--[[ This file is part of PIKA, copyright (c) 2015-2017 Tobias Ellinghaus PIKA is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. PIKA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PIKA. If not, see . ]] --[[ EXPORT ON EXIT exports all (but at most 1) images from the database to prefs setting "lua/export_on_exit/export_filename" when darktable exits USAGE * require this file from your main lua config file * or: use --luacmd "dofile('/path/to/this/file.lua')" * and make sure to set the export filename ]] local dt = require "darktable" local orig_register_event = dt.register_event function dt.register_event(name, event, func, label) if dt.configuration.api_version_string >= "6.2.1" then if label then orig_register_event(name, event, func, label) else orig_register_event(name, event, func) end else if label then orig_register_event(event, func, label) else orig_register_event(event, func) end end end local min_api_version = "2.1.0" if dt.configuration.api_version_string < min_api_version then dt.print("the exit export script requires at least darktable version 1.7.0") dt.print_error("the exit export script requires at least darktable version 1.7.0") return else dt.print("closing darktable will export the image and make PIKA load it") end local CURR_API_STRING = dt.configuration.api_version_string local export_filename = dt.preferences.read("export_on_exit", "export_filename", "string") dt.register_event("fileraw", "exit", function() -- safegurad against someone using this with their library containing 50k images if #dt.database > 1 then dt.print_error("too many images, only exporting the first") -- return end -- change the view first to force writing of the history stack dt.gui.current_view(dt.gui.views.lighttable) -- now export local format = dt.new_format("exr") format.max_width = 0 format.max_height = 0 -- let's have the export in a loop so we could easily support > 1 images for _, image in ipairs(dt.database) do dt.print_error("exporting `"..tostring(image).."' to `"..export_filename.."'") format:write_image(image, export_filename) break -- only export one image. see above for the reason end end) -- -- vim: shiftwidth=2 expandtab tabstop=2 cindent syntax=lua -- kate: hl Lua;