/******************************************************/ /* Apply mapping and shading on the whole input image */ /******************************************************/ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "map-object-main.h" #include "map-object-image.h" #include "map-object-shade.h" #include "map-object-apply.h" #include "libpika/stdplugins-intl.h" /*************/ /* Main loop */ /*************/ gdouble imat[4][4]; gfloat rotmat[16]; static gfloat a[16], b[16]; void init_compute (void) { gint i; switch (mapvals.maptype) { case MAP_SPHERE: /* Rotate the equator/northpole axis */ /* ================================= */ pika_vector3_set (&mapvals.firstaxis, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0); pika_vector3_set (&mapvals.secondaxis, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); pika_vector3_rotate (&mapvals.firstaxis, pika_deg_to_rad (mapvals.alpha), pika_deg_to_rad (mapvals.beta), pika_deg_to_rad (mapvals.gamma)); pika_vector3_rotate (&mapvals.secondaxis, pika_deg_to_rad (mapvals.alpha), pika_deg_to_rad (mapvals.beta), pika_deg_to_rad (mapvals.gamma)); /* Compute the 2D bounding box of the sphere spanned by the axis */ /* ============================================================= */ compute_bounding_box (); get_ray_color = get_ray_color_sphere; break; case MAP_PLANE: /* Rotate the plane axis */ /* ===================== */ pika_vector3_set (&mapvals.firstaxis, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); pika_vector3_set (&mapvals.secondaxis, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); pika_vector3_set (&mapvals.normal, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); pika_vector3_rotate (&mapvals.firstaxis, pika_deg_to_rad (mapvals.alpha), pika_deg_to_rad (mapvals.beta), pika_deg_to_rad (mapvals.gamma)); pika_vector3_rotate (&mapvals.secondaxis, pika_deg_to_rad (mapvals.alpha), pika_deg_to_rad (mapvals.beta), pika_deg_to_rad (mapvals.gamma)); mapvals.normal = pika_vector3_cross_product (&mapvals.firstaxis, &mapvals.secondaxis); if (mapvals.normal.z < 0.0) pika_vector3_mul (&mapvals.normal, -1.0); /* Initialize intersection matrix */ /* ============================== */ imat[0][1] = -mapvals.firstaxis.x; imat[1][1] = -mapvals.firstaxis.y; imat[2][1] = -mapvals.firstaxis.z; imat[0][2] = -mapvals.secondaxis.x; imat[1][2] = -mapvals.secondaxis.y; imat[2][2] = -mapvals.secondaxis.z; imat[0][3] = mapvals.position.x - mapvals.viewpoint.x; imat[1][3] = mapvals.position.y - mapvals.viewpoint.y; imat[2][3] = mapvals.position.z - mapvals.viewpoint.z; get_ray_color = get_ray_color_plane; break; case MAP_BOX: get_ray_color = get_ray_color_box; pika_vector3_set (&mapvals.firstaxis, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); pika_vector3_set (&mapvals.secondaxis, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); pika_vector3_set (&mapvals.normal, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); ident_mat (rotmat); rotatemat (mapvals.alpha, &mapvals.firstaxis, a); matmul (a, rotmat, b); memcpy (rotmat, b, sizeof (gfloat) * 16); rotatemat (mapvals.beta, &mapvals.secondaxis, a); matmul (a, rotmat, b); memcpy (rotmat, b, sizeof (gfloat) * 16); rotatemat (mapvals.gamma, &mapvals.normal, a); matmul (a, rotmat, b); memcpy (rotmat, b, sizeof (gfloat) * 16); /* Set up pixel regions for the box face images */ /* ============================================ */ for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { box_drawables[i] = pika_drawable_get_by_id (mapvals.boxmap_id[i]); box_buffers[i] = pika_drawable_get_buffer (box_drawables[i]); } break; case MAP_CYLINDER: get_ray_color = get_ray_color_cylinder; pika_vector3_set (&mapvals.firstaxis, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); pika_vector3_set (&mapvals.secondaxis, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); pika_vector3_set (&mapvals.normal, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); ident_mat (rotmat); rotatemat (mapvals.alpha, &mapvals.firstaxis, a); matmul (a, rotmat, b); memcpy (rotmat, b, sizeof (gfloat) * 16); rotatemat (mapvals.beta, &mapvals.secondaxis, a); matmul (a, rotmat, b); memcpy (rotmat, b, sizeof (gfloat) * 16); rotatemat (mapvals.gamma, &mapvals.normal, a); matmul (a, rotmat, b); memcpy (rotmat, b, sizeof (gfloat) * 16); /* Set up pixel regions for the cylinder cap images */ /* ================================================ */ for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { cylinder_drawables[i] = pika_drawable_get_by_id (mapvals.cylindermap_id[i]);; cylinder_buffers[i] = pika_drawable_get_buffer (cylinder_drawables[i]); } break; } max_depth = (gint) mapvals.maxdepth; } static void render (gdouble x, gdouble y, PikaRGB *col, gpointer data) { PikaVector3 pos; pos.x = x / (gdouble) width; pos.y = y / (gdouble) height; pos.z = 0.0; *col = get_ray_color (&pos); } static void show_progress (gint min, gint max, gint curr, gpointer data) { pika_progress_update ((gdouble) curr / (gdouble) max); } /**************************************************/ /* Performs map-to-sphere on the whole input image */ /* and updates or creates a new PIKA image. */ /**************************************************/ void compute_image (void) { gint xcount, ycount; PikaRGB color; glong progress_counter = 0; PikaVector3 p; PikaImage *new_image = NULL; PikaLayer *new_layer = NULL; gboolean insert_layer = FALSE; init_compute (); if (mapvals.create_new_image) { new_image = pika_image_new (width, height, PIKA_RGB); } else { new_image = image; } pika_image_undo_group_start (new_image); if (mapvals.create_new_image || mapvals.create_new_layer || (mapvals.transparent_background && ! pika_drawable_has_alpha (output_drawable))) { gchar *layername[] = {_("Map to plane"), _("Map to sphere"), _("Map to box"), _("Map to cylinder"), _("Background")}; new_layer = pika_layer_new (new_image, layername[mapvals.create_new_image ? 4 : mapvals.maptype], width, height, mapvals.transparent_background ? PIKA_RGBA_IMAGE : PIKA_RGB_IMAGE, 100.0, pika_image_get_default_new_layer_mode (new_image)); insert_layer = TRUE; output_drawable = PIKA_DRAWABLE (new_layer); } dest_buffer = pika_drawable_get_shadow_buffer (output_drawable); switch (mapvals.maptype) { case MAP_PLANE: pika_progress_init (_("Map to plane")); break; case MAP_SPHERE: pika_progress_init (_("Map to sphere")); break; case MAP_BOX: pika_progress_init (_("Map to box")); break; case MAP_CYLINDER: pika_progress_init (_("Map to cylinder")); break; } if (! mapvals.antialiasing) { for (ycount = 0; ycount < height; ycount++) { for (xcount = 0; xcount < width; xcount++) { p = int_to_pos (xcount, ycount); color = (* get_ray_color) (&p); poke (xcount, ycount, &color, NULL); progress_counter++; } pika_progress_update ((gdouble) progress_counter / (gdouble) maxcounter); } } else { pika_adaptive_supersample_area (0, 0, width - 1, height - 1, max_depth, mapvals.pixelthreshold, render, NULL, poke, NULL, show_progress, NULL); } pika_progress_update (1.0); g_object_unref (source_buffer); g_object_unref (dest_buffer); if (insert_layer) pika_image_insert_layer (new_image, new_layer, NULL, 0); pika_drawable_merge_shadow (output_drawable, TRUE); pika_drawable_update (output_drawable, 0, 0, width, height); if (new_image != image) { pika_display_new (new_image); pika_displays_flush (); } pika_image_undo_group_end (new_image); }