#!/usr/bin/env pika-script-fu-interpreter-3.0 ; v3 >>> Has shebang, is interpreter ; This is a a test script to test Script-Fu parameter API. ; For PIKA 3: uses PikaImageProcedure, PikaProcedureDialog, PikaConfig ; See also test-sphere.scm, for PIKA 2, from which this is derived ; Diffs marked with ; v3 >>> ; v3 >>> signature of PikaImageProcedure ; drawables is a vector (define (script-fu-test-sphere-v3 image drawables radius light shadow bg-color sphere-color brush text multi-text pattern gradient gradient-reverse font size unused-palette unused-filename unused-orientation unused-interpolation unused-dirname unused-image unused-layer unused-channel unused-drawable) (let* ( (width (* radius 3.75)) (height (* radius 2.5)) (img (car (pika-image-new width height RGB))) (drawable (car (pika-layer-new img width height RGB-IMAGE "Sphere Layer" 100 LAYER-MODE-NORMAL))) (radians (/ (* light *pi*) 180)) (cx (/ width 2)) (cy (/ height 2)) (light-x (+ cx (* radius (* 0.6 (cos radians))))) (light-y (- cy (* radius (* 0.6 (sin radians))))) (light-end-x (+ cx (* radius (cos (+ *pi* radians))))) (light-end-y (- cy (* radius (sin (+ *pi* radians))))) (offset (* radius 0.1)) (text-extents (pika-text-get-extents-fontname multi-text size PIXELS font)) (x-position (- cx (/ (car text-extents) 2))) (y-position (- cy (/ (cadr text-extents) 2))) (shadow-w 0) (shadow-x 0) ) (pika-context-push) (pika-context-set-defaults) (pika-image-undo-disable img) (pika-image-insert-layer img drawable 0 0) (pika-context-set-foreground sphere-color) (pika-context-set-background bg-color) (pika-drawable-edit-fill drawable FILL-BACKGROUND) (pika-context-set-background '(20 20 20)) (if (and (or (and (>= light 45) (<= light 75)) (and (<= light 135) (>= light 105))) (= shadow TRUE)) (let ((shadow-w (* (* radius 2.5) (cos (+ *pi* radians)))) (shadow-h (* radius 0.5)) (shadow-x cx) (shadow-y (+ cy (* radius 0.65)))) (if (< shadow-w 0) (begin (set! shadow-x (+ cx shadow-w)) (set! shadow-w (- shadow-w)))) (pika-context-set-feather TRUE) (pika-context-set-feather-radius 7.5 7.5) (pika-image-select-ellipse img CHANNEL-OP-REPLACE shadow-x shadow-y shadow-w shadow-h) (pika-context-set-pattern pattern) (pika-drawable-edit-fill drawable FILL-PATTERN))) (pika-context-set-feather FALSE) (pika-image-select-ellipse img CHANNEL-OP-REPLACE (- cx radius) (- cy radius) (* 2 radius) (* 2 radius)) (pika-context-set-gradient-fg-bg-rgb) (pika-drawable-edit-gradient-fill drawable GRADIENT-RADIAL offset FALSE 0 0 TRUE light-x light-y light-end-x light-end-y) (pika-selection-none img) (pika-image-select-ellipse img CHANNEL-OP-REPLACE 10 10 50 50) (pika-context-set-gradient gradient) (pika-context-set-gradient-reverse gradient-reverse) (pika-drawable-edit-gradient-fill drawable GRADIENT-LINEAR offset FALSE 0 0 TRUE 10 10 30 60) (pika-selection-none img) (pika-context-set-foreground '(0 0 0)) (pika-floating-sel-anchor (car (pika-text-fontname img drawable x-position y-position multi-text 0 TRUE size PIXELS font))) (pika-image-undo-enable img) (pika-display-new img) (pika-context-pop) ) ) ; v3 >>> use script-fu-register-filter ; v3 >>> menu item is v3, alongside old one ; v3 >>> not yet localized (script-fu-register-filter "script-fu-test-sphere-v3" "Sphere v3..." "Test script-fu-register-filter and PikaProcedureDialog: needs 2 selected layers." "Spencer Kimball, Sven Neumann" "Spencer Kimball" "1996, 1998" "*" ; image types any SF-TWO-OR-MORE-DRAWABLE ; v3 >>> additional argument SF-ADJUSTMENT "Radius (in pixels)" (list 100 1 5000 1 10 0 SF-SPINNER) SF-ADJUSTMENT "Lighting (degrees)" (list 45 0 360 1 10 1 SF-SLIDER) SF-TOGGLE "Shadow" TRUE SF-COLOR "Background color" "white" SF-COLOR "Sphere color" "red" SF-BRUSH "Brush" '("2. Hardness 100" 100 44 0) SF-STRING "Text" "Tiny-Fu rocks!" SF-TEXT "Multi-line text" "Hello,\nWorld!" SF-PATTERN "Pattern" "Maple Leaves" SF-GRADIENT "Gradient" "Deep Sea" SF-TOGGLE "Gradient reverse" FALSE SF-FONT "Font" "Agate" SF-ADJUSTMENT "Font size (pixels)" '(50 1 1000 1 10 0 1) SF-PALETTE "Palette" "Default" SF-FILENAME "Environment map" (string-append pika-data-directory "/scripts/images/beavis.jpg") SF-OPTION "Orientation" '("Horizontal" "Vertical") SF-ENUM "Interpolation" '("InterpolationType" "linear") SF-DIRNAME "Output directory" "/var/tmp/" SF-IMAGE "Image" -1 SF-LAYER "Layer" -1 SF-CHANNEL "Channel" -1 SF-DRAWABLE "Drawable" -1 SF-VECTORS "Vectors" -1 ) (script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-test-sphere-v3" "/Filters/Development/Script-Fu/Test")