/* PIKA - Photo and Image Kooker Application * a rebranding of The GNU Image Manipulation Program (created with heckimp) * A derived work which may be trivial. However, any changes may be (C)2023 by Aldercone Studio * * Original copyright, applying to most contents (license remains unchanged): * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * pikaoperationhuesaturation.c * Copyright (C) 2007 Michael Natterer * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "libpikacolor/pikacolor.h" #include "libpikamath/pikamath.h" #include "operations-types.h" #include "pikahuesaturationconfig.h" #include "pikaoperationhuesaturation.h" #include "pika-intl.h" static gboolean pika_operation_hue_saturation_process (GeglOperation *operation, void *in_buf, void *out_buf, glong samples, const GeglRectangle *roi, gint level); G_DEFINE_TYPE (PikaOperationHueSaturation, pika_operation_hue_saturation, PIKA_TYPE_OPERATION_POINT_FILTER) #define parent_class pika_operation_hue_saturation_parent_class static void pika_operation_hue_saturation_class_init (PikaOperationHueSaturationClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); GeglOperationClass *operation_class = GEGL_OPERATION_CLASS (klass); GeglOperationPointFilterClass *point_class = GEGL_OPERATION_POINT_FILTER_CLASS (klass); object_class->set_property = pika_operation_point_filter_set_property; object_class->get_property = pika_operation_point_filter_get_property; gegl_operation_class_set_keys (operation_class, "name", "pika:hue-saturation", "categories", "color", "description", _("Adjust hue, saturation, and lightness"), NULL); point_class->process = pika_operation_hue_saturation_process; g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PIKA_OPERATION_POINT_FILTER_PROP_CONFIG, g_param_spec_object ("config", "Config", "The config object", PIKA_TYPE_HUE_SATURATION_CONFIG, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); } static void pika_operation_hue_saturation_init (PikaOperationHueSaturation *self) { } static inline gdouble map_hue (PikaHueSaturationConfig *config, PikaHueRange range, gdouble value) { value += (config->hue[PIKA_HUE_RANGE_ALL] + config->hue[range]) / 2.0; if (value < 0) return value + 1.0; else if (value > 1.0) return value - 1.0; else return value; } static inline gdouble map_hue_overlap (PikaHueSaturationConfig *config, PikaHueRange primary_range, PikaHueRange secondary_range, gdouble value, gdouble primary_intensity, gdouble secondary_intensity) { /* When calculating an overlap between two ranges, interpolate the * hue adjustment from config->hue[primary_range] and * config->hue[secondary_range] BEFORE mapping it to the input * value. This fixes odd edge cases where only one of the ranges * crosses the red/magenta wraparound (bug #527085), or if * adjustments to different channels yield more than 180 degree * difference from each other. (Why anyone would do that is beyond * me, but still.) * * See bugs #527085 and #644032 for examples of such cases. */ gdouble v = config->hue[primary_range] * primary_intensity + config->hue[secondary_range] * secondary_intensity; value += (config->hue[PIKA_HUE_RANGE_ALL] + v) / 2.0; if (value < 0) return value + 1.0; else if (value > 1.0) return value - 1.0; else return value; } static inline gdouble map_saturation (PikaHueSaturationConfig *config, PikaHueRange range, gdouble value) { gdouble v = config->saturation[PIKA_HUE_RANGE_ALL] + config->saturation[range]; /* This change affects the way saturation is computed. With the old * code (different code for value < 0), increasing the saturation * affected muted colors very much, and bright colors less. With the * new code, it affects muted colors and bright colors more or less * evenly. For enhancing the color in photos, the new behavior is * exactly what you want. It's hard for me to imagine a case in * which the old behavior is better. */ value *= (v + 1.0); return CLAMP (value, 0.0, 1.0); } static inline gdouble map_lightness (PikaHueSaturationConfig *config, PikaHueRange range, gdouble value) { gdouble v = (config->lightness[PIKA_HUE_RANGE_ALL] + config->lightness[range]); if (v < 0) return value * (v + 1.0); else return value + (v * (1.0 - value)); } static gboolean pika_operation_hue_saturation_process (GeglOperation *operation, void *in_buf, void *out_buf, glong samples, const GeglRectangle *roi, gint level) { PikaOperationPointFilter *point = PIKA_OPERATION_POINT_FILTER (operation); PikaHueSaturationConfig *config = PIKA_HUE_SATURATION_CONFIG (point->config); gfloat *src = in_buf; gfloat *dest = out_buf; gfloat overlap; if (! config) return FALSE; overlap = config->overlap / 2.0; while (samples--) { PikaRGB rgb; PikaHSL hsl; gdouble h; gint hue_counter; gint hue = 0; gint secondary_hue = 0; gboolean use_secondary_hue = FALSE; gfloat primary_intensity = 0.0; gfloat secondary_intensity = 0.0; rgb.r = src[RED]; rgb.g = src[GREEN]; rgb.b = src[BLUE]; rgb.a = src[ALPHA]; pika_rgb_to_hsl (&rgb, &hsl); h = hsl.h * 6.0; for (hue_counter = 0; hue_counter < 7; hue_counter++) { gdouble hue_threshold = (gdouble) hue_counter + 0.5; if (h < ((gdouble) hue_threshold + overlap)) { hue = hue_counter; if (overlap > 0.0 && h > ((gdouble) hue_threshold - overlap)) { use_secondary_hue = TRUE; secondary_hue = hue_counter + 1; secondary_intensity = (h - (gdouble) hue_threshold + overlap) / (2.0 * overlap); primary_intensity = 1.0 - secondary_intensity; } else { use_secondary_hue = FALSE; } break; } } if (hue >= 6) { hue = 0; use_secondary_hue = FALSE; } if (secondary_hue >= 6) { secondary_hue = 0; } /* transform into PikaHueRange values */ hue++; secondary_hue++; if (use_secondary_hue) { hsl.h = map_hue_overlap (config, hue, secondary_hue, hsl.h, primary_intensity, secondary_intensity); hsl.s = (map_saturation (config, hue, hsl.s) * primary_intensity + map_saturation (config, secondary_hue, hsl.s) * secondary_intensity); hsl.l = (map_lightness (config, hue, hsl.l) * primary_intensity + map_lightness (config, secondary_hue, hsl.l) * secondary_intensity); } else { hsl.h = map_hue (config, hue, hsl.h); hsl.s = map_saturation (config, hue, hsl.s); hsl.l = map_lightness (config, hue, hsl.l); } pika_hsl_to_rgb (&hsl, &rgb); dest[RED] = rgb.r; dest[GREEN] = rgb.g; dest[BLUE] = rgb.b; dest[ALPHA] = rgb.a; src += 4; dest += 4; } return TRUE; } /* public functions */ void pika_operation_hue_saturation_map (PikaHueSaturationConfig *config, const PikaRGB *color, PikaHueRange range, PikaRGB *result) { PikaHSL hsl; g_return_if_fail (PIKA_IS_HUE_SATURATION_CONFIG (config)); g_return_if_fail (color != NULL); g_return_if_fail (result != NULL); pika_rgb_to_hsl (color, &hsl); hsl.h = map_hue (config, range, hsl.h); hsl.s = map_saturation (config, range, hsl.s); hsl.l = map_lightness (config, range, hsl.l); pika_hsl_to_rgb (&hsl, result); }