#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Pika-Python - allows the writing of Pika plugins in Python. # Copyright (C) 2003, 2005 Manish Singh # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import string import struct import os.path import sys import gi gi.require_version('Pika', '3.0') from gi.repository import Pika gi.require_version('PikaUi', '3.0') from gi.repository import PikaUi from gi.repository import GObject from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import Gio def N_(message): return message def _(message): return GLib.dgettext(None, message) escape_table = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"' } style_def = """body { width: 100%%; font-size: %dpx; background-color: #000000; color: #ffffff; } """ preamble = """ CSS Color XHTML written by PIKA %s

postamble = """\n
\n\n\n""" fmt_from_bpp = { 3: 'BBB', 6: 'HHH', 12: 'III' } def save_colorxhtml(procedure, run_mode, image, n_layers, layers, file, metadata, config, data): source_file = config.get_property("source-file") characters = config.get_property("characters") size = config.get_property("font-size"); separate = config.get_property("separate") if file is None: error = 'No file given' return procedure.new_return_values(Pika.PDBStatusType.CALLING_ERROR, GLib.Error(error)) if run_mode == Pika.RunMode.INTERACTIVE: gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') from gi.repository import Gtk PikaUi.init ("file-colorxhtml-save") use_header_bar = Gtk.Settings.get_default().get_property("gtk-dialogs-use-header") dialog = Gtk.Dialog(use_header_bar=use_header_bar, title=_("Save as colored HTML text...")) dialog.add_button(_("_Cancel"), Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL) dialog.add_button(_("_OK"), Gtk.ResponseType.OK) choose_file_dialog = Gtk.FileChooserDialog(use_header_bar=use_header_bar, title=_("Read characters from file..."), action=Gtk.FileChooserAction.OPEN) choose_file_dialog.add_button(_("_Cancel"), Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL) choose_file_dialog.add_button(_("_OK"), Gtk.ResponseType.OK) def choose_file(button, user_data=None): choose_file_dialog.show() if choose_file_dialog.run() == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: characters_entry.set_text(choose_file_dialog.get_filename()) choose_file_dialog.hide() grid = Gtk.Grid() grid.set_column_homogeneous(False) grid.set_border_width(10) grid.set_column_spacing(10) grid.set_row_spacing(10) row = 0 label = Gtk.Label(label=_("Characters")) label.set_tooltip_text(_("Characters that will be used as colored pixels. ")) grid.attach(label, 0, row, 1 , 1) label.show() characters_entry = Gtk.Entry() characters_entry.set_width_chars(20) characters_entry.set_max_width_chars(80) characters_entry.set_text(characters) characters_entry.set_placeholder_text(_("Characters or file location")) grid.attach(characters_entry, 1, row, 1, 1) characters_entry.show() row += 1 characters_checkbox = Gtk.CheckButton(label=_("Read characters from file")) characters_checkbox.set_active(source_file) characters_checkbox.set_tooltip_text( _("If set, the Characters text entry will be used as a file name, " "from which the characters will be read. Otherwise, the characters " "in the text entry will be used to render the image.")) grid.attach(characters_checkbox, 0, row, 1, 1) characters_checkbox.show() choose_file_button = Gtk.Button(label=_("Choose file")) grid.attach(choose_file_button, 1, row, 1, 1) choose_file_button.connect("clicked", choose_file) choose_file_button.show() row += 1 label = Gtk.Label(label=_("Font Size(px)")) grid.attach(label, 0, row, 1 , 1) label.show() font_size_adj = Gtk.Adjustment.new(size, 0.0, 100.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) font_size_spin = Gtk.SpinButton.new(font_size_adj, climb_rate=1.0, digits=0) font_size_spin.set_numeric(True) grid.attach(font_size_spin, 1, row, 1 , 1) font_size_spin.show() row += 1 separate_checkbox = Gtk.CheckButton(label=_("Write separate CSS file")) separate_checkbox.set_active(separate) grid.attach(separate_checkbox, 0, row, 2, 1) separate_checkbox.show() dialog.get_content_area().add(grid) grid.show() dialog.show() if dialog.run() == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: separate = separate_checkbox.get_active() size = font_size_spin.get_value_as_int() source_file = characters_checkbox.get_active() characters = characters_entry.get_text() else: return procedure.new_return_values(Pika.PDBStatusType.CANCEL, GLib.Error()) #For now, work with a single layer layer = layers[0] width = layer.get_width() height = layer.get_height() bpp = layer.get_bpp() html = open(file.peek_path(), 'w') if separate: dirname, cssfile = os.path.split(file.peek_path()) cssfile = os.path.splitext(cssfile)[0] + '.css' cssname = os.path.join(dirname, cssfile) css = open(cssname, 'w') if source_file: characters_file = open(characters, 'r') chars = characters_file.read() characters_file.close() else: chars = characters # Remove unprintable characters from "chars". # TODO: This only handles ascii files. It would be nice to handle unicode # files, so this could work for any language. goodchars = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + string.punctuation badchars = ''.join(chr(i) for i in range(256) if chr(i) not in goodchars) allchars = str.maketrans('', '', badchars) chars = chars.translate(allchars) data = [escape_table.get(c, c) for c in chars] if data: data.reverse() else: data = list('X' * 80) Pika.progress_init(_("Saving as colored XHTML")) style = style_def % size if separate: ss = '' % cssfile css.write(style) else: ss = '' % style html.write(preamble % ss) colors = {} chars = [] # Constants used for formatting the pixel color. We can handle image # types where each color is 8 bits, 16 bits, or 32 bit integers. fmt = fmt_from_bpp[bpp] pixel_shift = 8 * (bpp//3 - 1) for y in range(0, height): # The characters in "chars" will be used to draw the next row. # Lets fill "chars" with data so it has at least enough characters. while len(chars) < width: chars[0:0] = data for x in range(0, width): # pika_drawable_get_pixel() was removed mistakenly in commit # 89c359ce47. This must get fixed. pixel_bytes = layer.get_pixel(x, y) pixel_tuple = struct.unpack(fmt, pixel_bytes) if bpp > 3: pixel_tuple=( pixel_tuple[0] >> pixel_shift, pixel_tuple[1] >> pixel_shift, pixel_tuple[2] >> pixel_shift, ) color = '%02x%02x%02x' % pixel_tuple style = 'background-color:black; color:#%s;' % color char = chars.pop() if separate: if color not in colors: css.write('span.N%s { %s }\n' % (color, style)) colors[color] = 1 html.write('%s' % (color, char)) else: html.write('%s' % (style, char)) html.write('\n') Pika.progress_update(y / float(height)) html.write(postamble) html.close() if separate: css.close() return Pika.ValueArray.new_from_values([ GObject.Value(Pika.PDBStatusType, Pika.PDBStatusType.SUCCESS) ]) class ColorXhtml(Pika.PlugIn): ## Parameters ## __gproperties__ = { "source-file":(bool, _("_Read characters from file, if true, or use text entry"), _("_Read characters from file, if true, or use text entry"), False, GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE), "characters": (str, _("_File to read or characters to use"), _("_File to read or characters to use"), "foo", GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE), "font-size": (int, _("Fo_nt size in pixels"), _("Fo_nt size in pixels"), 5, 100, 10, GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE), "separate": (bool, _("_Write a separate CSS file"), _("_Write a separate CSS file"), False, GObject.ParamFlags.READWRITE) } ## PikaPlugIn virtual methods ## def do_set_i18n(self, procname): return True, 'pika30-python', None def do_query_procedures(self): return [ 'file-colorxhtml-save' ] def do_create_procedure(self, name): procedure = None if name == 'file-colorxhtml-save': procedure = Pika.SaveProcedure.new(self, name, Pika.PDBProcType.PLUGIN, False, save_colorxhtml, None) procedure.set_image_types("RGB") procedure.set_documentation ( _("Save as colored HTML text"), "Saves the image as colored XHTML text (based on Perl version by Marc Lehmann)", name) procedure.set_menu_label(_("Colored HTML text")) procedure.set_attribution("Manish Singh and Carol Spears", "(c) GPL V3.0 or later", "2003") procedure.set_extensions ("html,xhtml"); procedure.add_argument_from_property(self, "source-file") procedure.add_argument_from_property(self, "characters") procedure.add_argument_from_property(self, "font-size") procedure.add_argument_from_property(self, "separate") return procedure Pika.main(ColorXhtml.__gtype__, sys.argv)