/*************************************************/ /* Compute a preview image and preview wireframe */ /*************************************************/ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "lighting-main.h" #include "lighting-ui.h" #include "lighting-image.h" #include "lighting-apply.h" #include "lighting-shade.h" #include "lighting-preview.h" #define LIGHT_SYMBOL_SIZE 8 static gint handle_xpos = 0, handle_ypos = 0; /* g_free()'ed on exit */ gdouble *xpostab = NULL; gdouble *ypostab = NULL; static gint xpostab_size = -1; /* if preview size change, do realloc */ static gint ypostab_size = -1; static gboolean light_hit = FALSE; static gboolean left_button_pressed = FALSE; static guint preview_update_timer = 0; /* Protos */ /* ====== */ static gboolean interactive_preview_timer_callback ( gpointer data ); static void compute_preview (gint startx, gint starty, gint w, gint h) { gint xcnt, ycnt, f1, f2; guchar r, g, b; gdouble imagex, imagey; gint32 index = 0; PikaRGB color; PikaRGB lightcheck, darkcheck; PikaVector3 pos; get_ray_func ray_func; if (xpostab_size != w) { if (xpostab) { g_free (xpostab); xpostab = NULL; } } if (!xpostab) { xpostab = g_new (gdouble, w); xpostab_size = w; } if (ypostab_size != h) { if (ypostab) { g_free (ypostab); ypostab = NULL; } } if (!ypostab) { ypostab = g_new (gdouble, h); ypostab_size = h; } for (xcnt = 0; xcnt < w; xcnt++) xpostab[xcnt] = (gdouble) width *((gdouble) xcnt / (gdouble) w); for (ycnt = 0; ycnt < h; ycnt++) ypostab[ycnt] = (gdouble) height *((gdouble) ycnt / (gdouble) h); precompute_init (width, height); pika_rgba_set (&lightcheck, PIKA_CHECK_LIGHT, PIKA_CHECK_LIGHT, PIKA_CHECK_LIGHT, 1.0); pika_rgba_set (&darkcheck, PIKA_CHECK_DARK, PIKA_CHECK_DARK, PIKA_CHECK_DARK, 1.0); if (mapvals.bump_mapped == TRUE && mapvals.bumpmap_id != -1) { bumpmap_setup (pika_drawable_get_by_id (mapvals.bumpmap_id)); } imagey = 0; if (mapvals.previewquality) ray_func = get_ray_color; else ray_func = get_ray_color_no_bilinear; if (mapvals.env_mapped == TRUE && mapvals.envmap_id != -1) { envmap_setup (pika_drawable_get_by_id (mapvals.envmap_id)); if (mapvals.previewquality) ray_func = get_ray_color_ref; else ray_func = get_ray_color_no_bilinear_ref; } cairo_surface_flush (preview_surface); for (ycnt = 0; ycnt < PREVIEW_HEIGHT; ycnt++) { index = ycnt * preview_rgb_stride; for (xcnt = 0; xcnt < PREVIEW_WIDTH; xcnt++) { if ((ycnt >= starty && ycnt < (starty + h)) && (xcnt >= startx && xcnt < (startx + w))) { imagex = xpostab[xcnt - startx]; imagey = ypostab[ycnt - starty]; pos = int_to_posf (imagex, imagey); if (mapvals.bump_mapped == TRUE && mapvals.bumpmap_id != -1 && xcnt == startx) { pos_to_float (pos.x, pos.y, &imagex, &imagey); precompute_normals (0, width, RINT (imagey)); } color = (*ray_func) (&pos); if (color.a < 1.0) { f1 = ((xcnt % 32) < 16); f2 = ((ycnt % 32) < 16); f1 = f1 ^ f2; if (f1) { if (color.a == 0.0) color = lightcheck; else pika_rgb_composite (&color, &lightcheck, PIKA_RGB_COMPOSITE_BEHIND); } else { if (color.a == 0.0) color = darkcheck; else pika_rgb_composite (&color, &darkcheck, PIKA_RGB_COMPOSITE_BEHIND); } } pika_rgb_get_uchar (&color, &r, &g, &b); PIKA_CAIRO_RGB24_SET_PIXEL((preview_rgb_data + index), r, g, b); index += 4; imagex++; } else { preview_rgb_data[index++] = 200; preview_rgb_data[index++] = 200; preview_rgb_data[index++] = 200; index++; } } } cairo_surface_mark_dirty (preview_surface); } static void compute_preview_rectangle (gint * xp, gint * yp, gint * wid, gint * heig) { gdouble x, y, w, h; if (width >= height) { w = (PREVIEW_WIDTH - 50.0); h = (gdouble) height *(w / (gdouble) width); x = (PREVIEW_WIDTH - w) / 2.0; y = (PREVIEW_HEIGHT - h) / 2.0; } else { h = (PREVIEW_HEIGHT - 50.0); w = (gdouble) width *(h / (gdouble) height); x = (PREVIEW_WIDTH - w) / 2.0; y = (PREVIEW_HEIGHT - h) / 2.0; } *xp = RINT (x); *yp = RINT (y); *wid = RINT (w); *heig = RINT (h); } /*************************************************/ /* Check if the given position is within the */ /* light marker. Return TRUE if so, FALSE if not */ /*************************************************/ static gboolean check_handle_hit (gint xpos, gint ypos) { gint dx,dy,r; gint k = mapvals.light_selected; dx = handle_xpos - xpos; dy = handle_ypos - ypos; if (mapvals.lightsource[k].type == POINT_LIGHT || mapvals.lightsource[k].type == DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT) { r = sqrt (dx * dx + dy * dy) + 0.5; if ((gint) r > 7) { return (FALSE); } else { return (TRUE); } } return FALSE; } /****************************************/ /* Draw a light symbol */ /****************************************/ static void draw_handles (cairo_t *cr) { gdouble dxpos, dypos; gint startx, starty, pw, ph; PikaVector3 viewpoint; PikaVector3 light_position; gint k = mapvals.light_selected; gfloat length; gfloat delta_x = 0.0; gfloat delta_y = 0.0; /* calculate handle position */ compute_preview_rectangle (&startx, &starty, &pw, &ph); switch (mapvals.lightsource[k].type) { case NO_LIGHT: return; case POINT_LIGHT: case SPOT_LIGHT: /* swap z to reverse light position */ viewpoint = mapvals.viewpoint; viewpoint.z = -viewpoint.z; light_position = mapvals.lightsource[k].position; pika_vector_3d_to_2d (startx, starty, pw, ph, &dxpos, &dypos, &viewpoint, &light_position); handle_xpos = (gint) (dxpos + 0.5); handle_ypos = (gint) (dypos + 0.5); break; case DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT: light_position.x = light_position.y = 0.5; light_position.z = 0; viewpoint.z = -viewpoint.z; pika_vector_3d_to_2d (startx, starty, pw, ph, &dxpos, &dypos, &viewpoint, &light_position); length = PREVIEW_HEIGHT / 4; delta_x = mapvals.lightsource[k].direction.x * length; delta_y = mapvals.lightsource[k].direction.y * length; handle_xpos = dxpos + delta_x; handle_ypos = dypos + delta_y; break; } if (mapvals.lightsource[k].type != NO_LIGHT) { GdkRGBA color; cairo_set_line_width (cr, 1.0); color.red = 0.0; color.green = 0.2; color.blue = 1.0; color.alpha = 1.0; gdk_cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, &color); /* draw circle at light position */ switch (mapvals.lightsource[k].type) { case POINT_LIGHT: case SPOT_LIGHT: cairo_arc (cr, handle_xpos, handle_ypos, LIGHT_SYMBOL_SIZE/2, 0, 2 * G_PI); cairo_fill (cr); break; case DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT: cairo_arc (cr, handle_xpos, handle_ypos, LIGHT_SYMBOL_SIZE/2, 0, 2 * G_PI); cairo_fill (cr); cairo_move_to (cr, handle_xpos, handle_ypos); cairo_line_to (cr, startx + pw/2, starty + ph/2); cairo_stroke (cr); break; case NO_LIGHT: break; } } } /*************************************************/ /* Update light position given new screen coords */ /*************************************************/ void update_light (gint xpos, gint ypos) { gint startx, starty, pw, ph; PikaVector3 vp; gint k = mapvals.light_selected; compute_preview_rectangle (&startx, &starty, &pw, &ph); vp = mapvals.viewpoint; vp.z = -vp.z; switch (mapvals.lightsource[k].type) { case NO_LIGHT: break; case POINT_LIGHT: case SPOT_LIGHT: pika_vector_2d_to_3d (startx, starty, pw, ph, xpos, ypos, &vp, &mapvals.lightsource[k].position); break; case DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT: pika_vector_2d_to_3d (startx, starty, pw, ph, xpos, ypos, &vp, &mapvals.lightsource[k].direction); break; } } /******************************************************************/ /* Draw preview image. if DoCompute is TRUE then recompute image. */ /******************************************************************/ void preview_compute (void) { GdkDisplay *display = gtk_widget_get_display (previewarea); GdkCursor *cursor; gint startx, starty, pw, ph; compute_preview_rectangle (&startx, &starty, &pw, &ph); cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, GDK_WATCH); gdk_window_set_cursor (gtk_widget_get_window (previewarea), cursor); g_object_unref (cursor); compute_preview (startx, starty, pw, ph); cursor = gdk_cursor_new_for_display (display, GDK_HAND2); gdk_window_set_cursor (gtk_widget_get_window (previewarea), cursor); g_object_unref (cursor); gdk_display_flush (display); } /******************************/ /* Preview area event handler */ /******************************/ gboolean preview_events (GtkWidget *area, GdkEvent *event) { switch (event->type) { case GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY: break; case GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY: break; case GDK_BUTTON_PRESS: light_hit = check_handle_hit (event->button.x, event->button.y); left_button_pressed = TRUE; break; case GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE: left_button_pressed = FALSE; break; case GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY: if (left_button_pressed == TRUE && light_hit == TRUE && mapvals.interactive_preview == TRUE ) { gtk_widget_queue_draw (previewarea); interactive_preview_callback(NULL); update_light (event->motion.x, event->motion.y); } break; default: break; } return FALSE; } gboolean preview_draw (GtkWidget *area, cairo_t *cr) { cairo_set_source_surface (cr, preview_surface, 0.0, 0.0); cairo_paint (cr); /* draw symbols if enabled in UI */ if (mapvals.interactive_preview) { draw_handles (cr); } return FALSE; } void interactive_preview_callback (GtkWidget *widget) { if (preview_update_timer != 0) g_source_remove (preview_update_timer); preview_update_timer = g_timeout_add (100, interactive_preview_timer_callback, NULL); } static gboolean interactive_preview_timer_callback (gpointer data) { gint k = mapvals.light_selected; mapvals.update_enabled = FALSE; /* disable apply_settings() */ gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(spin_pos_x), mapvals.lightsource[k].position.x); gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(spin_pos_y), mapvals.lightsource[k].position.y); gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(spin_pos_z), mapvals.lightsource[k].position.z); gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(spin_dir_x), mapvals.lightsource[k].direction.x); gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(spin_dir_y), mapvals.lightsource[k].direction.y); gtk_spin_button_set_value (GTK_SPIN_BUTTON(spin_dir_z), mapvals.lightsource[k].direction.z); mapvals.update_enabled = TRUE; preview_compute (); gtk_widget_queue_draw (previewarea); preview_update_timer = 0; return FALSE; }