; ; fuzzy-border ; ; Do a cool fade to a given color at the border of an image (optional shadow) ; Will make image RGB if it isn't already. ; ; Chris Gutteridge (cjg@ecs.soton.ac.uk) ; At ECS Dept, University of Southampton, England. ; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program. If not, see . ; Define the function: (define (script-fu-fuzzy-border inImage inLayer inColor inSize inBlur inGranu inShadow inShadWeight inCopy inFlatten ) (define (chris-color-edge inImage inLayer inColor inSize) (pika-selection-all inImage) (pika-selection-shrink inImage inSize) (pika-selection-invert inImage) (pika-context-set-background inColor) (pika-drawable-edit-fill inLayer FILL-BACKGROUND) (pika-selection-none inImage) ) (let ( (theWidth (car (pika-image-get-width inImage))) (theHeight (car (pika-image-get-height inImage))) (theImage (if (= inCopy TRUE) (car (pika-image-duplicate inImage)) inImage)) (theLayer 0) ) (pika-context-push) (pika-context-set-defaults) (if (= inCopy TRUE) (pika-image-undo-disable theImage) (pika-image-undo-group-start theImage) ) (pika-selection-all theImage) (if (> (car (pika-drawable-type inLayer)) 1) (pika-image-convert-rgb theImage) ) (set! theLayer (car (pika-layer-new theImage theWidth theHeight RGBA-IMAGE "layer 1" 100 LAYER-MODE-NORMAL))) (pika-image-insert-layer theImage theLayer 0 0) (pika-drawable-edit-clear theLayer) (chris-color-edge theImage theLayer inColor inSize) (pika-layer-scale theLayer (/ theWidth inGranu) (/ theHeight inGranu) TRUE) (plug-in-spread RUN-NONINTERACTIVE theImage theLayer (/ inSize inGranu) (/ inSize inGranu)) (chris-color-edge theImage theLayer inColor 1) (pika-layer-scale theLayer theWidth theHeight TRUE) (pika-image-select-item theImage CHANNEL-OP-REPLACE theLayer) (pika-selection-invert theImage) (pika-drawable-edit-clear theLayer) (pika-selection-invert theImage) (pika-drawable-edit-clear theLayer) (pika-context-set-background inColor) (pika-drawable-edit-fill theLayer FILL-BACKGROUND) (pika-selection-none theImage) (chris-color-edge theImage theLayer inColor 1) (if (= inBlur TRUE) (plug-in-gauss-rle RUN-NONINTERACTIVE theImage theLayer inSize TRUE TRUE) ) (if (= inShadow TRUE) (begin (pika-image-insert-layer theImage (car (pika-layer-copy theLayer FALSE)) 0 -1) (pika-layer-scale theLayer (- theWidth inSize) (- theHeight inSize) TRUE) (pika-drawable-desaturate theLayer DESATURATE-LIGHTNESS) (pika-drawable-brightness-contrast theLayer 0.5 0.5) (pika-drawable-invert theLayer FALSE) (pika-layer-resize theLayer theWidth theHeight (/ inSize 2) (/ inSize 2)) (plug-in-gauss-rle RUN-NONINTERACTIVE theImage theLayer (/ inSize 2) TRUE TRUE) (pika-layer-set-opacity theLayer inShadWeight) ) ) (if (= inFlatten TRUE) (pika-image-flatten theImage) ) (if (= inCopy TRUE) (begin (pika-image-clean-all theImage) (pika-display-new theImage) (pika-image-undo-enable theImage) ) (pika-image-undo-group-end theImage) ) (pika-displays-flush) (pika-context-pop) ) ) (script-fu-register "script-fu-fuzzy-border" _"_Fuzzy Border..." _"Add a jagged, fuzzy border to an image" "Chris Gutteridge" "1998, Chris Gutteridge / ECS dept, University of Southampton, England." "3rd April 1998" "RGB* GRAY*" SF-IMAGE "The image" 0 SF-DRAWABLE "The layer" 0 SF-COLOR _"Color" "white" SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Border size" '(16 1 300 1 10 0 1) SF-TOGGLE _"Blur border" TRUE SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Granularity (1 is Low)" '(4 1 16 0.25 5 2 0) SF-TOGGLE _"Add shadow" FALSE SF-ADJUSTMENT _"Shadow weight (%)" '(100 0 100 1 10 0 0) SF-TOGGLE _"Work on copy" TRUE SF-TOGGLE _"Flatten image" TRUE ) (script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-fuzzy-border" "/Filters/Decor")