# Install Inno Setup. wget https://jrsoftware.org/download.php/is.exe ./is.exe //SILENT //SUPPRESSMSGBOXES //CURRENTUSER //SP- //LOG="innosetup.log" # Install unofficial language files. These are translations of "unknown # translation quality or might not be maintained actively". # Cf. https://jrsoftware.org/files/istrans/ ISCCDIR=`grep "Dest filename:.*ISCC.exe" innosetup.log | sed 's/.*Dest filename: *\|ISCC.exe//g'` ISCCDIR=`cygpath -u "$ISCCDIR"` mkdir -p "${ISCCDIR}/Languages/Unofficial" cd "${ISCCDIR}/Languages/Unofficial" download_lang () { langfile="$1" rm -f "$langfile" wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jrsoftware/issrc/main/Files/Languages/Unofficial/$langfile" downloaded="$?" if [ $downloaded -ne 0 ]; then echo "Download of '$langfile' failed." exit 1 fi } download_lang_official () { langfile="$1" rm -f "$langfile" wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jrsoftware/issrc/main/Files/Languages/$langfile" downloaded="$?" if [ $downloaded -ne 0 ]; then echo "Download of '$langfile' failed." exit 1 fi } add_bom () { langfile="$1" file "$langfile" |grep "with BOM" 2>&1 > /dev/null has_bom="$?" if [ $has_bom -ne 0 ]; then sed -i "1s/^/\xEF\xBB\xBF/" "$langfile" fi } download_lang Basque.isl download_lang Belarusian.isl download_lang ChineseSimplified.isl download_lang ChineseTraditional.isl # Supposed to be UTF-8 yet missing BOM. add_bom ChineseTraditional.isl download_lang EnglishBritish.isl download_lang Esperanto.isl download_lang Galician.isl download_lang Georgian.isl download_lang Greek.isl download_lang Indonesian.isl download_lang Korean.isl download_lang Latvian.isl download_lang Lithuanian.isl download_lang Malaysian.isl download_lang Marathi.islu download_lang Romanian.isl download_lang Swedish.isl download_lang Vietnamese.isl cd - # Hungarian is not in a release yet, but was moved from Unofficial cd "${ISCCDIR}/Languages/" download_lang_official Hungarian.isl cd - # Copy generated language files into the source directory. cp _build/build/windows/installer/lang/*isl build/windows/installer/lang # Copy generated welcome images into the source directory. cp _build/build/windows/installer/*bmp build/windows/installer/ # Construct now the installer. VERSION=`grep -rI '\ ${INSTALLER}.SHA256SUMS sha512sum $INSTALLER > ${INSTALLER}.SHA512SUMS exit 0 else exit 1 fi