/* PIKA - Photo and Image Kooker Application * a rebranding of The GNU Image Manipulation Program (created with heckimp) * A derived work which may be trivial. However, any changes may be (C)2023 by Aldercone Studio * * Original copyright, applying to most contents (license remains unchanged): * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "pikaressionist.h" #include "brush.h" #include "orientation.h" #include "placement.h" #include "ppmtool.h" #include "preview.h" #include "random.h" #include "size.h" #include "infile.h" #include static pikaressionist_vals_t runningvals; static double get_siz_from_pcvals (double x, double y) { return getsiz_proto (x, y, pcvals.num_size_vectors, pcvals.size_vectors, pcvals.size_strength_exponent, pcvals.size_voronoi); } static int get_pixel_value (double dir) { while (dir < 0.0) dir += 360.0; while (dir >= 360.0) dir -= 360.0; return dir * 255.0 / 360.0; } static void prepare_brush (ppm_t *p) { int x, y; int rowstride = p->width * 3; for (y = 0; y< p->height; y++) { for (x = 0; x < p->width; x++) { p->col[y * rowstride + x * 3 + 1] = 0; } } for (y = 1; y< p->height; y++) { for (x = 1; x < p->width; x++) { int v = p->col[y * rowstride + x * 3] - p->col[(y - 1) * rowstride + (x - 1) * 3]; if (v < 0) v = 0; p->col[y * rowstride + x * 3 + 1] = v; } } } static double sum_brush (ppm_t *p) { double sum = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < p->width*3*p->height; i += 3) sum += p->col[i]; return sum; } /* TODO : Use r = rgb[0]; g = rgb[1] ; b = rgb[2]; instead of * the direct references here. * */ static int get_hue (guchar *rgb) { double h, v, temp, diff; /* TODO : There seems to be some typos in the comments here. * Ask vidar what he meant. * */ if ((rgb[0] == rgb[1]) && (rgb[0] == rgb[2])) /* Gray */ return 0; v = (rgb[0] > rgb[1] ? rgb[0] : rgb[1]); /* v = strste verdi */ if (rgb[2] > v) v = rgb[2]; temp = (rgb[0] > rgb[1] ? rgb[1] : rgb[0] ); /* temp = minste */ if (rgb[2] < temp) temp = rgb[2]; diff = v - temp; if (v == rgb[0]) h = ((double)rgb[1] - rgb[2]) / diff; else if(v == rgb[1]) h = ((double)rgb[2] - rgb[0]) / diff + 2; else /* v == rgb[2] */ h = ((double)rgb[0] - rgb[1]) / diff + 4; if(h < 0) h += 6; return h * 255.0 / 6.0; } static int choose_best_brush (ppm_t *p, ppm_t *a, int tx, int ty, ppm_t *brushes, int num_brushes, double *brushes_sum, int start, int step) { double dev, thissum; double bestdev = 0.0; double r, g, b; int best = -1; int x, y, h; long i; GList *brlist = NULL; for (i = start; i < num_brushes; i += step) { ppm_t *brush = &brushes[i]; #if 0 thissum = 0.0; #endif thissum = brushes_sum[i]; /* TODO: Pointer-arithmeticize this code */ r = g = b = 0.0; for (y = 0; y < brush->height; y++) { guchar *row = p->col + (ty + y) * p->width * 3; for (x = 0; x < brush->width; x++) { int k = (tx + x) * 3; double v; if ((h = brush->col[(y * brush->width * 3) + x * 3])) { #if 0 thissum += h; #endif v = h / 255.0; r += row[k+0] * v; g += row[k+1] * v; b += row[k+2] * v; } } } r = r * 255.0 / thissum; g = g * 255.0 / thissum; b = b * 255.0 / thissum; dev = 0.0; for (y = 0; y < brush->height; y++) { guchar *row = p->col + (ty + y) * p->width * 3; for (x = 0; x < brush->width; x++) { int k = (tx + x) * 3; double v; if ((h = brush->col[(y * brush->width * 3) + x * 3])) { v = h / 255.0; dev += fabs (row[k+0] - r) * v; dev += fabs (row[k+1] - g) * v; dev += fabs (row[k+2] - b) * v; if (img_has_alpha) dev += a->col[(ty + y) * a->width * 3 + (tx + x) * 3] * v; } } } dev /= thissum; if ((best == -1) || (dev < bestdev)) { if (brlist) g_list_free (brlist); brlist = NULL; } if (dev <= bestdev || best < 0) { best = i; bestdev = dev; brlist = g_list_append (brlist, GINT_TO_POINTER (i)); } if (dev < runningvals.devthresh) break; } if (!brlist) { g_printerr("What!? No brushes?!\n"); return 0; } i = g_rand_int_range (random_generator, 0, g_list_length (brlist)); best = GPOINTER_TO_INT ((g_list_nth (brlist,i))->data); g_list_free (brlist); return best; } static void apply_brush (ppm_t *brush, ppm_t *shadow, ppm_t *p, ppm_t *a, int tx, int ty, int r, int g, int b) { ppm_t tmp; ppm_t atmp; double v, h; int x, y; double edgedarken = 1.0 - runningvals.general_dark_edge; double relief = runningvals.brush_relief / 100.0; int shadowdepth = pcvals.general_shadow_depth; int shadowblur = pcvals.general_shadow_blur; atmp.col = 0; atmp.width = 0; tmp = *p; if (img_has_alpha) atmp = *a; if (shadow) { int sx = tx + shadowdepth - shadowblur * 2; int sy = ty + shadowdepth - shadowblur * 2; for (y = 0; y < shadow->height; y++) { guchar *row, *arow = NULL; if ((sy + y) < 0) continue; if ((sy + y) >= tmp.height) break; row = tmp.col + (sy + y) * tmp.width * 3; if (img_has_alpha) arow = atmp.col + (sy + y) * atmp.width * 3; for (x = 0; x < shadow->width; x++) { int k = (sx + x) * 3; if ((sx + x) < 0) continue; if ((sx + x) >= tmp.width) break; h = shadow->col[y * shadow->width * 3 + x * 3 + 2]; if (!h) continue; v = 1.0 - (h / 255.0 * runningvals.general_shadow_darkness / 100.0); row[k+0] *= v; row[k+1] *= v; row[k+2] *= v; if (img_has_alpha) arow[k] *= v; } } } for (y = 0; y < brush->height; y++) { guchar *row = tmp.col + (ty + y) * tmp.width * 3; guchar *arow = NULL; if (img_has_alpha) arow = atmp.col + (ty + y) * atmp.width * 3; for (x = 0; x < brush->width; x++) { int k = (tx + x) * 3; h = brush->col[y * brush->width * 3 + x * 3]; if (!h) continue; if (runningvals.color_brushes) { v = 1.0 - brush->col[y * brush->width * 3 + x * 3 + 2] / 255.0; row[k+0] *= v; row[k+1] *= v; row[k+2] *= v; if (img_has_alpha) arow[(tx + x) * 3] *= v; } v = (1.0 - h / 255.0) * edgedarken; row[k+0] *= v; row[k+1] *= v; row[k+2] *= v; if(img_has_alpha) arow[k] *= v; v = h / 255.0; row[k+0] += r * v; row[k+1] += g * v; row[k+2] += b * v; } } if (relief > 0.001) { for (y = 1; y < brush->height; y++) { guchar *row = tmp.col + (ty + y) * tmp.width * 3; for (x = 1; x < brush->width; x++) { int k = (tx + x) * 3; h = brush->col[y * brush->width * 3 + x * 3 + 1] * relief; if (h < 0.001) continue; if (h > 255) h = 255; row[k+0] = (row[k+0] * (255-h) + 255 * h) / 255; row[k+1] = (row[k+1] * (255-h) + 255 * h) / 255; row[k+2] = (row[k+2] * (255-h) + 255 * h) / 255; } } } } void repaint (ppm_t *p, ppm_t *a) { int x, y; int tx = 0, ty = 0; ppm_t tmp = {0, 0, NULL}; ppm_t atmp = {0, 0, NULL}; int r, g, b, h, i, j, on, sn; int num_brushes, maxbrushwidth, maxbrushheight; guchar back[3] = {0, 0, 0}; ppm_t *brushes, *shadows; ppm_t *brush, *shadow = NULL; double *brushes_sum; int cx, cy, maxdist; double scale, relief, startangle, anglespan, density, bgamma; int max_progress; ppm_t paper_ppm = {0, 0, NULL}; ppm_t dirmap = {0, 0, NULL}; ppm_t sizmap = {0, 0, NULL}; int *xpos = NULL, *ypos = NULL; int progstep; static int running = 0; int dropshadow = pcvals.general_drop_shadow; int shadowblur = pcvals.general_shadow_blur; if (running) return; running++; runningvals = pcvals; /* Shouldn't be necessary, but... */ if (img_has_alpha) if ((p->width != a->width) || (p->height != a->height)) { g_printerr ("Huh? Image size != alpha size?\n"); return; } num_brushes = runningvals.orient_num * runningvals.size_num; startangle = runningvals.orient_first; anglespan = runningvals.orient_last; density = runningvals.brush_density; if (runningvals.place_type == PLACEMENT_TYPE_EVEN_DIST) density /= 3.0; bgamma = runningvals.brushgamma; brushes = g_malloc (num_brushes * sizeof (ppm_t)); brushes_sum = g_malloc (num_brushes * sizeof (double)); if (dropshadow) shadows = g_malloc (num_brushes * sizeof (ppm_t)); else shadows = NULL; brushes[0].col = NULL; brush_get_selected (&brushes[0]); resize (&brushes[0], brushes[0].width, brushes[0].height * pow (10, runningvals.brush_aspect)); scale = runningvals.size_last / MAX (brushes[0].width, brushes[0].height); if (bgamma != 1.0) ppm_apply_gamma (&brushes[0], 1.0 / bgamma, 1,1,1); resize (&brushes[0], brushes[0].width * scale, brushes[0].height * scale); i = 1 + sqrt (brushes[0].width * brushes[0].width + brushes[0].height * brushes[0].height); ppm_pad (&brushes[0], i-brushes[0].width, i-brushes[0].width, i - brushes[0].height, i - brushes[0].height, back); for (i = 1; i < num_brushes; i++) { brushes[i].col = NULL; ppm_copy (&brushes[0], &brushes[i]); } for (i = 0; i < runningvals.size_num; i++) { double sv; if (runningvals.size_num > 1) sv = i / (runningvals.size_num - 1.0); else sv = 1.0; for (j = 0; j < runningvals.orient_num; j++) { h = j + i * runningvals.orient_num; free_rotate (&brushes[h], startangle + j * anglespan / runningvals.orient_num); rescale (&brushes[h], ( sv * runningvals.size_first + (1.0-sv) * runningvals.size_last ) / runningvals.size_last); autocrop (&brushes[h],1); } } /* Brush-debugging */ #if 0 for (i = 0; i < num_brushes; i++) { char tmp[1000]; g_snprintf (tmp, sizeof (tmp), "/tmp/_brush%03d.ppm", i); ppm_save (&brushes[i], tmp); } #endif for (i = 0; i < num_brushes; i++) { if (!runningvals.color_brushes) prepare_brush (&brushes[i]); brushes_sum[i] = sum_brush (&brushes[i]); } brush = &brushes[0]; maxbrushwidth = maxbrushheight = 0; for (i = 0; i < num_brushes; i++) { if (brushes[i].width > maxbrushwidth) maxbrushwidth = brushes[i].width; if (brushes[i].height > maxbrushheight) maxbrushheight = brushes[i].height; } for (i = 0; i < num_brushes; i++) { int xp, yp; guchar blk[3] = {0, 0, 0}; xp = maxbrushwidth - brushes[i].width; yp = maxbrushheight - brushes[i].height; if (xp || yp) ppm_pad (&brushes[i], xp / 2, xp - xp / 2, yp / 2, yp - yp / 2, blk); } if (dropshadow) { for (i = 0; i < num_brushes; i++) { shadows[i].col = NULL; ppm_copy (&brushes[i], &shadows[i]); ppm_apply_gamma (&shadows[i], 0, 1,1,0); ppm_pad (&shadows[i], shadowblur*2, shadowblur*2, shadowblur*2, shadowblur*2, back); for (j = 0; j < shadowblur; j++) blur (&shadows[i], 2, 2); #if 0 autocrop (&shadows[i],1); #endif } #if 0 maxbrushwidth += shadowdepth*3; maxbrushheight += shadowdepth*3; #endif } /* For extra annoying debugging :-) */ #if 0 ppm_save (brushes, "/tmp/__brush.ppm"); if (shadows) ppm_save (shadows, "/tmp/__shadow.ppm"); system ("xv /tmp/__brush.ppm & xv /tmp/__shadow.ppm & "); #endif if (runningvals.general_paint_edges) { edgepad (p, maxbrushwidth, maxbrushwidth, maxbrushheight, maxbrushheight); if (img_has_alpha) edgepad (a, maxbrushwidth, maxbrushwidth, maxbrushheight, maxbrushheight); } if (img_has_alpha) { /* Initially fully transparent */ if (runningvals.general_background_type == BG_TYPE_TRANSPARENT) { guchar tmpcol[3] = {255, 255, 255}; ppm_new (&atmp, a->width, a->height); fill (&atmp, tmpcol); } else { ppm_copy (a, &atmp); } } if (runningvals.general_background_type == BG_TYPE_SOLID) { guchar tmpcol[3]; ppm_new (&tmp, p->width, p->height); pika_rgb_get_uchar (&runningvals.color, &tmpcol[0], &tmpcol[1], &tmpcol[2]); fill (&tmp, tmpcol); } else if (runningvals.general_background_type == BG_TYPE_KEEP_ORIGINAL) { ppm_copy (p, &tmp); } else { int dx, dy; ppm_new (&tmp, p->width, p->height); ppm_load (runningvals.selected_paper, &paper_ppm); if (runningvals.paper_scale != 100.0) { scale = runningvals.paper_scale / 100.0; resize (&paper_ppm, paper_ppm.width * scale, paper_ppm.height * scale); } if (runningvals.paper_invert) ppm_apply_gamma (&paper_ppm, -1.0, 1, 1, 1); dx = runningvals.general_paint_edges ? paper_ppm.width - maxbrushwidth : 0; dy = runningvals.general_paint_edges ? paper_ppm.height - maxbrushheight : 0; for (y = 0; y < tmp.height; y++) { int lx; int ry = (y + dy) % paper_ppm.height; for (x = 0; x < tmp.width; x+=lx) { int rx = (x + dx) % paper_ppm.width; lx = MIN (tmp.width - x, paper_ppm.width - rx); memcpy (&tmp.col[y * tmp.width * 3 + x * 3], &paper_ppm.col[ry * paper_ppm.width * 3 + rx * 3], 3 * lx); } } } cx = p->width / 2; cy = p->height / 2; maxdist = sqrt (cx * cx + cy * cy); switch (runningvals.orient_type) { case ORIENTATION_VALUE: ppm_new (&dirmap, p->width, p->height); for (y = 0; y < dirmap.height; y++) { guchar *dstrow = &dirmap.col[y * dirmap.width * 3]; guchar *srcrow = &p->col[y * p->width * 3]; for (x = 0; x < dirmap.width; x++) { dstrow[x * 3] = (srcrow[x * 3] + srcrow[x * 3 + 1] + srcrow[x * 3 + 2]) / 3; } } break; case ORIENTATION_RADIUS: ppm_new (&dirmap, p->width, p->height); for (y = 0; y < dirmap.height; y++) { guchar *dstrow = &dirmap.col[y * dirmap.width * 3]; double ysqr = (cy - y) * (cy - y); for (x = 0; x < dirmap.width; x++) { dstrow[x*3] = sqrt ((cx - x) * (cx - x) + ysqr) * 255 / maxdist; } } break; case ORIENTATION_RADIAL: ppm_new (&dirmap, p->width, p->height); for (y = 0; y < dirmap.height; y++) { guchar *dstrow = &dirmap.col[y * dirmap.width * 3]; for (x = 0; x < dirmap.width; x++) { dstrow[x * 3] = (G_PI + atan2 (cy - y, cx - x)) * 255.0 / (G_PI * 2); } } break; case ORIENTATION_FLOWING: ppm_new (&dirmap, p->width / 6 + 5, p->height / 6 + 5); mkgrayplasma (&dirmap, 15); blur (&dirmap, 2, 2); blur (&dirmap, 2, 2); resize (&dirmap, p->width, p->height); blur (&dirmap, 2, 2); if (runningvals.general_paint_edges) edgepad (&dirmap, maxbrushwidth, maxbrushheight, maxbrushwidth, maxbrushheight); break; case ORIENTATION_HUE: ppm_new (&dirmap, p->width, p->height); for (y = 0; y < dirmap.height; y++) { guchar *dstrow = &dirmap.col[y * dirmap.width * 3]; guchar *srcrow = &p->col[y * p->width * 3]; for (x = 0; x < dirmap.width; x++) { dstrow[x * 3] = get_hue (&srcrow[x * 3]); } } break; case ORIENTATION_ADAPTIVE: { guchar tmpcol[3] = {0, 0, 0}; ppm_new (&dirmap, p->width, p->height); fill (&dirmap, tmpcol); } break; case ORIENTATION_MANUAL: ppm_new (&dirmap, p->width-maxbrushwidth*2, p->height-maxbrushheight*2); for (y = 0; y < dirmap.height; y++) { guchar *dstrow = &dirmap.col[y * dirmap.width * 3]; double tmpy = y / (double)dirmap.height; for (x = 0; x < dirmap.width; x++) { dstrow[x * 3] = get_pixel_value(90 - get_direction(x / (double)dirmap.width, tmpy, 1)); } } edgepad (&dirmap, maxbrushwidth, maxbrushwidth, maxbrushheight, maxbrushheight); break; } if (runningvals.size_type == SIZE_TYPE_VALUE) { ppm_new (&sizmap, p->width, p->height); for (y = 0; y < sizmap.height; y++) { guchar *dstrow = &sizmap.col[y * sizmap.width * 3]; guchar *srcrow = &p->col[y * p->width * 3]; for (x = 0; x < sizmap.width; x++) { dstrow[x * 3] = (srcrow[x * 3] + srcrow[x * 3 + 1] + srcrow[x * 3 + 2]) / 3; } } } else if (runningvals.size_type == SIZE_TYPE_RADIUS) { ppm_new (&sizmap, p->width, p->height); for (y = 0; y < sizmap.height; y++) { guchar *dstrow = &sizmap.col[y * sizmap.width * 3]; double ysqr = (cy - y) * (cy - y); for (x = 0; x < sizmap.width; x++) { dstrow[x * 3] = sqrt ((cx - x) * (cx - x) + ysqr) * 255 / maxdist; } } } else if (runningvals.size_type == SIZE_TYPE_RADIAL) { ppm_new (&sizmap, p->width, p->height); for (y = 0; y < sizmap.height; y++) { guchar *dstrow = &sizmap.col[y * sizmap.width * 3]; for (x = 0; x < sizmap.width; x++) { dstrow[x * 3] = (G_PI + atan2 (cy - y, cx - x)) * 255.0 / (G_PI * 2); } } } else if (runningvals.size_type == SIZE_TYPE_FLOWING) { ppm_new (&sizmap, p->width / 6 + 5, p->height / 6 + 5); mkgrayplasma (&sizmap, 15); blur (&sizmap, 2, 2); blur (&sizmap, 2, 2); resize (&sizmap, p->width, p->height); blur (&sizmap, 2, 2); if (runningvals.general_paint_edges) edgepad (&sizmap, maxbrushwidth, maxbrushheight, maxbrushwidth, maxbrushheight); } else if (runningvals.size_type == SIZE_TYPE_HUE) { ppm_new (&sizmap, p->width, p->height); for (y = 0; y < sizmap.height; y++) { guchar *dstrow = &sizmap.col[y * sizmap.width * 3]; guchar *srcrow = &p->col[y * p->width * 3]; for (x = 0; x < sizmap.width; x++) { dstrow[ x * 3] = get_hue (&srcrow[x * 3]); } } } else if (runningvals.size_type == SIZE_TYPE_ADAPTIVE) { guchar tmpcol[3] = {0, 0, 0}; ppm_new (&sizmap, p->width, p->height); fill (&sizmap, tmpcol); } else if (runningvals.size_type == SIZE_TYPE_MANUAL) { ppm_new (&sizmap, p->width-maxbrushwidth * 2, p->height-maxbrushheight * 2); for (y = 0; y < sizmap.height; y++) { guchar *dstrow = &sizmap.col[y * sizmap.width * 3]; double tmpy = y / (double)sizmap.height; for (x = 0; x < sizmap.width; x++) { dstrow[x * 3] = 255 * (1.0 - get_siz_from_pcvals (x / (double)sizmap.width, tmpy)); } } edgepad (&sizmap, maxbrushwidth, maxbrushwidth, maxbrushheight, maxbrushheight); } #if 0 ppm_save(&sizmap, "/tmp/_sizmap.ppm"); #endif if (runningvals.place_type == PLACEMENT_TYPE_RANDOM) { i = tmp.width * tmp.height / (maxbrushwidth * maxbrushheight); i *= density; } else if (runningvals.place_type == PLACEMENT_TYPE_EVEN_DIST) { i = (int)(tmp.width * density / maxbrushwidth) * (int)(tmp.height * density / maxbrushheight); #if 0 g_printerr("i=%d\n", i); #endif } if (i < 1) i = 1; max_progress = i; progstep = max_progress / 30; if (progstep < 10) progstep = 10; if (runningvals.place_type == PLACEMENT_TYPE_EVEN_DIST) { int j; xpos = g_new (int, i); ypos = g_new (int, i); for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { int factor = (int)(tmp.width * density / maxbrushwidth + 0.5); if (factor < 1) factor = 1; xpos[j] = maxbrushwidth/2 + (j % factor) * maxbrushwidth / density; ypos[j] = maxbrushheight/2 + (j / factor) * maxbrushheight / density; } for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { int a, b; a = g_rand_int_range (random_generator, 0, i); b = xpos[j]; xpos[j] = xpos[a]; xpos[a] = b; b = ypos[j]; ypos[j] = ypos[a]; ypos[a] = b; } } for (; i; i--) { int n; double thissum; if (i % progstep == 0) { if(runningvals.run) { pika_progress_update (0.8 - 0.8 * ((double)i / max_progress)); } else { char tmps[40]; g_snprintf (tmps, sizeof (tmps), "%.1f %%", 100 * (1.0 - ((double)i / max_progress))); preview_set_button_label (tmps); while(gtk_events_pending()) gtk_main_iteration(); } } if (runningvals.place_type == PLACEMENT_TYPE_RANDOM) { tx = g_rand_int_range (random_generator, maxbrushwidth / 2, tmp.width - maxbrushwidth / 2); ty = g_rand_int_range (random_generator, maxbrushheight / 2, tmp.height - maxbrushheight / 2); } else if (runningvals.place_type == PLACEMENT_TYPE_EVEN_DIST) { tx = xpos[i - 1]; ty = ypos[i - 1]; } if (runningvals.placement_center) { double z = g_rand_double_range (random_generator, 0, 0.75); tx = tx * (1.0 - z) + tmp.width / 2 * z; ty = ty * (1.0 - z) + tmp.height / 2 * z; } if ((tx < maxbrushwidth / 2) || (ty < maxbrushwidth / 2) || (tx + maxbrushwidth / 2 >= p->width) || (ty + maxbrushheight / 2 >= p->height)) { #if 0 g_printerr("Internal Error; invalid coords: (%d,%d) i=%d\n", tx, ty, i); #endif continue; } if (img_has_alpha) { if (a->col[ty * a->width * 3 + tx * 3] > 128) continue; } sn = on = 0; switch (runningvals.orient_type) { case ORIENTATION_RANDOM: on = g_rand_int_range (random_generator, 0, runningvals.orient_num); break; case ORIENTATION_VALUE: case ORIENTATION_RADIUS: case ORIENTATION_RADIAL: case ORIENTATION_FLOWING: case ORIENTATION_HUE: case ORIENTATION_MANUAL: on = runningvals.orient_num * dirmap.col[ty * dirmap.width * 3 + tx * 3] / 256; break; case ORIENTATION_ADAPTIVE: break; /* Handled below */ default: g_printerr ("Internal error; Unknown orientationtype\n"); on = 0; break; } switch (runningvals.size_type) { case SIZE_TYPE_RANDOM: sn = g_rand_int_range (random_generator, 0, runningvals.size_num); break; case SIZE_TYPE_VALUE: case SIZE_TYPE_RADIUS: case SIZE_TYPE_RADIAL: case SIZE_TYPE_FLOWING: case SIZE_TYPE_HUE: case SIZE_TYPE_MANUAL: sn = runningvals.size_num * sizmap.col[ty*sizmap.width*3+tx*3] / 256; break; case SIZE_TYPE_ADAPTIVE: break; /* Handled below */ default: g_printerr ("Internal error; Unknown size_type\n"); sn = 0; break; } /* Handle Adaptive selections */ if (runningvals.orient_type == ORIENTATION_ADAPTIVE) { if (runningvals.size_type == SIZE_TYPE_ADAPTIVE) n = choose_best_brush (p, a, tx-maxbrushwidth/2, ty-maxbrushheight/2, brushes, num_brushes, brushes_sum, 0, 1); else { int st = sn * runningvals.orient_num; n = choose_best_brush (p, a, tx-maxbrushwidth/2, ty-maxbrushheight/2, brushes, st+runningvals.orient_num, brushes_sum, st, 1); } } else { if (runningvals.size_type == SIZE_TYPE_ADAPTIVE) n = choose_best_brush (p, a, tx-maxbrushwidth/2, ty-maxbrushheight/2, brushes, num_brushes, brushes_sum, on, runningvals.orient_num); else n = sn * runningvals.orient_num + on; } /* Should never happen, but hey... */ if (n < 0) n = 0; else if (n >= num_brushes) n = num_brushes - 1; tx -= maxbrushwidth/2; ty -= maxbrushheight/2; brush = &brushes[n]; if (dropshadow) shadow = &shadows[n]; thissum = brushes_sum[n]; /* Calculate color - avg. of in-brush pixels */ if (runningvals.color_type == 0) { r = g = b = 0; for (y = 0; y < brush->height; y++) { guchar *row = &p->col[(ty + y) * p->width * 3]; for (x = 0; x < brush->width; x++) { int k = (tx + x) * 3; double v; if ((h = brush->col[y * brush->width * 3 + x * 3])) { v = h / 255.0; r += row[k+0] * v; g += row[k+1] * v; b += row[k+2] * v; } } } r = r * 255.0 / thissum; g = g * 255.0 / thissum; b = b * 255.0 / thissum; } else if (runningvals.color_type == 1) { guchar *pixel; y = ty + (brush->height / 2); x = tx + (brush->width / 2); pixel = &p->col[y*p->width * 3 + x * 3]; r = pixel[0]; g = pixel[1]; b = pixel[2]; } else { /* No such color_type! */ r = g = b = 0; } if (runningvals.color_noise > 0.0) { double v = runningvals.color_noise; #define BOUNDS(a) (((a) < 0) ? (0) : ((a) > 255) ? 255 : (a)) #define MYASSIGN(a) \ { \ a = a + g_rand_double_range (random_generator, -v/2.0, v/2.0); \ a = BOUNDS(a) ; \ } MYASSIGN (r); MYASSIGN (g); MYASSIGN (b); #undef BOUNDS #undef MYASSIGN } apply_brush (brush, shadow, &tmp, &atmp, tx,ty, r,g,b); if (runningvals.general_tileable && runningvals.general_paint_edges) { int orig_width = tmp.width - 2 * maxbrushwidth; int orig_height = tmp.height - 2 * maxbrushheight; int dox = 0, doy = 0; if (tx < maxbrushwidth) { apply_brush (brush, shadow, &tmp, &atmp, tx+orig_width,ty, r,g,b); dox = -1; } else if (tx > orig_width) { apply_brush (brush, shadow, &tmp, &atmp, tx-orig_width,ty, r,g,b); dox = 1; } if (ty < maxbrushheight) { apply_brush (brush, shadow, &tmp, &atmp, tx,ty+orig_height, r,g,b); doy = 1; } else if (ty > orig_height) { apply_brush (brush, shadow, &tmp, &atmp, tx,ty-orig_height, r,g,b); doy = -1; } if (doy) { if (dox < 0) apply_brush (brush, shadow, &tmp, &atmp, tx+orig_width, ty + doy * orig_height, r, g, b); if (dox > 0) apply_brush (brush, shadow, &tmp, &atmp, tx-orig_width, ty + doy * orig_height, r, g, b); } } } for (i = 0; i < num_brushes; i++) { ppm_kill (&brushes[i]); } g_free (brushes); g_free (shadows); g_free (brushes_sum); g_free (xpos); g_free (ypos); if (runningvals.general_paint_edges) { crop (&tmp, maxbrushwidth, maxbrushheight, tmp.width - maxbrushwidth, tmp.height - maxbrushheight); if (img_has_alpha) crop (&atmp, maxbrushwidth, maxbrushheight, atmp.width - maxbrushwidth, atmp.height - maxbrushheight); } ppm_kill (p); p->width = tmp.width; p->height = tmp.height; p->col = tmp.col; if (img_has_alpha) { ppm_kill (a); a->width = atmp.width; a->height = atmp.height; a->col = atmp.col; } relief = runningvals.paper_relief / 100.0; if (relief > 0.001) { scale = runningvals.paper_scale / 100.0; if (PPM_IS_INITED (&paper_ppm)) { tmp = paper_ppm; paper_ppm.col = NULL; } else { tmp.col = NULL; ppm_load (runningvals.selected_paper, &tmp); resize (&tmp, tmp.width * scale, tmp.height * scale); if (runningvals.paper_invert) ppm_apply_gamma (&tmp, -1.0, 1,1,1); } for (x = 0; x < p->width; x++) { double h, v; int px = x % tmp.width, py; for (y = 0; y < p->height; y++) { int k = y * p->width * 3 + x * 3; py = y % tmp.height; if (runningvals.paper_overlay) h = (tmp.col[py * tmp.width * 3 + px * 3]-128) * relief; else h = (tmp.col[py * tmp.width * 3 + px * 3] - (int)tmp.col[((py + 1) % tmp.height) * tmp.width * 3 + ((px + 1) % tmp.width) * 3]) / -2.0 * relief; if (h <= 0.0) { v = 1.0 + h/128.0; if (v < 0.0) v = 0.0; else if (v > 1.0) v = 1.0; p->col[k+0] *= v; p->col[k+1] *= v; p->col[k+2] *= v; } else { v = h/128.0; if (v < 0.0) v = 0.0; else if (v > 1.0) v = 1.0; p->col[k+0] = p->col[k+0] * (1.0-v) + 255 * v; p->col[k+1] = p->col[k+1] * (1.0-v) + 255 * v; p->col[k+2] = p->col[k+2] * (1.0-v) + 255 * v; } } } ppm_kill (&tmp); } ppm_kill (&paper_ppm); ppm_kill (&dirmap); ppm_kill (&sizmap); if (runningvals.run) { pika_progress_update (0.8); } else { preview_set_button_label (_("_Update")); } running = 0; }