (tx * G_PI) * sinh (ty); p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[21]; if (v > 0.0) { /* rings */ double theta, r2, dx, nx, ny; if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2 (tx, ty); else theta = 0; dx = coef[2][0]; dx = dx * dx + EPS; r2 = sqrt (tx * tx + ty * ty); r2 = fmod (r2 + dx, 2 * dx) - dx + r2 * (1 - dx); nx = cos (theta) * r2; ny = sin (theta) * r2; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[22]; if (v > 0.0) { /* fan */ double theta, r2, dx, dy, dx2, nx, ny; if (tx < -EPS || tx > EPS || ty < -EPS || ty > EPS) theta = atan2 (tx, ty); else theta = 0.0; dx = coef[2][0]; dy = coef[2][1]; dx = G_PI * (dx * dx + EPS); dx2 = dx / 2; r2 = sqrt (tx * tx + ty * ty ); theta += (fmod (theta + dy, dx) > dx2) ? -dx2: dx2; nx = cos (theta) * r2; ny = sin (theta) * r2; p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ny; } v = vari[23]; if (v > 0.0) { /* eyefish */ double r2; r2 = 2.0 * v / (sqrt(tx * tx + ty * ty) + 1.0); p[0] += r2 * tx; p[1] += r2 * ty; } v = vari[24]; if (v > 0.0) { /* bubble */ double r2; r2 = v / ((tx * tx + ty * ty) / 4 + 1); p[0] += r2 * tx; p[1] += r2 * ty; } v = vari[25]; if (v > 0.0) { /* cylinder */ double nx; nx = sin (tx); p[0] += v * nx; p[1] += v * ty; } v = vari[26]; if (v > 0.0) { /* noise */ double rx, sinr, cosr, nois; rx = flam3_random01 () * 2 * G_PI; sinr = sin (rx); cosr = cos (rx); nois = flam3_random01 (); p[0] += v * nois * tx * cosr; p[1] += v * nois * ty * sinr; } v = vari[27]; if (v > 0.0) { /* blur */ double rx, sinr, cosr, nois; rx = flam3_random01 () * 2 * G_PI; sinr = sin (rx); cosr = cos (rx); nois = flam3_random01 (); p[0] += v * nois * cosr; p[1] += v * nois * sinr; } v = vari[28]; if (v > 0.0) { /* gaussian */ double ang, sina, cosa, r2; ang = flam3_random01 () * 2 * G_PI; sina = sin (ang); cosa = cos (ang); r2 = v * (flam3_random01 () + flam3_random01 () + flam3_random01 () + flam3_random01 () - 2.0); p[0] += r2 * cosa; p[1] += r2 * sina; } /* if fuse over, store it */ if (i >= 0) { points[i][0] = p[0]; points[i][1] = p[1]; points[i][2] = p[2]; } } } /* args must be non-overlapping */ void mult_matrix (double s1[2][2], double s2[2][2], double d[2][2]) { d[0][0] = s1[0][0] * s2[0][0] + s1[1][0] * s2[0][1]; d[1][0] = s1[0][0] * s2[1][0] + s1[1][0] * s2[1][1]; d[0][1] = s1[0][1] * s2[0][0] + s1[1][1] * s2[0][1]; d[1][1] = s1[0][1] * s2[1][0] + s1[1][1] * s2[1][1]; } static double det_matrix (double s[2][2]) { return s[0][0] * s[1][1] - s[0][1] * s[1][0]; } static void interpolate_angle (double t, double s, double *v1, double *v2, double *v3, int tie, int cross) { double x = *v1; double y = *v2; double d; static double lastx, lasty; /* take the shorter way around the circle... */ if (x > y) { d = x - y; if (d > G_PI + EPS || (d > G_PI - EPS && tie)) y += 2 * G_PI; } else { d = y - x; if (d > G_PI + EPS || (d > G_PI - EPS && tie)) x += 2 * G_PI; } /* unless we are supposed to avoid crossing */ if (cross) { if (lastx > x) { if (lasty < y) y -= 2 * G_PI; } else { if (lasty > y) y += 2 * G_PI; } } else { lastx = x; lasty = y; } *v3 = s * x + t * y; } static void interpolate_complex (double t, double s, double *r1, double *r2, double *r3, int flip, int tie, int cross) { double c1[2], c2[2], c3[2]; double a1, a2, a3, d1, d2, d3; c1[0] = r1[0]; c1[1] = r1[1]; c2[0] = r2[0]; c2[1] = r2[1]; if (flip) { double t = c1[0]; c1[0] = c1[1]; c1[1] = t; t = c2[0]; c2[0] = c2[1]; c2[1] = t; } /* convert to log space */ a1 = atan2 (c1[1], c1[0]); a2 = atan2 (c2[1], c2[0]); d1 = 0.5 * log (c1[0] * c1[0] + c1[1] * c1[1]); d2 = 0.5 * log (c2[0] * c2[0] + c2[1] * c2[1]); /* interpolate linearly */ interpolate_angle (t, s, &a1, &a2, &a3, tie, cross); d3 = s * d1 + t * d2; /* convert back */ d3 = exp (d3); c3[0] = cos (a3) * d3; c3[1] = sin (a3) * d3; if (flip) { r3[1] = c3[0]; r3[0] = c3[1]; } else { r3[0] = c3[0]; r3[1] = c3[1]; } } static void interpolate_matrix (double t, double m1[3][2], double m2[3][2], double m3[3][2]) { double s = 1.0 - t; interpolate_complex (t, s, &m1[0][0], &m2[0][0], &m3[0][0], 0, 0, 0); interpolate_complex (t, s, &m1[1][0], &m2[1][0], &m3[1][0], 1, 1, 0); /* handle the translation part of the xform linearly */ m3[2][0] = s * m1[2][0] + t * m2[2][0]; m3[2][1] = s * m1[2][1] + t * m2[2][1]; } #define INTERP(x) result->x = c0 * cps[i1].x + c1 * cps[i2].x /* * create a control point that interpolates between the control points * passed in CPS. for now just do linear. in the future, add control * point types and other things to the cps. CPS must be sorted by time. */ void interpolate (control_point cps[], int ncps, double time, control_point *result) { int i, j, i1, i2; double c0, c1, t; g_return_if_fail (ncps > 0); if (ncps == 1) { *result = cps[0]; return; } if (cps[0].time >= time) { i1 = 0; i2 = 1; } else if (cps[ncps - 1].time <= time) { i1 = ncps - 2; i2 = ncps - 1; } else { i1 = 0; while (i1 < ncps && cps[i1].time < time) i1++; i1--; i2 = i1 + 1; if (i2 == ncps || (time - cps[i1].time > -1e-7 && time - cps[i1].time < 1e-7)) { *result = cps[i1]; return; } } c0 = (cps[i2].time - time) / (cps[i2].time - cps[i1].time); c1 = 1.0 - c0; result->time = time; if (cps[i1].cmap_inter) { for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { double spread = 0.15; double d0, d1, e0, e1, c = 2 * G_PI * i / 256.0; c = cos(c * cps[i1].cmap_inter) + 4.0 * c1 - 2.0; if (c > spread) c = spread; if (c < -spread) c = -spread; d1 = (c + spread) * 0.5 / spread; d0 = 1.0 - d1; e0 = (d0 < 0.5) ? (d0 * 2) : (d1 * 2); e1 = 1.0 - e0; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { result->cmap[i][j] = (d0 * cps[i1].cmap[i][j] + d1 * cps[i2].cmap[i][j]); #define bright_peak 2.0 result->cmap[i][j] = (e1 * result->cmap[i][j] + e0 * 1.0); } } } else { for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { double t[3], s[3]; rgb2hsv (cps[i1].cmap[i], s); rgb2hsv (cps[i2].cmap[i], t); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) t[j] = c0 * s[j] + c1 * t[j]; hsv2rgb (t, result->cmap[i]); } } result->cmap_index = -1; INTERP(brightness); INTERP(contrast); INTERP(gamma); INTERP(width); INTERP(height); INTERP(spatial_oversample); INTERP(center[0]); INTERP(center[1]); INTERP(pixels_per_unit); INTERP(spatial_filter_radius); INTERP(sample_density); INTERP(zoom); INTERP(nbatches); INTERP(white_level); for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { INTERP(pulse[i][j]); INTERP(wiggle[i][j]); } for (i = 0; i < NXFORMS; i++) { double r; double rh_time; INTERP(xform[i].density); if (result->xform[i].density > 0) result->xform[i].density = 1.0; INTERP(xform[i].color); for (j = 0; j < NVARS; j++) INTERP(xform[i].var[j]); t = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < NVARS; j++) t += result->xform[i].var[j]; t = 1.0 / t; for (j = 0; j < NVARS; j++) result->xform[i].var[j] *= t; interpolate_matrix(c1, cps[i1].xform[i].c, cps[i2].xform[i].c, result->xform[i].c); rh_time = time * 2 * G_PI / (60.0 * 30.0); /* apply pulse factor. */ r = 1.0; for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) r += result->pulse[j][0] * sin(result->pulse[j][1] * rh_time); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { result->xform[i].c[j][0] *= r; result->xform[i].c[j][1] *= r; } /* apply wiggle factor */ for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { double tt = result->wiggle[j][1] * rh_time; double m = result->wiggle[j][0]; result->xform[i].c[0][0] += m * cos(tt); result->xform[i].c[1][0] += m * -sin(tt); result->xform[i].c[0][1] += m * sin(tt); result->xform[i].c[1][1] += m * cos(tt); } } /* for i */ } /* * split a string passed in ss into tokens on whitespace. * # comments to end of line. ; terminates the record */ void tokenize (char **ss, char *argv[], int *argc) { char *s = *ss; int i = 0, state = 0; gint len = 0; len = strlen (s); while (*s != ';' && len > 0) { char c = *s; switch (state) { case 0: if (c == '#') state = 2; else if (!g_ascii_isspace (c)) { argv[i] = s; i++; state = 1; } break; case 1: if (g_ascii_isspace (c)) { *s = 0; state = 0; } break; case 2: if (c == '\n') state = 0; break; } s++; len--; } *s = 0; *ss = s + 1; *argc = i; } static int compare_xforms (const void *va, const void *vb) { double aa[2][2]; double bb[2][2]; double ad, bd; const xform *a = va; const xform *b = vb; aa[0][0] = a->c[0][0]; aa[0][1] = a->c[0][1]; aa[1][0] = a->c[1][0]; aa[1][1] = a->c[1][1]; bb[0][0] = b->c[0][0]; bb[0][1] = b->c[0][1]; bb[1][0] = b->c[1][0]; bb[1][1] = b->c[1][1]; ad = det_matrix (aa); bd = det_matrix (bb); if (ad < bd) return -1; if (ad > bd) return 1; return 0; } #define MAXARGS 1000 #define streql(x,y) (!strcmp(x,y)) /* * given a pointer to a string SS, fill fields of a control point CP. */ void parse_control_point (char **ss, control_point *cp) { char *argv[MAXARGS]; int argc, i, j; gint64 xf_index = 0; gint parse_errors = 0; double *slot = NULL, t; for (i = 0; i < NXFORMS; i++) { cp->xform[i].density = 0.0; cp->xform[i].color = (i == 0); cp->xform[i].var[0] = 1.0; for (j = 1; j < NVARS; j++) cp->xform[i].var[j] = 0.0; cp->xform[i].c[0][0] = 1.0; cp->xform[i].c[0][1] = 0.0; cp->xform[i].c[1][0] = 0.0; cp->xform[i].c[1][1] = 1.0; cp->xform[i].c[2][0] = 0.0; cp->xform[i].c[2][1] = 0.0; } for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { cp->pulse[j][0] = 0.0; cp->pulse[j][1] = 60.0; cp->wiggle[j][0] = 0.0; cp->wiggle[j][1] = 60.0; } tokenize (ss, argv, &argc); i = 0; while (i < argc) { gint itoken; itoken = i; if (i < argc) { /* First value belonging to token. */ i++; } else { g_printerr ("Not enough parameters. File may be corrupt!\n"); parse_errors++; break; } if (streql ("xform", argv[itoken])) { if (! g_ascii_string_to_signed (argv[i++], 10, 0, NXFORMS-1, &xf_index, NULL)) { g_printerr ("Invalid xform index '%s'\n", argv[i-1]); parse_errors++; xf_index = 0; } } else if (streql ("density", argv[itoken])) { cp->xform[xf_index].density = g_strtod (argv[i++], NULL); } else if (streql ("color", argv[itoken])) { cp->xform[xf_index].color = g_strtod (argv[i++], NULL); } else if (streql ("coefs", argv[itoken])) { /* We need 6 coef values and we know are at the first */ if (i + 5 >= argc) { g_printerr ("Not enough parameters. File may be corrupt!\n"); parse_errors++; break; } slot = cp->xform[xf_index].c[0]; for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { *slot++ = g_strtod (argv[i++], NULL); } cp->xform[xf_index].density = 1.0; } else if (streql ("var", argv[itoken])) { /* We need NVARS var values and we know are at the first */ if (i + NVARS > argc) { g_printerr ("Not enough parameters. File may be corrupt!\n"); parse_errors++; break; } slot = cp->xform[xf_index].var; for (j = 0; j < NVARS; j++) { *slot++ = g_strtod (argv[i++], NULL); } } else if (streql ("time", argv[itoken])) { cp->time = g_strtod (argv[i++], NULL); } else if (streql ("brightness", argv[itoken])) { cp->brightness = g_strtod (argv[i++], NULL); } else if (streql ("contrast", argv[itoken])) { cp->contrast = g_strtod (argv[i++], NULL); } else if (streql ("gamma", argv[itoken])) { cp->gamma = g_strtod (argv[i++], NULL); } else if (streql ("zoom", argv[itoken])) { cp->zoom = g_strtod (argv[i++], NULL); } else if (streql ("image_size", argv[itoken])) { gint64 w, h; /* We need 2 values and we know are at the first */ if (i + 1 >= argc) { g_printerr ("Not enough parameters. File may be corrupt!\n"); parse_errors++; break; } if (! g_ascii_string_to_signed (argv[i++], 10, 1, PIKA_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE, &w, NULL)) { g_printerr ("Ignoring invalid image width '%s'\n", argv[i-1]); parse_errors++; } else if (! g_ascii_string_to_signed (argv[i++], 10, 1, PIKA_MAX_IMAGE_SIZE, &h, NULL)) { g_printerr ("Ignoring invalid image_size heigth '%s'\n", argv[i-1]); parse_errors++; } else { cp->width = w; cp->height = h; } } else if (streql ("center", argv[itoken])) { /* We need 2 values and we know are at the first */ if (i + 1 >= argc) { g_printerr ("Not enough parameters. File may be corrupt!\n"); parse_errors++; break; } cp->center[0] = g_strtod (argv[i++], NULL); cp->center[1] = g_strtod (argv[i++], NULL); } else if (streql ("pixels_per_unit", argv[itoken])) { cp->pixels_per_unit = g_strtod (argv[i++], NULL); } else if (streql ("pulse", argv[itoken])) { /* We need 4 values and we know are at the first */ if (i + 3 >= argc) { g_printerr ("Not enough parameters. File may be corrupt!\n"); parse_errors++; break; } slot = &cp->pulse[0][0]; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { *slot++ = g_strtod (argv[i++], NULL); } } else if (streql ("wiggle", argv[itoken])) { /* We need 4 values and we know are at the first */ if (i + 3 >= argc) { g_printerr ("Not enough parameters. File may be corrupt!\n"); parse_errors++; break; } slot = &cp->wiggle[0][0]; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { *slot++ = g_strtod (argv[i++], NULL); } } else if (streql ("spatial_oversample", argv[itoken])) { gint64 oversample; /* Values in the gui seem to be between 1 and 4 */ if (! g_ascii_string_to_signed (argv[i++], 10, 1, 4, &oversample, NULL)) { g_printerr ("Ignoring invalid spatial oversample value '%s'\n", argv[i-1]); parse_errors++; } else { cp->spatial_oversample = oversample; } } else if (streql ("spatial_filter_radius", argv[itoken])) { cp->spatial_filter_radius = g_strtod (argv[i++], NULL); } else if (streql ("sample_density", argv[itoken])) { cp->sample_density = g_strtod (argv[i++], NULL); } else if (streql ("nbatches", argv[itoken])) { gint64 nbatches; /* Not sure what the maximum should be. It always seems to be set to 1. */ if (! g_ascii_string_to_signed (argv[i++], 10, 0, 2, &nbatches, NULL)) { g_printerr ("Ignoring invalid nbatches value '%s'\n", argv[i-1]); parse_errors++; } else { cp->nbatches = nbatches; } } else if (streql ("white_level", argv[itoken])) { gint64 wl; if (! g_ascii_string_to_signed (argv[i++], 10, 0, 255, &wl, NULL)) { g_printerr ("Ignoring invalid white level value '%s'\n", argv[i-1]); parse_errors++; } else { cp->white_level = wl; } } else if (streql ("cmap", argv[itoken])) { gint64 cmi; /* -1 = random */ if (! g_ascii_string_to_signed (argv[i++], 10, -1, 255, &cmi, NULL)) { g_printerr ("Ignoring invalid color map value '%s'\n", argv[i-1]); parse_errors++; } else { cp->cmap_index = cmi; } } else if (streql ("cmap_inter", argv[itoken])) { gint64 cmi; /* 0 or 1 */ if (! g_ascii_string_to_signed (argv[i++], 10, 0, 1, &cmi, NULL)) { g_printerr ("Ignoring invalid color interpolate value '%s'\n", argv[i-1]); parse_errors++; } else { cp->cmap_inter = cmi; } } else { g_printerr ("Invalid token '%s'. File may be corrupt!\n", argv[itoken]); parse_errors++; } } if (parse_errors > 0) g_warning ("Input file contains %d errors. File may be corrupt!", parse_errors); for (i = 0; i < NXFORMS; i++) { t = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < NVARS; j++) t += cp->xform[i].var[j]; t = 1.0 / t; for (j = 0; j < NVARS; j++) cp->xform[i].var[j] *= t; } qsort ((char *) cp->xform, NXFORMS, sizeof(xform), compare_xforms); } void print_control_point (FILE *f, control_point *cp, int quote) { int i, j; char *q = quote ? "# " : ""; fprintf (f, "%stime %g\n", q, cp->time); if (cp->cmap_index != -1) fprintf (f, "%scmap %d\n", q, cp->cmap_index); fprintf (f, "%simage_size %d %d center %g %g pixels_per_unit %g\n", q, cp->width, cp->height, cp->center[0], cp->center[1], cp->pixels_per_unit); fprintf (f, "%sspatial_oversample %d spatial_filter_radius %g", q, cp->spatial_oversample, cp->spatial_filter_radius); fprintf (f, " sample_density %g\n", cp->sample_density); fprintf (f, "%snbatches %d white_level %d\n", q, cp->nbatches, cp->white_level); fprintf (f, "%sbrightness %g gamma %g cmap_inter %d\n", q, cp->brightness, cp->gamma, cp->cmap_inter); for (i = 0; i < NXFORMS; i++) if (cp->xform[i].density > 0.0) { fprintf (f, "%sxform %d density %g color %g\n", q, i, cp->xform[i].density, cp->xform[i].color); fprintf (f, "%svar", q); for (j = 0; j < NVARS; j++) fprintf (f, " %g", cp->xform[i].var[j]); fprintf (f, "\n%scoefs", q); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) fprintf (f, " %g %g", cp->xform[i].c[j][0], cp->xform[i].c[j][1]); fprintf (f, "\n"); } fprintf (f, "%s;\n", q); } /* returns a uniform variable from 0 to 1 */ double random_uniform01 (void) { return g_random_double (); } double random_uniform11 (void) { return g_random_double_range (-1, 1); } /* returns a mean 0 variance 1 random variable see numerical recipes p 217 */ double random_gaussian(void) { static int iset = 0; static double gset; double fac, r, v1, v2; if (iset == 0) { do { v1 = random_uniform11 (); v2 = random_uniform11 (); r = v1 * v1 + v2 * v2; } while (r >= 1.0 || r == 0.0); fac = sqrt (-2.0 * log (r) / r); gset = v1 * fac; iset = 1; return v2 * fac; } iset = 0; return gset; } void copy_variation (control_point *cp0, control_point *cp1) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < NXFORMS; i++) { for (j = 0; j < NVARS; j++) cp0->xform[i].var[j] = cp1->xform[i].var[j]; } } #define random_distrib(v) ((v)[g_random_int_range (0, vlen(v))]) void random_control_point (control_point *cp, int ivar) { int i, nxforms, var; static int xform_distrib[] = { 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5 }; static int var_distrib[] = { -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5 }; static int mixed_var_distrib[] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5 }; get_cmap (cmap_random, cp->cmap, 256); cp->time = 0.0; nxforms = random_distrib (xform_distrib); var = (0 > ivar) ? random_distrib(var_distrib) : ivar; for (i = 0; i < nxforms; i++) { int j, k; cp->xform[i].density = 1.0 / nxforms; cp->xform[i].color = i == 0; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) cp->xform[i].c[j][k] = random_uniform11(); for (j = 0; j < NVARS; j++) cp->xform[i].var[j] = 0.0; if (var >= 0) cp->xform[i].var[var] = 1.0; else cp->xform[i].var[random_distrib(mixed_var_distrib)] = 1.0; } for (; i < NXFORMS; i++) cp->xform[i].density = 0.0; } /* * find a 2d bounding box that does not enclose eps of the fractal density * in each compass direction. works by binary search. * this is stupid, it should just use the find nth smallest algorithm. */ void estimate_bounding_box (control_point *cp, double eps, double *bmin, double *bmax) { int i, j, batch = (eps == 0.0) ? 10000 : 10.0/eps; int low_target = batch * eps; int high_target = batch - low_target; point min, max, delta; point *points = g_malloc0 (sizeof (point) * batch); iterate (cp, batch, 20, points); min[0] = min[1] = 1e10; max[0] = max[1] = -1e10; for (i = 0; i < batch; i++) { if (points[i][0] < min[0]) min[0] = points[i][0]; if (points[i][1] < min[1]) min[1] = points[i][1]; if (points[i][0] > max[0]) max[0] = points[i][0]; if (points[i][1] > max[1]) max[1] = points[i][1]; } if (low_target == 0) { bmin[0] = min[0]; bmin[1] = min[1]; bmax[0] = max[0]; bmax[1] = max[1]; return; } delta[0] = (max[0] - min[0]) * 0.25; delta[1] = (max[1] - min[1]) * 0.25; bmax[0] = bmin[0] = min[0] + 2.0 * delta[0]; bmax[1] = bmin[1] = min[1] + 2.0 * delta[1]; for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) { int n, s, e, w; n = s = e = w = 0; for (j = 0; j < batch; j++) { if (points[j][0] < bmin[0]) n++; if (points[j][0] > bmax[0]) s++; if (points[j][1] < bmin[1]) w++; if (points[j][1] > bmax[1]) e++; } bmin[0] += (n < low_target) ? delta[0] : -delta[0]; bmax[0] += (s < high_target) ? delta[0] : -delta[0]; bmin[1] += (w < low_target) ? delta[1] : -delta[1]; bmax[1] += (e < high_target) ? delta[1] : -delta[1]; delta[0] = delta[0] / 2.0; delta[1] = delta[1] / 2.0; } g_free (points); } /* this has serious flaws in it */ double standard_metric (control_point *cp1, control_point *cp2) { int i, j, k; double t; double dist = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < NXFORMS; i++) { double var_dist = 0.0; double coef_dist = 0.0; for (j = 0; j < NVARS; j++) { t = cp1->xform[i].var[j] - cp2->xform[i].var[j]; var_dist += t * t; } for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) for (k = 0; k < 2; k++) { t = cp1->xform[i].c[j][k] - cp2->xform[i].c[j][k]; coef_dist += t *t; } /* weight them equally for now. */ dist += var_dist + coef_dist; } return dist; } static int flam3_random_bit (void) { static int n = 0; static int l; if (n == 0) { l = g_random_int (); n = 20; } else { l = l >> 1; n--; } return l & 1; } static double flam3_random01 (void) { return (g_random_int () & 0xfffffff) / (double) 0xfffffff; }