#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Pika-Python - allows the writing of Pika plugins in Python. # Copyright (C) 1997 James Henstridge # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import gi gi.require_version('Pika', '3.0') gi.require_version('PikaUi', '3.0') from gi.repository import Pika from gi.repository import PikaUi gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import GObject from gi.repository import Gio from gi.repository import GLib import sys import pyconsole #import pikashelf, pikaui, pyconsole import gettext textdomain = "pika30-python" gettext.bindtextdomain(textdomain, Pika.locale_directory()) gettext.textdomain(textdomain) _ = gettext.gettext PROC_NAME = 'python-fu-console' RESPONSE_BROWSE, RESPONSE_CLEAR, RESPONSE_SAVE = range(3) def run(procedure, args, data): PikaUi.init ("python-console.py") namespace = {'__builtins__': __builtins__, '__name__': '__main__', '__doc__': None, 'Babl': gi.repository.Babl, 'cairo': gi.repository.cairo, 'Gdk': gi.repository.Gdk, 'Gegl': gi.repository.Gegl, 'Pika': gi.repository.Pika, 'Gio': gi.repository.Gio, 'Gtk': gi.repository.Gtk, 'GdkPixbuf': gi.repository.GdkPixbuf, 'GLib': gi.repository.GLib, 'GObject': gi.repository.GObject, 'Pango': gi.repository.Pango } class PikaConsole(pyconsole.Console): def __init__(self, quit_func=None): banner = ('PIKA %s Python Console\nPython %s\n' % (Pika.version(), sys.version)) pyconsole.Console.__init__(self, locals=namespace, banner=banner, quit_func=quit_func) def _commit(self): pyconsole.Console._commit(self) Pika.displays_flush() class ConsoleDialog(PikaUi.Dialog): def __init__(self): use_header_bar = Gtk.Settings.get_default().get_property("gtk-dialogs-use-header") PikaUi.Dialog.__init__(self, use_header_bar=use_header_bar) self.set_property("help-id", PROC_NAME) Gtk.Window.set_title(self, _("Python Console")) Gtk.Window.set_role(self, PROC_NAME) Gtk.Dialog.add_button(self, _("_Save"), Gtk.ResponseType.OK) Gtk.Dialog.add_button(self, _("Cl_ear"), RESPONSE_CLEAR) Gtk.Dialog.add_button(self, _("_Browse..."), RESPONSE_BROWSE) Gtk.Dialog.add_button(self, _("_Close"), Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE) Gtk.Widget.set_name (self, PROC_NAME) PikaUi.Dialog.set_alternative_button_order_from_array(self, [ Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE, RESPONSE_BROWSE, RESPONSE_CLEAR, Gtk.ResponseType.OK ]) self.cons = PikaConsole(quit_func=lambda: Gtk.main_quit()) self.style_set (None, None) self.connect('response', self.response) self.connect('style-set', self.style_set) self.browse_dlg = None self.save_dlg = None vbox = Gtk.VBox(homogeneous=False, spacing=12) vbox.set_border_width(12) contents_area = Gtk.Dialog.get_content_area(self) contents_area.pack_start(vbox, True, True, 0) scrl_win = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() scrl_win.set_policy(Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.ALWAYS) vbox.pack_start(scrl_win, True, True, 0) scrl_win.add(self.cons) width, height = self.cons.get_default_size() minreq, requisition = Gtk.Widget.get_preferred_size(scrl_win.get_vscrollbar()) sb_width = requisition.width sb_height = requisition.height # Account for scrollbar width and border width to ensure # the text view gets a width of 80 characters. We don't care # so much whether the height will be exactly 40 characters. Gtk.Window.set_default_size(self, width + sb_width + 2 * 12, height) def style_set(self, old_style, user_data): pass #style = Gtk.Widget.get_style (self) #self.cons.stdout_tag.set_property ("foreground", style.text[Gtk.StateType.NORMAL]) #self.cons.stderr_tag.set_property ("foreground", style.text[Gtk.StateType.INSENSITIVE]) def response(self, dialog, response_id): if response_id == RESPONSE_BROWSE: self.browse() elif response_id == RESPONSE_CLEAR: self.cons.banner = None self.cons.clear() elif response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: self.save_dialog() else: Gtk.main_quit() self.cons.grab_focus() def command_for_procedure(self, proc_name): ''' Assemble string of Python code that when eval'd will call proc_name with contrived arguments. The purpose is to generate a template for a call to the PDB procedure the user has selected. The call MIGHT work as is. Otherwise, the names of the arguments might be enough that the user can figure out how to edit the template. The code will run in the environment of the console/browser, which is not the PIKA v2 PikaFu environment but the PIKA v3 PyGObject introspected environment. If ever PikaFu module is resurrected, and Python console imports it, then revert this code to its v2 form. ''' proc = Pika.get_pdb().lookup_procedure(proc_name) if proc is None: return None cmd = '' return_values = proc.get_return_values() # assert is list of GParamSpec ''' Cat str of variable names to which unpack return values Variable names same as return value name, mangled Str like: 'retval_1, ret_val_2 = ' ''' if len(return_values) > 0: cmd += ', '.join(x.name.replace('-', '_') for x in return_values) cmd += ' = ' # else is a void PDB procedure ''' Cat prefix of str for a call to procedure name Prefix like: Pika.get_pdb().run_procedure('', Note: - proc name is quoted, run_procedure wants a string. - proc name has hyphens. Not a Python name. Matches name in PDB. - trailing comma, another arg to follow: run_procedure takes two args: string name, and GValueArray of args ''' cmd += f"Pika.get_pdb().run_procedure('{proc_name}', " ''' Assemble argument string. Using names of formal args, which might not match names already defined in the browsing environment (the REPL). Args are passed to a PDB procedure in a GValueArray. Assemble a string like '[arg_1, arg_2]'. When eval'd, the Python binding will convert to a GValueArray. ''' param_specs = proc.get_arguments() cmd += '[ ' ''' Special handling for run mode. PIKA v2: PikaFu had different handling for run mode. Insure run mode interactive, i.e. called procedure may open a GUI. This assumes that procedures use the same formal name for runmode arg. There might be rare other cases, especially for third party plugins? E.G. See formal signature of file-gex-load There is no other way to distinguish the run mode formal argument, as its formal type is PikaParamEnum, a generic enum. ''' if len(param_specs) > 0 and param_specs[0].name == 'run-mode': cmd += 'Pika.RunMode.INTERACTIVE, ' param_specs = param_specs[1:] # else doesn't take a run mode arg # Cat string of arg names to a call # Like: 'arg_1, arg_2' where formal names arg-1 and arg-2 cmd += ', '.join(x.name.replace('-', '_') for x in param_specs) # terminate the arg array, and close parens the call cmd += '])' return cmd def browse_response(self, dlg, response_id): if response_id != Gtk.ResponseType.APPLY: Gtk.Widget.hide(dlg) return proc_name = dlg.get_selected() if not proc_name: # Apply button was enabled without a selection? return cmd = self.command_for_procedure(proc_name) if cmd is None: # Should not happen. We browsed a name not in the PDB? return buffer = self.cons.buffer lines = buffer.get_line_count() iter = buffer.get_iter_at_line_offset(lines - 1, 4) buffer.delete(iter, buffer.get_end_iter()) buffer.place_cursor(buffer.get_end_iter()) buffer.insert_at_cursor(cmd) # not insert a newline, user can edit and then "enter" the command def browse(self): if not self.browse_dlg: use_header_bar = Gtk.Settings.get_default().get_property("gtk-dialogs-use-header") dlg = PikaUi.ProcBrowserDialog(use_header_bar=use_header_bar) Gtk.Window.set_title(dlg, _("Python Procedure Browser")) Gtk.Window.set_role(dlg, PROC_NAME) Gtk.Dialog.add_button(dlg, _("_Apply"), Gtk.ResponseType.APPLY) Gtk.Dialog.add_button(dlg, _("_Close"), Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE) Gtk.Dialog.set_default_response(self, Gtk.ResponseType.OK) PikaUi.Dialog.set_alternative_button_order_from_array(dlg, [ Gtk.ResponseType.CLOSE, Gtk.ResponseType.APPLY ]) dlg.connect('response', self.browse_response) dlg.connect('row-activated', lambda dlg: dlg.response(Gtk.ResponseType.APPLY)) self.browse_dlg = dlg Gtk.Window.present(self.browse_dlg) def save_response(self, dlg, response_id): if response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.DELETE_EVENT: self.save_dlg = None return elif response_id == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: filename = dlg.get_filename() try: logfile = open(filename, 'w') except IOError as e: Pika.message(_("Could not open '%s' for writing: %s") % (filename, e.strerror)) return buffer = self.cons.buffer start = buffer.get_start_iter() end = buffer.get_end_iter() log = buffer.get_text(start, end, False) try: logfile.write(log) logfile.close() except IOError as e: Pika.message(_("Could not write to '%s': %s") % (filename, e.strerror)) return Gtk.Widget.hide(dlg) def save_dialog(self): if not self.save_dlg: dlg = Gtk.FileChooserDialog() Gtk.Window.set_title(dlg, _("Save Python-Fu Console Output")) Gtk.Window.set_transient_for(dlg, self) Gtk.Dialog.add_button(dlg, _("_Cancel"), Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL) Gtk.Dialog.add_button(dlg, _("_Save"), Gtk.ResponseType.OK) Gtk.Dialog.set_default_response(self, Gtk.ResponseType.OK) PikaUi.Dialog.set_alternative_button_order_from_array(dlg, [ Gtk.ResponseType.OK, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL ]) dlg.connect('response', self.save_response) self.save_dlg = dlg self.save_dlg.present() def run(self): Gtk.Widget.show_all(self) Gtk.main() ConsoleDialog().run() return procedure.new_return_values(Pika.PDBStatusType.SUCCESS, GLib.Error()) class PythonConsole (Pika.PlugIn): ## Properties: parameters ## @GObject.Property(type=Pika.RunMode, default=Pika.RunMode.NONINTERACTIVE, nick=_("Run mode"), blurb=_("The run mode")) def run_mode(self): """Read-write integer property.""" return self.runmode @run_mode.setter def run_mode(self, runmode): self.runmode = runmode ## PikaPlugIn virtual methods ## def do_set_i18n(self, name): return True, 'pika30-python', None def do_query_procedures(self): return [ PROC_NAME ] def do_create_procedure(self, name): if name == PROC_NAME: procedure = Pika.Procedure.new(self, name, Pika.PDBProcType.PLUGIN, run, None) procedure.set_menu_label(_("Python _Console")) procedure.set_documentation(_("Interactive PIKA Python interpreter"), _("Type in commands and see results"), "") procedure.set_attribution("James Henstridge", "James Henstridge", "1997-1999") procedure.add_argument_from_property(self, "run-mode") procedure.add_menu_path ("/Filters/Development/Python-Fu") return procedure return None Pika.main(PythonConsole.__gtype__, sys.argv)