# PIKA - Photo and Image Kooker Application # Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # "Perlized" from C source by Manish Singh sub progress_init { $blurb = 'Initializes the progress bar for the current plug-in.'; $help = <<'HELP'; Initializes the progress bar for the current plug-in. It is only valid to call this procedure from a plug-in. HELP &std_pdb_misc; $lib_private = 1; @inargs = ( { name => 'message', type => 'string', null_ok => 1, desc => 'Message to use in the progress dialog' }, { name => 'gdisplay', type => 'display', none_ok => 1, desc => 'PikaDisplay to update progressbar in, or %NULL for a separate window' } ); %invoke = ( code => <<'CODE' { PikaPlugIn *plug_in = pika->plug_in_manager->current_plug_in; if (plug_in && plug_in->open) { if (! pika->no_interface) pika_plug_in_progress_start (plug_in, message, gdisplay); } else success = FALSE; } CODE ); } sub progress_update { $blurb = 'Updates the progress bar for the current plug-in.'; $help = <<'HELP'; Updates the progress bar for the current plug-in. It is only valid to call this procedure from a plug-in. HELP &std_pdb_misc; $lib_private = 1; @inargs = ( { name => 'percentage', type => 'float', desc => 'Percentage of progress completed which must be between 0.0 and 1.0' } ); %invoke = ( code => <<'CODE' { PikaPlugIn *plug_in = pika->plug_in_manager->current_plug_in; if (plug_in && plug_in->open) { if (! pika->no_interface) pika_plug_in_progress_set_value (plug_in, percentage); } else success = FALSE; } CODE ); } sub progress_pulse { $blurb = 'Pulses the progress bar for the current plug-in.'; $help = <<'HELP'; Updates the progress bar for the current plug-in. It is only valid to call this procedure from a plug-in. Use this function instead of pika_progress_update() if you cannot tell how much progress has been made. This usually causes the the progress bar to enter "activity mode", where a block bounces back and forth. HELP &neo_pdb_misc('2005', '2.4'); %invoke = ( code => <<'CODE' { PikaPlugIn *plug_in = pika->plug_in_manager->current_plug_in; if (plug_in && plug_in->open) { if (! pika->no_interface) pika_plug_in_progress_pulse (plug_in); } else success = FALSE; } CODE ); } sub progress_set_text { $blurb = 'Changes the text in the progress bar for the current plug-in.'; $help = <<'HELP'; This function changes the text in the progress bar for the current plug-in. Unlike pika_progress_init() it does not change the displayed value. HELP &neo_pdb_misc('2005', '2.4'); @inargs = ( { name => 'message', type => 'string', null_ok => 1, desc => 'Message to use in the progress dialog' } ); %invoke = ( code => <<'CODE' { PikaPlugIn *plug_in = pika->plug_in_manager->current_plug_in; if (plug_in && plug_in->open) { if (! pika->no_interface) pika_plug_in_progress_set_text (plug_in, message); } else success = FALSE; } CODE ); } sub progress_end { $blurb = 'Ends the progress bar for the current plug-in.'; $help = <<'HELP'; Ends the progress display for the current plug-in. Most plug-ins don't need to call this, they just exit when the work is done. It is only valid to call this procedure from a plug-in. HELP &neo_pdb_misc('2007', '2.4'); %invoke = ( code => <<'CODE' { PikaPlugIn *plug_in = pika->plug_in_manager->current_plug_in; if (plug_in && plug_in->open) { PikaPlugInProcFrame *proc_frame = pika_plug_in_get_proc_frame (plug_in); pika_plug_in_progress_end (plug_in, proc_frame); } else success = FALSE; } CODE ); } sub progress_get_window_handle { $blurb = 'Returns the native handle of the toplevel window this plug-in\'s progress is displayed in.'; $help = <<'HELP'; This function returns the native handle allowing to identify the toplevel window this plug-in's progress is displayed in. This handle can be of various types (integer, string, etc.) depending on the platform you are running on which is why it returns a GBytes. There are usually no reasons to call this directly. HELP &mitch_pdb_misc('2004', '2.2'); @outargs = ( { name => 'handle', type => 'bytes', desc => 'The progress bar\'s toplevel window\'s handle' } ); %invoke = ( code => <<'CODE' { PikaPlugIn *plug_in = pika->plug_in_manager->current_plug_in; if (plug_in && plug_in->open) { if (! pika->no_interface) handle = pika_plug_in_progress_get_window_id (plug_in); } else success = FALSE; } CODE ); } sub progress_install { $blurb = 'Installs a progress callback for the current plug-in.'; $help = <<'HELP'; This function installs a temporary PDB procedure which will handle all progress calls made by this plug-in and any procedure it calls. Calling this function multiple times simply replaces the old progress callbacks. HELP &mitch_pdb_misc('2004', '2.2'); $lib_private = 1; @inargs = ( { name => 'progress_callback', type => 'string', non_empty => 1, desc => 'The callback PDB proc to call' } ); %invoke = ( code => <<'CODE' { PikaPlugIn *plug_in = pika->plug_in_manager->current_plug_in; if (plug_in && plug_in->open) success = pika_plug_in_progress_install (plug_in, progress_callback); else success = FALSE; } CODE ); } sub progress_uninstall { $blurb = 'Uninstalls the progress callback for the current plug-in.'; $help = <<'HELP'; This function uninstalls any progress callback installed with pika_progress_install() before. HELP &mitch_pdb_misc('2004', '2.2'); $lib_private = 1; @inargs = ( { name => 'progress_callback', type => 'string', non_empty => 1, desc => 'The name of the callback registered for this progress' } ); %invoke = ( code => <<'CODE' { PikaPlugIn *plug_in = pika->plug_in_manager->current_plug_in; if (plug_in && plug_in->open) success = pika_plug_in_progress_uninstall (plug_in, progress_callback); else success = FALSE; } CODE ); } sub progress_cancel { $blurb = 'Cancels a running progress.'; $help = <<'HELP'; This function cancels the currently running progress. HELP &mitch_pdb_misc('2004', '2.2'); @inargs = ( { name => 'progress_callback', type => 'string', non_empty => 1, desc => 'The name of the callback registered for this progress' } ); %invoke = ( code => <<'CODE' { PikaPlugIn *plug_in = pika->plug_in_manager->current_plug_in; if (plug_in && plug_in->open) success = pika_plug_in_progress_cancel (plug_in, progress_callback); else success = FALSE; } CODE ); } @headers = qw("core/pika.h" "plug-in/pikaplugin.h" "plug-in/pikaplugin-progress.h" "plug-in/pikapluginmanager.h"); @procs = qw(progress_init progress_update progress_pulse progress_set_text progress_end progress_get_window_handle progress_install progress_uninstall progress_cancel); %exports = (app => [@procs], lib => [@procs]); $desc = 'Progress'; $doc_title = 'pikaprogress'; $doc_short_desc = "Functions for embedding the progress bar into a plug-in's GUI."; $doc_long_desc = "Functions for embedding the progress bar into a plug-in's GUI."; 1;