# PIKA - Photo and Image Kooker Application # Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Manish Singh # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . package Pika::CodeGen::app; $destdir = "$main::destdir/app/pdb"; $builddir = "$main::builddir/app/pdb"; *arg_types = \%Pika::CodeGen::pdb::arg_types; *arg_parse = \&Pika::CodeGen::pdb::arg_parse; *enums = \%Pika::CodeGen::enums::enums; *write_file = \&Pika::CodeGen::util::write_file; *FILE_EXT = \$Pika::CodeGen::util::FILE_EXT; use Text::Wrap qw(wrap); sub quotewrap { my ($str, $indent, $subsequent_indent) = @_; my $leading = ' ' x $indent . '"'; my $subsequent_leading = ' ' x $subsequent_indent . '"'; $Text::Wrap::columns = 1000; $Text::Wrap::unexpand = 0; $str = wrap($leading, $subsequent_leading, $str); $str =~ s/^\s*//s; $str =~ s/(.)\n(.)/$1\\n"\n$2/g; $str =~ s/(.)$/$1"/s; $str; } sub format_code_frag { my ($code, $indent) = @_; chomp $code; $code =~ s/\t/' ' x 8/eg; if (!$indent && $code =~ /^\s*{\s*\n.*\n\s*}\s*$/s) { $code =~ s/^\s*{\s*\n//s; $code =~ s/\n\s*}\s*$//s; } else { $code =~ s/^/' ' x ($indent ? 4 : 2)/meg; } $code .= "\n"; $code =~ s/^\s+$//mg; $code; } sub declare_args { my $proc = shift; my $out = shift; my $outargs = shift; local $result = ""; foreach (@_) { my @args = @{$proc->{$_}} if (defined $proc->{$_}); foreach (@args) { my ($type, $name) = &arg_parse($_->{type}); my $arg = $arg_types{$type}; if ($arg->{array} && !exists $_->{array}) { warn "Array without number of elements param in $proc->{name}"; } unless (exists $_->{no_declare} || exists $_->{dead}) { if ($outargs) { if (exists $arg->{app_type}) { $result .= " $arg->{app_type}$_->{name} = $arg->{init_value}"; } else { $result .= " $arg->{type}$_->{name} = $arg->{init_value}"; } } else { if (exists $arg->{app_const_type}) { $result .= " $arg->{app_const_type}$_->{name}"; } else { $result .= " $arg->{const_type}$_->{name}"; } } $result .= ";\n"; if (exists $arg->{headers}) { foreach (@{$arg->{headers}}) { $out->{headers}->{$_}++; } } } } } $result; } sub marshal_inargs { my ($proc, $argc) = @_; my $result = ""; my %decls; my @inargs = @{$proc->{inargs}} if (defined $proc->{inargs}); foreach (@inargs) { my($pdbtype, @typeinfo) = &arg_parse($_->{type}); my $arg = $arg_types{$pdbtype}; my $var = $_->{name}; my $value; $value = "pika_value_array_index (args, $argc)"; if (!exists $_->{dead}) { $result .= eval qq/" $arg->{get_value_func};\n"/; } $argc++; if (!exists $_->{no_validate}) { $success = 1; } } $result = "\n" . $result . "\n" if $result; $result; } sub marshal_outargs { my $proc = shift; my $result; my $argc = 0; my @outargs = @{$proc->{outargs}} if (defined $proc->{outargs}); if ($success) { $result = <{outargs}}) { my ($pdbtype) = &arg_parse($_->{type}); my $arg = $arg_types{$pdbtype}; my $var = $_->{name}; my $var_len; my $value; $argc++; $value = "pika_value_array_index (return_vals, $argc)"; if (exists $_->{array}) { my $arrayarg = $_->{array}; if (exists $arrayarg->{name}) { $var_len = $arrayarg->{name}; } else { $var_len = 'num_' . $_->{name}; } } $outargs .= eval qq/" $arg->{take_value_func};\n"/; } $outargs =~ s/^/' ' x 2/meg if $success; $outargs =~ s/^/' ' x 2/meg if $success && $argc > 1; $result .= "\n" if $success || $argc > 1; $result .= ' ' x 2 . "if (success)\n" if $success; $result .= ' ' x 4 . "{\n" if $success && $argc > 1; $result .= $outargs; $result .= ' ' x 4 . "}\n" if $success && $argc > 1; $result .= "\n" . ' ' x 2 . "return return_vals;\n"; } else { if ($success) { $result =~ s/return_vals =/return/; $result =~ s/ error/error/; } else { $result =~ s/ return_vals =/\n return/; $result =~ s/ error/error/; } } $result; } sub generate_pspec { my $arg = shift; my ($pdbtype, @typeinfo) = &arg_parse($arg->{type}); my $name = $arg->{canonical_name}; my $nick = $arg->{canonical_name}; my $blurb = exists $arg->{desc} ? $arg->{desc} : ""; my $min; my $max; my $default; my $flags = 'PIKA_PARAM_READWRITE'; my $pspec = ""; my $postproc = ""; $nick =~ s/-/ /g; if (exists $arg->{no_validate}) { $flags .= ' | PIKA_PARAM_NO_VALIDATE'; } if ($pdbtype eq 'image') { $none_ok = exists $arg->{none_ok} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $pspec = <{none_ok} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $pspec = <{none_ok} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $pspec = <{none_ok} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $pspec = <{none_ok} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $pspec = <{none_ok} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $pspec = <{none_ok} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $pspec = <{none_ok} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $pspec = <{none_ok} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $pspec = <{none_ok} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $pspec = <{none_ok} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $pspec = <{none_ok} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $pspec = <{none_ok} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $pspec = <{none_ok} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $pspec = <{none_ok} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $pspec = <{none_ok} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $pspec = <{default} ? $arg->{default} : defined $typeinfo[0] ? $typeinfo[0] : 0.0; $pspec = <{default} ? $arg->{default} : defined $typeinfo[0] ? $typeinfo[0] : 0; $pspec = <{default} ? $arg->{default} : defined $typeinfo[0] ? $typeinfo[0] : 0; $pspec = <{default} ? $arg->{default} : defined $typeinfo[0] ? $typeinfo[0] : 0; $pspec = <{default} ? $arg->{default} : FALSE; $pspec = <{allow_non_utf8} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $null_ok = exists $arg->{null_ok} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $non_empty = exists $arg->{non_empty} ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; $default = exists $arg->{default} ? $arg->{default} : NULL; $pspec = <{default} ? $arg->{default} : $enums{$typeinfo[0]}->{symbols}[0]; my ($foo, $bar, @remove) = &arg_parse($arg->{type}); foreach (@remove) { $postproc .= 'pika_param_spec_enum_exclude_value (PIKA_PARAM_SPEC_ENUM ($pspec),'; $postproc .= "\n $_);\n"; } if ($postproc eq '') { $pspec = <{allow_percent} ? TRUE : FALSE; $default = exists $arg->{default} ? $arg->{default} : $typeinfo[0]; $pspec = <{has_alpha} ? TRUE : FALSE; $default = exists $arg->{default} ? $arg->{default} : NULL; $pspec = <{name} ($arg->{type})"; exit -1; } $pspec =~ s/\s$//; return ($pspec, $postproc); } sub canonicalize { $_ = shift; s/_/-/g; return $_; } sub generate { my @procs = @{(shift)}; my %out; my $total = 0.0; my $argc; foreach $name (@procs) { my $proc = $main::pdb{$name}; my $out = \%{$out{$proc->{group}}}; my @inargs = @{$proc->{inargs}} if (defined $proc->{inargs}); my @outargs = @{$proc->{outargs}} if (defined $proc->{outargs}); my $blurb = $proc->{blurb}; my $help = $proc->{help}; my $procedure_name; local $success = 0; if ($proc->{deprecated}) { if ($proc->{deprecated} eq 'NONE') { if (!$blurb) { $blurb = "Deprecated: There is no replacement for this procedure."; } if ($help) { $help .= "\n\n"; } $help .= "Deprecated: There is no replacement for this procedure."; } else { if (!$blurb) { $blurb = "Deprecated: Use '$proc->{deprecated}' instead."; } if ($help) { $help .= "\n\n"; } $help .= "Deprecated: Use '$proc->{deprecated}' instead."; } } $help =~ s/pika(\w+)\(\s*\)/"'pika".canonicalize($1)."'"/ge; if ($proc->{group} eq "plug_in_compat") { $procedure_name = "$proc->{canonical_name}"; } else { $procedure_name = "pika-$proc->{canonical_name}"; } $out->{pcount}++; $total++; $out->{register} .= <{canonical_name} */ procedure = pika_procedure_new (${name}_invoker); pika_object_set_static_name (PIKA_OBJECT (procedure), "$procedure_name"); pika_procedure_set_static_help (procedure, @{[ "ewrap($blurb, 2, 34) ]}, @{[ "ewrap($help, 2, 34) ]}, NULL); pika_procedure_set_static_attribution (procedure, "$proc->{author}", "$proc->{copyright}", "$proc->{date}"); CODE if ($proc->{deprecated}) { $out->{register} .= <{deprecated}\""); CODE } $argc = 0; foreach $arg (@inargs) { my ($pspec, $postproc) = &generate_pspec($arg); $pspec =~ s/^/' ' x length(" pika_procedure_add_argument (")/meg; $out->{register} .= <{register} .= eval qq/"$postproc"/; } $argc++; } $argc = 0; foreach $arg (@outargs) { my ($pspec, $postproc) = &generate_pspec($arg); my $argc = 0; $pspec =~ s/^/' ' x length(" pika_procedure_add_return_value (")/meg; $out->{register} .= <{register} .= eval qq/"$postproc"/; } $argc++; } $out->{register} .= <{invoke}->{headers}) { foreach $header (@{$proc->{invoke}->{headers}}) { $out->{headers}->{$header}++; } } $out->{code} .= "\nstatic PikaValueArray *\n"; $out->{code} .= "${name}_invoker (PikaProcedure *procedure,\n"; $out->{code} .= ' ' x length($name) . " Pika *pika,\n"; $out->{code} .= ' ' x length($name) . " PikaContext *context,\n"; $out->{code} .= ' ' x length($name) . " PikaProgress *progress,\n"; $out->{code} .= ' ' x length($name) . " const PikaValueArray *args,\n"; $out->{code} .= ' ' x length($name) . " GError **error)\n{\n"; my $code = ""; if (exists $proc->{invoke}->{no_marshalling}) { $code .= &format_code_frag($proc->{invoke}->{code}, 0) . "}\n"; } else { my $invoker = ""; $invoker .= ' ' x 2 . "PikaValueArray *return_vals;\n" if scalar @outargs; $invoker .= &declare_args($proc, $out, 0, qw(inargs)); $invoker .= &declare_args($proc, $out, 1, qw(outargs)); $invoker .= &marshal_inargs($proc, 0); $invoker .= "\n" if $invoker && $invoker !~ /\n\n/s; my $frag = ""; if (exists $proc->{invoke}->{code}) { $frag = &format_code_frag($proc->{invoke}->{code}, $success); $frag = ' ' x 2 . "if (success)\n" . $frag if $success; $success = ($frag =~ /success =/) unless $success; } chomp $invoker if !$frag; $code .= $invoker . $frag; $code .= "\n" if $frag =~ /\n\n/s || $invoker; $code .= &marshal_outargs($proc) . "}\n"; } if ($success) { $out->{code} .= ' ' x 2 . "gboolean success"; unless ($proc->{invoke}->{success} eq 'NONE') { $out->{code} .= " = $proc->{invoke}->{success}"; } $out->{code} .= ";\n"; } $out->{code} .= $code; } my $gpl = <<'GPL'; /* PIKA - Photo and Image Kooker Application * a rebranding of The GNU Image Manipulation Program (created with heckimp) * A derived work which may be trivial. However, any changes may be (C)2023 by Aldercone Studio * * Original copyright, applying to most contents (license remains unchanged): * Copyright (C) 1995-2003 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* NOTE: This file is auto-generated by pdbgen.pl. */ GPL my $group_procs = ""; my $longest = 0; my $once = 0; my $pcount = 0.0; foreach $group (@main::groups) { my $out = $out{$group}; foreach (@{$main::grp{$group}->{headers}}) { $out->{headers}->{$_}++ } $out->{headers}->{"\"core/pikaparamspecs.h\""}++; my @headers = sort { my ($x, $y) = ($a, $b); foreach ($x, $y) { if (/^{headers}}; my $headers = ""; my $lib = 0; my $seen = 0; my $sys = 0; my $base = 0; my $error = 0; my $utils = 0; my $context = 0; my $intl = 0; foreach (@headers) { $seen++ if /^\n\n"; $headers .= "#include \n\n"; } $seen = 0 if !/^{extra}->{app}) { $extra = $main::grp{$group}->{extra}->{app} } my $cfile = "$builddir/".canonicalize(${group})."-cmds.c$FILE_EXT"; open CFILE, "> $cfile" or die "Can't open $cfile: $!\n"; print CFILE $gpl; print CFILE qq/#include "config.h"\n\n/; print CFILE qq/#include "stamp-pdbgen.h"\n\n/; print CFILE $headers, "\n"; print CFILE $extra->{decls}, "\n" if exists $extra->{decls}; print CFILE "\n", $extra->{code} if exists $extra->{code}; print CFILE $out->{code}; print CFILE "\nvoid\nregister_${group}_procs (PikaPDB *pdb)\n"; print CFILE "{\n PikaProcedure *procedure;\n$out->{register}}\n"; close CFILE; &write_file($cfile, $destdir); my $decl = "register_${group}_procs"; push @group_decls, $decl; $longest = length $decl if $longest < length $decl; $group_procs .= ' ' x 2 . "register_${group}_procs (pdb);\n"; $pcount += $out->{pcount}; } if (! $ENV{PDBGEN_GROUPS}) { my $internal = "$builddir/internal-procs.h$FILE_EXT"; open IFILE, "> $internal" or die "Can't open $internal: $!\n"; print IFILE $gpl; my $guard = "__INTERNAL_PROCS_H__"; print IFILE < $internal" or die "Can't open $internal: $!\n"; print IFILE $gpl; print IFILE qq@#include "config.h"\n\n@; print IFILE qq/#include "stamp-pdbgen.h"\n\n/; print IFILE qq@#include \n\n@; print IFILE qq@#include "pdb-types.h"\n\n@; print IFILE qq@#include "pikapdb.h"\n\n@; print IFILE qq@#include "internal-procs.h"\n\n@; chop $group_procs; print IFILE "\n/* $total procedures registered total */\n\n"; print IFILE <