#!/usr/bin/env pika-script-fu-interpreter-3.0 ; A script to test calls to Scheme function: (quit 1) ; ; Setup: copy this file w/ executable permission, and its parent dir to /plug-ins ; Example: to ~/.pika-2.99/plug-ins/test-quit/test-quit.scm ; Expect "Filters>Dev>Script-Fu>Test>Quit with code" in the menus ; Test interactive: ; Choose "Quit with code". Expect the plugin's dialog. ; Choose OK. ; Expect: ; 1. a message in stderr ; 2. an error dialog in PIKA that must be OK'd ; OR a message in Pika Error Console when it is open.) ; !!! FIXME: this fails now, for reasons unrelated to (quit) ; Repeat, but enter 0. ; Expect: ; No error in stderr OR Gimp ; Test non-interactive: ; Enter "(script-fu-test-quit 1)" in SF Console ; Expect: ; 1. a message in stderr 2. SF Console to print the error message. ; In both test case, the error message is like: ; "Execution error for 'Quit with code': script quit with code: 1" (define (script-fu-test-quit code) (quit code) ) (script-fu-register "script-fu-test-quit" "Quit with code" "Expect error in Gimp, or PDB execution error when called by another" "lkk" "lkk" "2023" "" ; requires no image ; The argument is an integer, defaulting to 1, that the script will call quit with. SF-ADJUSTMENT "Return code" '(1 -5 5 1 2 0 0) ) (script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-test-quit" "/Filters/Development/Script-Fu/Test")