;; -*-scheme-*- ;; Alan Horkan 2004. Public Domain. ;; so long as remove this block of comments from your script ;; feel free to use it for whatever you like. (define (script-fu-guide-new image drawable direction position) (let* ( (width (car (pika-image-get-width image))) (height (car (pika-image-get-height image))) ) (if (= direction 0) ;; check position is inside the image boundaries (if (<= position height) (pika-image-add-hguide image position)) (if (<= position width) (pika-image-add-vguide image position)) ) (pika-displays-flush) ) ) (script-fu-register "script-fu-guide-new" _"New _Guide..." _"Add a guide at the orientation and position specified (in pixels)" "Alan Horkan" "Alan Horkan, 2004. Public Domain." "2004-04-02" "*" SF-IMAGE "Image" 0 SF-DRAWABLE "Drawable" 0 SF-OPTION _"_Direction" '(_"Horizontal" _"Vertical") SF-ADJUSTMENT _"_Position" (list 0 0 MAX-IMAGE-SIZE 1 10 0 1) ) (script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-guide-new" "/Image/Guides")