/* PIKA - Photo and Image Kooker Application * a rebranding of The GNU Image Manipulation Program (created with heckimp) * A derived work which may be trivial. However, any changes may be (C)2023 by Aldercone Studio * * Original copyright, applying to most contents (license remains unchanged): * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * pikabrush-load.c * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "libpikabase/pikabase.h" #include "core-types.h" #include "pikabrush.h" #include "pikabrush-header.h" #include "pikabrush-load.h" #include "pikabrush-private.h" #include "pikapattern-header.h" #include "pikatempbuf.h" #include "pika-intl.h" /* stuff from abr2gbr Copyright (C) 2001 Marco Lamberto */ /* the above is GPL see http://the.sunnyspot.technology.heckin/ */ typedef struct _AbrHeader AbrHeader; typedef struct _AbrBrushHeader AbrBrushHeader; typedef struct _AbrSampledBrushHeader AbrSampledBrushHeader; struct _AbrHeader { gint16 version; gint16 count; }; struct _AbrBrushHeader { gint16 type; gint32 size; }; struct _AbrSampledBrushHeader { gint32 misc; gint16 spacing; gchar antialiasing; gint16 bounds[4]; gint32 bounds_long[4]; gint16 depth; gboolean wide; }; /* local function prototypes */ static GList * pika_brush_load_abr_v12 (GDataInputStream *input, AbrHeader *abr_hdr, GFile *file, GError **error); static GList * pika_brush_load_abr_v6 (GDataInputStream *input, AbrHeader *abr_hdr, GFile *file, GError **error); static PikaBrush * pika_brush_load_abr_brush_v12 (GDataInputStream *input, AbrHeader *abr_hdr, gint index, GFile *file, GError **error); static PikaBrush * pika_brush_load_abr_brush_v6 (GDataInputStream *input, AbrHeader *abr_hdr, gint32 max_offset, gint index, GFile *file, GError **error); static gchar abr_read_char (GDataInputStream *input, GError **error); static gint16 abr_read_short (GDataInputStream *input, GError **error); static gint32 abr_read_long (GDataInputStream *input, GError **error); static gchar * abr_read_ucs2_text (GDataInputStream *input, GError **error); static gboolean abr_supported (AbrHeader *abr_hdr, GError **error); static gboolean abr_reach_8bim_section (GDataInputStream *input, const gchar *name, GError **error); static gboolean abr_rle_decode (GDataInputStream *input, gchar *buffer, gsize buffer_size, gint32 height, GError **error); /* public functions */ GList * pika_brush_load (PikaContext *context, GFile *file, GInputStream *input, GError **error) { PikaBrush *brush; g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_FILE (file), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_INPUT_STREAM (input), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, NULL); brush = pika_brush_load_brush (context, file, input, error); if (! brush) return NULL; return g_list_prepend (NULL, brush); } PikaBrush * pika_brush_load_brush (PikaContext *context, GFile *file, GInputStream *input, GError **error) { PikaBrush *brush; gsize bn_size; PikaBrushHeader header; gchar *name = NULL; guchar *mask; gsize bytes_read; gssize i, size; gboolean success = TRUE; g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_FILE (file), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_INPUT_STREAM (input), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, NULL); /* read the header */ if (! g_input_stream_read_all (input, &header, sizeof (header), &bytes_read, NULL, error) || bytes_read != sizeof (header)) { return NULL; } /* rearrange the bytes in each unsigned int */ header.header_size = g_ntohl (header.header_size); header.version = g_ntohl (header.version); header.width = g_ntohl (header.width); header.height = g_ntohl (header.height); header.bytes = g_ntohl (header.bytes); header.magic_number = g_ntohl (header.magic_number); header.spacing = g_ntohl (header.spacing); /* Check for correct file format */ if (header.width == 0) { g_set_error (error, PIKA_DATA_ERROR, PIKA_DATA_ERROR_READ, _("Fatal parse error in brush file: Width = 0.")); return NULL; } if (header.height == 0) { g_set_error (error, PIKA_DATA_ERROR, PIKA_DATA_ERROR_READ, _("Fatal parse error in brush file: Height = 0.")); return NULL; } if (header.bytes == 0) { g_set_error (error, PIKA_DATA_ERROR, PIKA_DATA_ERROR_READ, _("Fatal parse error in brush file: Bytes = 0.")); return NULL; } if (header.width > PIKA_BRUSH_MAX_SIZE || header.height > PIKA_BRUSH_MAX_SIZE || G_MAXSIZE / header.width / header.height / MAX (4, header.bytes) < 1) { g_set_error (error, PIKA_DATA_ERROR, PIKA_DATA_ERROR_READ, _("Fatal parse error in brush file: %dx%d over max size."), header.width, header.height); return NULL; } switch (header.version) { case 1: /* If this is a version 1 brush, set the fp back 8 bytes */ if (! g_seekable_seek (G_SEEKABLE (input), -8, G_SEEK_CUR, NULL, error)) return NULL; header.header_size += 8; /* spacing is not defined in version 1 */ header.spacing = 25; break; case 3: /* cinepaint brush */ if (header.bytes == 18 /* FLOAT16_GRAY_GIMAGE */) { header.bytes = 2; } else { g_set_error (error, PIKA_DATA_ERROR, PIKA_DATA_ERROR_READ, _("Fatal parse error in brush file: Unknown depth %d."), header.bytes); return NULL; } /* fallthrough */ case 2: if (header.magic_number == PIKA_BRUSH_MAGIC) break; default: g_set_error (error, PIKA_DATA_ERROR, PIKA_DATA_ERROR_READ, _("Fatal parse error in brush file: Unknown version %d."), header.version); return NULL; } if (header.header_size < sizeof (PikaBrushHeader)) { g_set_error (error, PIKA_DATA_ERROR, PIKA_DATA_ERROR_READ, _("Unsupported brush format")); return NULL; } /* Read in the brush name */ if ((bn_size = (header.header_size - sizeof (header)))) { gchar *utf8; if (bn_size > PIKA_BRUSH_MAX_NAME) { g_set_error (error, PIKA_DATA_ERROR, PIKA_DATA_ERROR_READ, _("Invalid header data in '%s': " "Brush name is too long: %lu"), pika_file_get_utf8_name (file), (gulong) bn_size); return NULL; } name = g_new0 (gchar, bn_size + 1); if (! g_input_stream_read_all (input, name, bn_size, &bytes_read, NULL, error) || bytes_read != bn_size) { g_free (name); return NULL; } utf8 = pika_any_to_utf8 (name, bn_size - 1, _("Invalid UTF-8 string in brush file '%s'."), pika_file_get_utf8_name (file)); g_free (name); name = utf8; } if (! name) name = g_strdup (_("Unnamed")); brush = g_object_new (PIKA_TYPE_BRUSH, "name", name, "mime-type", "image/x-pika-gbr", NULL); g_free (name); brush->priv->mask = pika_temp_buf_new (header.width, header.height, babl_format ("Y u8")); mask = pika_temp_buf_get_data (brush->priv->mask); size = header.width * header.height * header.bytes; switch (header.bytes) { case 1: success = (g_input_stream_read_all (input, mask, size, &bytes_read, NULL, error) && bytes_read == size); /* For backwards-compatibility, check if a pattern follows. * The obsolete .gpb format did it this way. */ if (success) { PikaPatternHeader ph; goffset rewind; rewind = g_seekable_tell (G_SEEKABLE (input)); if (g_input_stream_read_all (input, &ph, sizeof (PikaPatternHeader), &bytes_read, NULL, NULL) && bytes_read == sizeof (PikaPatternHeader)) { /* rearrange the bytes in each unsigned int */ ph.header_size = g_ntohl (ph.header_size); ph.version = g_ntohl (ph.version); ph.width = g_ntohl (ph.width); ph.height = g_ntohl (ph.height); ph.bytes = g_ntohl (ph.bytes); ph.magic_number = g_ntohl (ph.magic_number); if (ph.magic_number == PIKA_PATTERN_MAGIC && ph.version == 1 && ph.header_size > sizeof (PikaPatternHeader) && ph.bytes == 3 && ph.width == header.width && ph.height == header.height && g_input_stream_skip (input, ph.header_size - sizeof (PikaPatternHeader), NULL, NULL) == ph.header_size - sizeof (PikaPatternHeader)) { guchar *pixmap; gssize pixmap_size; brush->priv->pixmap = pika_temp_buf_new (header.width, header.height, babl_format ("R'G'B' u8")); pixmap = pika_temp_buf_get_data (brush->priv->pixmap); pixmap_size = pika_temp_buf_get_data_size (brush->priv->pixmap); success = (g_input_stream_read_all (input, pixmap, pixmap_size, &bytes_read, NULL, error) && bytes_read == pixmap_size); } else { /* seek back if pattern wasn't found */ success = g_seekable_seek (G_SEEKABLE (input), rewind, G_SEEK_SET, NULL, error); } } } break; case 2: /* cinepaint brush, 16 bit floats */ { guchar buf[8 * 1024]; for (i = 0; success && i < size;) { gssize bytes = MIN (size - i, sizeof (buf)); success = (g_input_stream_read_all (input, buf, bytes, &bytes_read, NULL, error) && bytes_read == bytes); if (success) { guint16 *b = (guint16 *) buf; i += bytes; for (; bytes > 0; bytes -= 2, mask++, b++) { union { guint16 u[2]; gfloat f; } short_float; #if G_BYTE_ORDER == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN short_float.u[0] = 0; short_float.u[1] = GUINT16_FROM_BE (*b); #else short_float.u[0] = GUINT16_FROM_BE (*b); short_float.u[1] = 0; #endif *mask = (guchar) (short_float.f * 255.0 + 0.5); } } } } break; case 4: { guchar *pixmap; guchar buf[8 * 1024]; brush->priv->pixmap = pika_temp_buf_new (header.width, header.height, babl_format ("R'G'B' u8")); pixmap = pika_temp_buf_get_data (brush->priv->pixmap); for (i = 0; success && i < size;) { gssize bytes = MIN (size - i, sizeof (buf)); success = (g_input_stream_read_all (input, buf, bytes, &bytes_read, NULL, error) && bytes_read == bytes); if (success) { guchar *b = buf; i += bytes; for (; bytes > 0; bytes -= 4, pixmap += 3, mask++, b += 4) { pixmap[0] = b[0]; pixmap[1] = b[1]; pixmap[2] = b[2]; mask[0] = b[3]; } } } } break; default: g_object_unref (brush); g_set_error (error, PIKA_DATA_ERROR, PIKA_DATA_ERROR_READ, _("Fatal parse error in brush file:\n" "Unsupported brush depth %d\n" "PIKA brushes must be GRAY or RGBA."), header.bytes); return NULL; } if (! success) { g_object_unref (brush); return NULL; } brush->priv->spacing = header.spacing; brush->priv->x_axis.x = header.width / 2.0; brush->priv->x_axis.y = 0.0; brush->priv->y_axis.x = 0.0; brush->priv->y_axis.y = header.height / 2.0; return brush; } GList * pika_brush_load_abr (PikaContext *context, GFile *file, GInputStream *input, GError **error) { GDataInputStream *data_input; AbrHeader abr_hdr; GList *brush_list = NULL; GError *my_error = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_FILE (file), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_INPUT_STREAM (input), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (error == NULL || *error == NULL, NULL); data_input = g_data_input_stream_new (input); g_data_input_stream_set_byte_order (data_input, G_DATA_STREAM_BYTE_ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN); abr_hdr.version = abr_read_short (data_input, &my_error); if (my_error) goto done; /* sub-version for ABR v6 */ abr_hdr.count = abr_read_short (data_input, &my_error); if (my_error) goto done; if (abr_supported (&abr_hdr, &my_error)) { switch (abr_hdr.version) { case 1: case 2: brush_list = pika_brush_load_abr_v12 (data_input, &abr_hdr, file, &my_error); break; case 10: case 6: brush_list = pika_brush_load_abr_v6 (data_input, &abr_hdr, file, &my_error); break; } } done: g_object_unref (data_input); if (! brush_list) { if (! my_error) g_set_error (&my_error, PIKA_DATA_ERROR, PIKA_DATA_ERROR_READ, _("Unable to decode abr format version %d."), abr_hdr.version); } if (my_error) g_propagate_error (error, my_error); return g_list_reverse (brush_list); } /* private functions */ static GList * pika_brush_load_abr_v12 (GDataInputStream *input, AbrHeader *abr_hdr, GFile *file, GError **error) { GList *brush_list = NULL; gint i; for (i = 0; i < abr_hdr->count; i++) { PikaBrush *brush; GError *my_error = NULL; brush = pika_brush_load_abr_brush_v12 (input, abr_hdr, i, file, &my_error); /* a NULL brush without an error means an unsupported brush * type was encountered, silently skip it and try the next one */ if (brush) { brush_list = g_list_prepend (brush_list, brush); } else if (my_error) { g_propagate_error (error, my_error); break; } } return brush_list; } static GList * pika_brush_load_abr_v6 (GDataInputStream *input, AbrHeader *abr_hdr, GFile *file, GError **error) { GList *brush_list = NULL; gint32 sample_section_size; goffset sample_section_end; gint i = 1; if (! abr_reach_8bim_section (input, "samp", error)) return brush_list; sample_section_size = abr_read_long (input, error); if (error && *error) return brush_list; sample_section_end = (sample_section_size + g_seekable_tell (G_SEEKABLE (input))); while (g_seekable_tell (G_SEEKABLE (input)) < sample_section_end) { PikaBrush *brush; GError *my_error = NULL; brush = pika_brush_load_abr_brush_v6 (input, abr_hdr, sample_section_end, i, file, &my_error); /* a NULL brush without an error means an unsupported brush * type was encountered, silently skip it and try the next one */ if (brush) { brush_list = g_list_prepend (brush_list, brush); } else if (my_error) { g_propagate_error (error, my_error); break; } i++; } return brush_list; } static PikaBrush * pika_brush_load_abr_brush_v12 (GDataInputStream *input, AbrHeader *abr_hdr, gint index, GFile *file, GError **error) { PikaBrush *brush = NULL; AbrBrushHeader abr_brush_hdr; abr_brush_hdr.type = abr_read_short (input, error); if (error && *error) return NULL; abr_brush_hdr.size = abr_read_long (input, error); if (error && *error) return NULL; if (abr_brush_hdr.size < 0) { g_set_error (error, PIKA_DATA_ERROR, PIKA_DATA_ERROR_READ, _("Fatal parse error in brush file: " "Brush size value corrupt.")); return NULL; } /* g_print(" + BRUSH\n | << type: %i block size: %i bytes\n", * abr_brush_hdr.type, abr_brush_hdr.size); */ switch (abr_brush_hdr.type) { case 1: /* computed brush */ /* FIXME: support it! * * We can probably feed the info into the generated brush code * and get a usable brush back. It seems to support the same * types -akl */ g_printerr ("WARNING: computed brush unsupported, skipping.\n"); g_seekable_seek (G_SEEKABLE (input), abr_brush_hdr.size, G_SEEK_CUR, NULL, NULL); break; case 2: /* sampled brush */ { AbrSampledBrushHeader abr_sampled_brush_hdr; gint width, height; gint bytes; gint size; guchar *mask; gint i; gchar *name; gchar *sample_name = NULL; gchar *tmp; gshort compress; abr_sampled_brush_hdr.misc = abr_read_long (input, error); if (error && *error) break; abr_sampled_brush_hdr.spacing = abr_read_short (input, error); if (error && *error) break; if (abr_hdr->version == 2) { sample_name = abr_read_ucs2_text (input, error); if (error && *error) break; } abr_sampled_brush_hdr.antialiasing = abr_read_char (input, error); if (error && *error) break; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { abr_sampled_brush_hdr.bounds[i] = abr_read_short (input, error); if (error && *error) break; } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { abr_sampled_brush_hdr.bounds_long[i] = abr_read_long (input, error); if (error && *error) break; } abr_sampled_brush_hdr.depth = abr_read_short (input, error); if (error && *error) break; height = (abr_sampled_brush_hdr.bounds_long[2] - abr_sampled_brush_hdr.bounds_long[0]); /* bottom - top */ width = (abr_sampled_brush_hdr.bounds_long[3] - abr_sampled_brush_hdr.bounds_long[1]); /* right - left */ bytes = abr_sampled_brush_hdr.depth >> 3; /* g_print ("width %i height %i bytes %i\n", width, height, bytes); */ if (width < 1 || width > 10000 || height < 1 || height > 10000 || bytes < 1 || bytes > 1 || G_MAXSIZE / width / height / bytes < 1) { g_set_error (error, PIKA_DATA_ERROR, PIKA_DATA_ERROR_READ, _("Fatal parse error in brush file: " "Brush dimensions out of range.")); break; } abr_sampled_brush_hdr.wide = height > 16384; if (abr_sampled_brush_hdr.wide) { /* FIXME: support wide brushes */ g_set_error (error, PIKA_DATA_ERROR, PIKA_DATA_ERROR_READ, _("Fatal parse error in brush file: " "Wide brushes are not supported.")); break; } tmp = g_path_get_basename (pika_file_get_utf8_name (file)); if (! sample_name) { /* build name from filename and index */ name = g_strdup_printf ("%s-%03d", tmp, index); } else { /* build name from filename and sample name */ name = g_strdup_printf ("%s-%s", tmp, sample_name); g_free (sample_name); } g_free (tmp); brush = g_object_new (PIKA_TYPE_BRUSH, "name", name, /* FIXME: MIME type!! */ "mime-type", "application/x-photoshop-abr", NULL); g_free (name); brush->priv->spacing = abr_sampled_brush_hdr.spacing; brush->priv->x_axis.x = width / 2.0; brush->priv->x_axis.y = 0.0; brush->priv->y_axis.x = 0.0; brush->priv->y_axis.y = height / 2.0; brush->priv->mask = pika_temp_buf_new (width, height, babl_format ("Y u8")); mask = pika_temp_buf_get_data (brush->priv->mask); size = width * height * bytes; compress = abr_read_char (input, error); if (error && *error) { g_object_unref (brush); brush = NULL; break; } /* g_print(" | << size: %dx%d %d bit (%d bytes) %s\n", * width, height, abr_sampled_brush_hdr.depth, size, * comppres ? "compressed" : "raw"); */ if (! compress) { gsize bytes_read; if (! g_input_stream_read_all (G_INPUT_STREAM (input), mask, size, &bytes_read, NULL, error) || bytes_read != size) { g_object_unref (brush); brush = NULL; break; } } else { if (! abr_rle_decode (input, (gchar *) mask, size, height, error)) { g_object_unref (brush); brush = NULL; break; } } } break; default: g_printerr ("WARNING: unknown brush type, skipping.\n"); g_seekable_seek (G_SEEKABLE (input), abr_brush_hdr.size, G_SEEK_CUR, NULL, NULL); break; } return brush; } static PikaBrush * pika_brush_load_abr_brush_v6 (GDataInputStream *input, AbrHeader *abr_hdr, gint32 max_offset, gint index, GFile *file, GError **error) { PikaBrush *brush = NULL; guchar *mask; gint32 brush_size; gint32 brush_end; goffset next_brush; gint32 top, left, bottom, right; gint16 depth; gchar compress; gint32 width, height; gint32 size; gchar *tmp; gchar *name; gboolean r; brush_size = abr_read_long (input, error); if (error && *error) return NULL; if (brush_size < 0) { g_set_error (error, PIKA_DATA_ERROR, PIKA_DATA_ERROR_READ, _("Fatal parse error in brush file: " "Brush size value corrupt.")); return NULL; } brush_end = brush_size; /* complement to 4 */ while (brush_end % 4 != 0) brush_end++; next_brush = (brush_end + g_seekable_tell (G_SEEKABLE (input))); if (abr_hdr->count == 1) { /* discard key and short coordinates and unknown short */ r = g_seekable_seek (G_SEEKABLE (input), 47, G_SEEK_CUR, NULL, error); } else { /* discard key and unknown bytes */ r = g_seekable_seek (G_SEEKABLE (input), 301, G_SEEK_CUR, NULL, error); } if (! r) { g_prefix_error (error, _("Fatal parse error in brush file: " "File appears truncated: ")); return NULL; } top = abr_read_long (input, error); if (error && *error) return NULL; left = abr_read_long (input, error); if (error && *error) return NULL; bottom = abr_read_long (input, error); if (error && *error) return NULL; right = abr_read_long (input, error); if (error && *error) return NULL; depth = abr_read_short (input, error); if (error && *error) return NULL; compress = abr_read_char (input, error); if (error && *error) return NULL; depth = depth >> 3; width = right - left; height = bottom - top; size = width * depth * height; #if 0 g_printerr ("width %i height %i depth %i compress %i\n", width, height, depth, compress); #endif if (width < 1 || width > 10000 || height < 1 || height > 10000 || depth < 1 || depth > 1 || G_MAXSIZE / width / height / depth < 1) { g_set_error (error, PIKA_DATA_ERROR, PIKA_DATA_ERROR_READ, _("Fatal parse error in brush file: " "Brush dimensions out of range.")); return NULL; } if (compress < 0 || compress > 1) { g_set_error (error, PIKA_DATA_ERROR, PIKA_DATA_ERROR_READ, _("Fatal parse error in brush file: " "Unknown compression method.")); return NULL; } tmp = g_path_get_basename (pika_file_get_utf8_name (file)); name = g_strdup_printf ("%s-%03d", tmp, index); g_free (tmp); brush = g_object_new (PIKA_TYPE_BRUSH, "name", name, /* FIXME: MIME type!! */ "mime-type", "application/x-photoshop-abr", NULL); g_free (name); brush->priv->spacing = 25; /* real value needs 8BIMdesc section parser */ brush->priv->x_axis.x = width / 2.0; brush->priv->x_axis.y = 0.0; brush->priv->y_axis.x = 0.0; brush->priv->y_axis.y = height / 2.0; brush->priv->mask = pika_temp_buf_new (width, height, babl_format ("Y u8")); mask = pika_temp_buf_get_data (brush->priv->mask); /* data decoding */ if (! compress) { /* not compressed - read raw bytes as brush data */ gsize bytes_read; if (! g_input_stream_read_all (G_INPUT_STREAM (input), mask, size, &bytes_read, NULL, error) || bytes_read != size) { g_object_unref (brush); return NULL; } } else { if (! abr_rle_decode (input, (gchar *) mask, size, height, error)) { g_object_unref (brush); return NULL; } } if (g_seekable_tell (G_SEEKABLE (input)) <= next_brush) g_seekable_seek (G_SEEKABLE (input), next_brush, G_SEEK_SET, NULL, NULL); return brush; } static gchar abr_read_char (GDataInputStream *input, GError **error) { return g_data_input_stream_read_byte (input, NULL, error); } static gint16 abr_read_short (GDataInputStream *input, GError **error) { return g_data_input_stream_read_int16 (input, NULL, error); } static gint32 abr_read_long (GDataInputStream *input, GError **error) { return g_data_input_stream_read_int32 (input, NULL, error); } static gchar * abr_read_ucs2_text (GDataInputStream *input, GError **error) { gchar *name_ucs2; gchar *name_utf8; gint len; gint i; /* two-bytes characters encoded (UCS-2) * format: * long : number of characters in string * data : zero terminated UCS-2 string */ len = 2 * abr_read_long (input, error); if (len <= 0) return NULL; name_ucs2 = g_new (gchar, len); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { name_ucs2[i] = abr_read_char (input, error); if (error && *error) { g_free (name_ucs2); return NULL; } } name_utf8 = g_convert (name_ucs2, len, "UTF-8", "UCS-2BE", NULL, NULL, NULL); g_free (name_ucs2); return name_utf8; } static gboolean abr_supported (AbrHeader *abr_hdr, GError **error) { switch (abr_hdr->version) { case 1: case 2: return TRUE; break; case 10: case 6: /* in this case, count contains format sub-version */ if (abr_hdr->count == 1 || abr_hdr->count == 2) return TRUE; g_set_error (error, PIKA_DATA_ERROR, PIKA_DATA_ERROR_READ, _("Fatal parse error in brush file: " "Unable to decode abr format version %d."), /* horrid subversion display, but better than * having yet another translatable string for * this */ abr_hdr->version * 10 + abr_hdr->count); break; } return FALSE; } static gboolean abr_reach_8bim_section (GDataInputStream *input, const gchar *name, GError **error) { while (TRUE) { gchar tag[4]; gchar tagname[5]; guint32 section_size; gsize bytes_read; if (! g_input_stream_read_all (G_INPUT_STREAM (input), tag, 4, &bytes_read, NULL, error) || bytes_read != 4) return FALSE; if (strncmp (tag, "8BIM", 4)) return FALSE; if (! g_input_stream_read_all (G_INPUT_STREAM (input), tagname, 4, &bytes_read, NULL, error) || bytes_read != 4) return FALSE; tagname[4] = '\0'; if (! strncmp (tagname, name, 4)) return TRUE; section_size = abr_read_long (input, error); if (error && *error) return FALSE; if (! g_seekable_seek (G_SEEKABLE (input), section_size, G_SEEK_CUR, NULL, error)) return FALSE; } return FALSE; } static gboolean abr_rle_decode (GDataInputStream *input, gchar *buffer, gsize buffer_size, gint32 height, GError **error) { gint i, j; gshort *cscanline_len = NULL; gchar *cdata = NULL; gchar *data = buffer; /* read compressed size foreach scanline */ cscanline_len = gegl_scratch_new (gshort, height); for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { cscanline_len[i] = abr_read_short (input, error); if ((error && *error) || cscanline_len[i] <= 0) goto err; } /* unpack each scanline data */ for (i = 0; i < height; i++) { gint len; gsize bytes_read; len = cscanline_len[i]; cdata = gegl_scratch_alloc (len); if (! g_input_stream_read_all (G_INPUT_STREAM (input), cdata, len, &bytes_read, NULL, error) || bytes_read != len) { goto err; } for (j = 0; j < len;) { gint32 n = cdata[j++]; if (n >= 128) /* force sign */ n -= 256; if (n < 0) { /* copy the following char -n + 1 times */ if (n == -128) /* it's a nop */ continue; n = -n + 1; if (j + 1 > len || (data - buffer) + n > buffer_size) goto err; memset (data, cdata[j], n); j += 1; data += n; } else { /* read the following n + 1 chars (no compr) */ n = n + 1; if (j + n > len || (data - buffer) + n > buffer_size) goto err; memcpy (data, &cdata[j], n); j += n; data += n; } } g_clear_pointer (&cdata, gegl_scratch_free); } g_clear_pointer (&cscanline_len, gegl_scratch_free); return TRUE; err: g_clear_pointer (&cdata, gegl_scratch_free); g_clear_pointer (&cscanline_len, gegl_scratch_free); if (error && ! *error) { g_set_error (error, PIKA_DATA_ERROR, PIKA_DATA_ERROR_READ, _("Fatal parse error in brush file: " "RLE compressed brush data corrupt.")); } return FALSE; }