#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import gi gi.require_version('Pika', '3.0') from gi.repository import Pika gi.require_version('PikaUi', '3.0') from gi.repository import PikaUi from gi.repository import GObject from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import Gio import time import sys ''' A Python plugin. Tests PikaProcedureDialog. Temporarily, just testing widgets for subclasses of PikaResource. Temporarily, just testing Brush subclass of Resource. FUTURE: For all the parameter types. Formerly PF_ constants, now all parameters for which PikaParamSpecs exist. Not localized, no i18n ''' def process_args(brush, font, gradient, palette, pattern): ''' Test the args are sane. ''' assert brush is not None assert isinstance(brush, Pika.Brush) id = brush.get_id() name = brush.get_name() assert id is not None msg = "Brush: {} (ID: {})".format(name, id) print(msg) Pika.message(msg) assert font is not None assert isinstance(font, Pika.Font) id = font.get_id() name = font.get_name() assert id is not None msg = "Font: {} (ID: {})".format(name, id) print(msg) Pika.message(msg) assert gradient is not None assert isinstance(gradient, Pika.Gradient) id = gradient.get_id() name = gradient.get_name() assert id is not None msg = "Gradient: {} (ID: {})".format(name, id) print(msg) Pika.message(msg) assert palette is not None assert isinstance(palette, Pika.Palette) id = palette.get_id() name = palette.get_name() assert id is not None msg = "Palette: {} (ID: {})".format(name, id) print(msg) Pika.message(msg) assert pattern is not None assert isinstance(pattern, Pika.Pattern) id = pattern.get_id() name = pattern.get_name() assert id is not None msg = "Pattern: {} (ID: {})".format(name, id) print(msg) Pika.message(msg) return def test_dialog(procedure, run_mode, image, n_drawables, drawables, args, data): ''' Just a standard shell for a plugin. ''' config = procedure.create_config() config.begin_run(image, run_mode, args) if run_mode == Pika.RunMode.INTERACTIVE: PikaUi.init('python-fu-test-dialog') dialog = PikaUi.ProcedureDialog(procedure=procedure, config=config) dialog.fill(None) if not dialog.run(): dialog.destroy() config.end_run(Pika.PDBStatusType.CANCEL) return procedure.new_return_values(Pika.PDBStatusType.CANCEL, GLib.Error()) else: dialog.destroy() brush = config.get_property('brush') font = config.get_property('font') gradient = config.get_property('gradient') palette = config.get_property('palette') pattern = config.get_property('pattern') Pika.context_push() process_args(brush, font, gradient, palette, pattern) Pika.displays_flush() Pika.context_pop() config.end_run(Pika.PDBStatusType.SUCCESS) return procedure.new_return_values(Pika.PDBStatusType.SUCCESS, GLib.Error()) class TestDialogPlugin (Pika.PlugIn): ## Parameters ## # See comments about this in foggify.py, from which we borrowed brush = GObject.Property(type = Pika.Brush, nick = "_Brush", blurb = "Brush") font = GObject.Property(type = Pika.Font, nick = "_Font", blurb = "Font") gradient = GObject.Property(type = Pika.Gradient, nick = "_Gradient", blurb = "Gradient") palette = GObject.Property(type = Pika.Palette, nick = "_Palette", blurb = "Palette") pattern = GObject.Property(type = Pika.Pattern, nick = "Pa_ttern", blurb = "Pattern") # FUTURE all other Pika classes that have PikaParamSpecs ## PikaPlugIn virtual methods ## def do_set_i18n(self, procname): return True, 'pika30-python', None def do_query_procedures(self): return [ 'python-fu-test-dialog' ] def do_create_procedure(self, name): procedure = Pika.ImageProcedure.new(self, name, Pika.PDBProcType.PLUGIN, test_dialog, None) procedure.set_sensitivity_mask (Pika.ProcedureSensitivityMask.NO_IMAGE) procedure.set_documentation ("Test dialog", "Test dialog", name) procedure.set_menu_label("Test dialog...") procedure.set_attribution("Lloyd Konneker", "Lloyd Konneker", "2022") # Top level menu "Test" procedure.add_menu_path ("/Test") procedure.add_argument_from_property(self, "brush") procedure.add_argument_from_property(self, "font") procedure.add_argument_from_property(self, "gradient") procedure.add_argument_from_property(self, "palette") procedure.add_argument_from_property(self, "pattern") return procedure Pika.main(TestDialogPlugin.__gtype__, sys.argv)