# PIKA - Photo and Image Kooker Application # Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # "Perlized" from C source by Manish Singh sub drawable_edit_clear { $blurb = 'Clear selected area of drawable.'; $help = <<'HELP'; This procedure clears the specified drawable. If the drawable has an alpha channel, the cleared pixels will become transparent. If the drawable does not have an alpha channel, cleared pixels will be set to the background color. This procedure only affects regions within a selection if there is a selection active. This procedure is affected by the following context setters: pika_context_set_background(). HELP &std_pdb_misc; @inargs = ( { name => 'drawable', type => 'drawable', desc => 'The drawable to clear from' } ); %invoke = ( code => < 'drawable', type => 'drawable', desc => "The drawable to fill to" }, { name => 'fill_type', type => 'enum PikaFillType', desc => 'The type of fill' } ); %invoke = ( code => < 'drawable', type => 'drawable', desc => 'The affected drawable' }, { name => 'fill_type', type => 'enum PikaFillType', desc => 'The type of fill' }, { name => 'x', type => 'float', desc => "The x coordinate of this bucket fill's application." }, { name => 'y', type => 'float', desc => "The y coordinate of this bucket fill's application." } ); %invoke = ( headers => [ qw ("core/pikadrawable-bucket-fill.h") ], code => <<'CODE' { if (pika_pdb_item_is_attached (PIKA_ITEM (drawable), NULL, PIKA_PDB_ITEM_CONTENT, error) && pika_pdb_item_is_not_group (PIKA_ITEM (drawable), error)) { PikaFillOptions *options = pika_fill_options_new (pika, NULL, FALSE); pika_context_set_opacity (PIKA_CONTEXT (options), pika_context_get_opacity (context)); pika_context_set_paint_mode (PIKA_CONTEXT (options), pika_context_get_paint_mode (context)); pika_fill_options_set_antialias (options, PIKA_PDB_CONTEXT (context)->antialias); if (pika_fill_options_set_by_fill_type (options, context, fill_type, error)) { pika_drawable_bucket_fill (drawable, options, PIKA_PDB_CONTEXT (context)->sample_transparent, PIKA_PDB_CONTEXT (context)->sample_criterion, PIKA_PDB_CONTEXT (context)->sample_threshold, PIKA_PDB_CONTEXT (context)->sample_merged, PIKA_PDB_CONTEXT (context)->diagonal_neighbors, x, y); } else success = FALSE; g_object_unref (options); } else success = FALSE; } CODE ); } sub drawable_edit_gradient_fill { $blurb = <<'BLURB'; Draw a gradient between the starting and ending coordinates with the specified gradient type. BLURB $help = <<'HELP'; This tool requires information on the gradient type. It creates the specified variety of gradient using the starting and ending coordinates as defined for each gradient type. For shapeburst gradient types, the context's distance metric is also relevant and can be updated with pika_context_set_distance_metric(). This procedure is affected by the following context setters: pika_context_set_opacity(), pika_context_set_paint_mode(), pika_context_set_foreground(), pika_context_set_background(), pika_context_set_gradient() and all gradient property settings, pika_context_set_distance_metric(). HELP &mitch_pdb_misc('2018', '2.10'); @inargs = ( { name => 'drawable', type => 'drawable', desc => 'The affected drawable' }, { name => 'gradient_type', type => 'enum PikaGradientType', desc => 'The type of gradient' }, { name => 'offset', type => '0 <= float', desc => 'Offset relates to the starting and ending coordinates specified for the blend. This parameter is mode dependent.' }, { name => 'supersample', type => 'boolean', desc => 'Do adaptive supersampling' }, { name => 'supersample_max_depth', type => '1 <= int32 <= 9', no_validate => 1, desc => 'Maximum recursion levels for supersampling' }, { name => 'supersample_threshold', type => '0 <= float <= 4', no_validate => 1, desc => 'Supersampling threshold' }, { name => 'dither', type => 'boolean', desc => 'Use dithering to reduce banding' }, { name => 'x1', type => 'float', desc => "The x coordinate of this gradient's starting point" }, { name => 'y1', type => 'float', desc => "The y coordinate of this gradient's starting point" }, { name => 'x2', type => 'float', desc => "The x coordinate of this gradient's ending point" }, { name => 'y2', type => 'float', desc => "The y coordinate of this gradient's ending point" } ); %invoke = ( headers => [ qw("core/pika-gradients.h" "core/pikadrawable-gradient.h") ], code => <<'CODE' { success = (pika_pdb_item_is_attached (PIKA_ITEM (drawable), NULL, PIKA_PDB_ITEM_CONTENT, error) && pika_pdb_item_is_not_group (PIKA_ITEM (drawable), error)); if (success) { if (supersample) { if (supersample_max_depth < 1 || supersample_max_depth > 9) success = FALSE; if (supersample_threshold < 0.0 || supersample_threshold > 4.0) success = FALSE; } else { supersample_max_depth = CLAMP (supersample_max_depth, 1, 9); supersample_threshold = CLAMP (supersample_threshold, 0.0, 4.0); } } if (success) { /* all options should have the same value, so pick a random one */ PikaPaintOptions *options = pika_pdb_context_get_paint_options (PIKA_PDB_CONTEXT (context), "pika-paintbrush"); if (progress) pika_progress_start (progress, FALSE, _("Gradient")); pika_drawable_gradient (drawable, context, pika_context_get_gradient (context), PIKA_PDB_CONTEXT (context)->distance_metric, pika_context_get_paint_mode (context), gradient_type, pika_context_get_opacity (context), offset, options->gradient_options->gradient_repeat, options->gradient_options->gradient_reverse, options->gradient_options->gradient_blend_color_space, supersample, supersample_max_depth, supersample_threshold, dither, x1, y1, x2, y2, progress); if (progress) pika_progress_end (progress); } } CODE ); } sub drawable_edit_stroke_selection { $blurb = 'Stroke the current selection'; $help = <<'HELP'; This procedure strokes the current selection, painting along the selection boundary with the active paint method and brush, or using a plain line with configurable properties. The paint is applied to the specified drawable regardless of the active selection. This procedure is affected by the following context setters: pika_context_set_opacity(), pika_context_set_paint_mode(), pika_context_set_paint_method(), pika_context_set_stroke_method(), pika_context_set_foreground(), pika_context_set_brush() and all brush property settings, pika_context_set_gradient() and all gradient property settings, pika_context_set_line_width() and all line property settings, pika_context_set_antialias(). HELP &std_pdb_misc; @inargs = ( { name => 'drawable', type => 'drawable', desc => 'The drawable to stroke to' } ); %invoke = ( headers => [ qw("core/pikastrokeoptions.h") ], code => <<'CODE' { if (pika_pdb_item_is_attached (PIKA_ITEM (drawable), NULL, PIKA_PDB_ITEM_CONTENT, error) && pika_pdb_item_is_not_group (PIKA_ITEM (drawable), error)) { PikaImage *image = pika_item_get_image (PIKA_ITEM (drawable)); PikaStrokeOptions *options; PikaPaintOptions *paint_options; GList *drawables = g_list_prepend (NULL, drawable); options = pika_pdb_context_get_stroke_options (PIKA_PDB_CONTEXT (context)); paint_options = pika_pdb_context_get_paint_options (PIKA_PDB_CONTEXT (context), NULL); paint_options = pika_config_duplicate (PIKA_CONFIG (paint_options)); success = pika_item_stroke (PIKA_ITEM (pika_image_get_mask (image)), drawables, context, options, paint_options, TRUE, progress, error); g_object_unref (paint_options); g_list_free (drawables); } else success = FALSE; } CODE ); } sub drawable_edit_stroke_item { $blurb = 'Stroke the specified item'; $help = <<'HELP'; This procedure strokes the specified item, painting along its outline (e.g. along a path, or along a channel's boundary), with the active paint method and brush, or using a plain line with configurable properties. This procedure is affected by the following context setters: pika_context_set_opacity(), pika_context_set_paint_mode(), pika_context_set_paint_method(), pika_context_set_stroke_method(), pika_context_set_foreground(), pika_context_set_brush() and all brush property settings, pika_context_set_gradient() and all gradient property settings, pika_context_set_line_width() and all line property settings, pika_context_set_antialias(). HELP &mitch_pdb_misc('2018', '2.10'); @inargs = ( { name => 'drawable', type => 'drawable', desc => 'The drawable to stroke to' }, { name => 'item', type => 'item', desc => 'The item to stroke' } ); %invoke = ( headers => [ qw("core/pikastrokeoptions.h") ], code => <<'CODE' { if (pika_pdb_item_is_attached (PIKA_ITEM (drawable), NULL, PIKA_PDB_ITEM_CONTENT, error) && pika_pdb_item_is_not_group (PIKA_ITEM (drawable), error) && pika_pdb_item_is_attached (item, pika_item_get_image (PIKA_ITEM (drawable)), 0, error)) { PikaStrokeOptions *options; PikaPaintOptions *paint_options; GList *drawables = g_list_prepend (NULL, drawable); options = pika_pdb_context_get_stroke_options (PIKA_PDB_CONTEXT (context)); paint_options = pika_pdb_context_get_paint_options (PIKA_PDB_CONTEXT (context), NULL); paint_options = pika_config_duplicate (PIKA_CONFIG (paint_options)); success = pika_item_stroke (item, drawables, context, options, paint_options, TRUE, progress, error); g_object_unref (paint_options); g_list_free (drawables); } else success = FALSE; } CODE ); } @headers = qw("libpikaconfig/pikaconfig.h" "paint/pikapaintoptions.h" "core/pika.h" "core/pikadrawable-edit.h" "core/pikabuffer.h" "core/pikaimage.h" "core/pikaprogress.h" "pikapdb-utils.h" "pikapdbcontext.h" "pika-intl.h"); @procs = qw(drawable_edit_clear drawable_edit_fill drawable_edit_bucket_fill drawable_edit_gradient_fill drawable_edit_stroke_selection drawable_edit_stroke_item); %exports = (app => [@procs], lib => [@procs]); $desc = 'Drawable edit procedures'; $doc_title = 'pikadrawableedit'; $doc_short_desc = 'Drawable edit functions (clear, fill, gradient, stroke etc.)'; $doc_long_desc = 'Drawable edit functions (clear, fill, gradient, stroke etc.)'; 1;