; test Image precision methods of PDB ; Using numeric equality operator '=' on numeric ID's ; setup (define testImage (car (pika-image-new 21 22 RGB))) ; Basic precision tests ; method get_precision on new image yields PRECISION-U8-NON-LINEAR 150 (assert `(= (car (pika-image-get-precision ,testImage)) PRECISION-U8-NON-LINEAR )) ; Convert precision ; method convert-precision yields true, with side effect on image (assert `(car (pika-image-convert-precision ,testImage PRECISION-U8-LINEAR))) ; converted image is the precision (assert `(= (car (pika-image-get-precision ,testImage)) PRECISION-U8-LINEAR )) ; converting to the same precision yields error message (assert-error `(pika-image-convert-precision ,testImage PRECISION-U8-LINEAR) "Procedure execution of pika-image-convert-precision failed on invalid input arguments: ") ; "Image '[Untitled]' (2) must not be of precision 'u8-linear'" ; Indexed images precision tested elsewhere ; New with precision ; setup (define testImageWithPrecision (car (pika-image-new-with-precision 21 22 RGB PRECISION-DOUBLE-GAMMA))) ; image has given precision (assert `(= (car (pika-image-get-precision ,testImageWithPrecision)) PRECISION-DOUBLE-GAMMA ))