/* PIKA - Photo and Image Kooker Application * a rebranding of The GNU Image Manipulation Program (created with heckimp) * A derived work which may be trivial. However, any changes may be (C)2023 by Aldercone Studio * * Original copyright, applying to most contents (license remains unchanged): * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * pikaoperationnormalmode-sse2.c * Copyright (C) 2013 Daniel Sabo * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include "operations/operations-types.h" #include "pikaoperationnormal.h" #if COMPILE_SSE4_1_INTRINISICS /* SSE4 */ #include gboolean pika_operation_normal_process_sse4 (GeglOperation *op, void *in_p, void *layer_p, void *mask_p, void *out_p, glong samples, const GeglRectangle *roi, gint level) { /* check alignment */ if ((((uintptr_t)in_p) | ((uintptr_t)layer_p) | ((uintptr_t)out_p)) & 0x0F) { return pika_operation_normal_process (op, in_p, layer_p, mask_p, out_p, samples, roi, level); } else { PikaOperationLayerMode *layer_mode = (gpointer) op; gfloat opacity = layer_mode->opacity; gfloat *mask = mask_p; const __v4sf *v_in = (const __v4sf*) in_p; const __v4sf *v_layer = (const __v4sf*) layer_p; __v4sf *v_out = ( __v4sf*) out_p; const __v4sf one = _mm_set1_ps (1.0f); const __v4sf v_opacity = _mm_set1_ps (opacity); switch (layer_mode->composite_mode) { case PIKA_LAYER_COMPOSITE_UNION: case PIKA_LAYER_COMPOSITE_AUTO: while (samples--) { __v4sf rgba_in, rgba_layer, alpha; rgba_in = *v_in++; rgba_layer = *v_layer++; /* expand alpha */ alpha = (__v4sf)_mm_shuffle_epi32 ((__m128i)rgba_layer, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3)); if (mask) { __v4sf mask_alpha; /* multiply layer's alpha by the mask */ mask_alpha = _mm_set1_ps (*mask++); alpha = alpha * mask_alpha; } alpha = alpha * v_opacity; if (_mm_ucomigt_ss (alpha, _mm_setzero_ps ())) { __v4sf dst_alpha, a_term, out_pixel, out_alpha; /* expand alpha */ dst_alpha = (__v4sf)_mm_shuffle_epi32 ((__m128i)rgba_in, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3)); /* a_term = dst_a * (1.0 - src_a) */ a_term = dst_alpha * (one - alpha); /* out(color) = src * src_a + dst * a_term */ out_pixel = rgba_layer * alpha + rgba_in * a_term; /* out(alpha) = 1.0 * src_a + 1.0 * a_term */ out_alpha = alpha + a_term; /* un-premultiply */ out_pixel = out_pixel / out_alpha; /* swap in the real alpha */ out_pixel = _mm_blend_ps (out_pixel, out_alpha, 0x08); *v_out++ = out_pixel; } else { *v_out++ = rgba_in; } } break; case PIKA_LAYER_COMPOSITE_CLIP_TO_BACKDROP: while (samples--) { __v4sf rgba_in, rgba_layer, alpha; rgba_in = *v_in++; rgba_layer = *v_layer++; /* expand alpha */ alpha = (__v4sf)_mm_shuffle_epi32 ((__m128i)rgba_layer, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3)); if (mask) { __v4sf mask_alpha; /* multiply layer's alpha by the mask */ mask_alpha = _mm_set1_ps (*mask++); alpha = alpha * mask_alpha; } alpha = alpha * v_opacity; if (_mm_ucomigt_ss (alpha, _mm_setzero_ps ())) { __v4sf dst_alpha, out_pixel; /* expand alpha */ dst_alpha = (__v4sf)_mm_shuffle_epi32 ((__m128i)rgba_in, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3)); /* out(color) = dst * (1 - src_a) + src * src_a */ out_pixel = rgba_in + (rgba_layer - rgba_in) * alpha; /* swap in the real alpha */ out_pixel = _mm_blend_ps (out_pixel, dst_alpha, 0x08); *v_out++ = out_pixel; } else { *v_out++ = rgba_in; } } break; case PIKA_LAYER_COMPOSITE_CLIP_TO_LAYER: while (samples--) { __v4sf rgba_in, rgba_layer, alpha; __v4sf out_pixel; rgba_in = *v_in++; rgba_layer = *v_layer++; /* expand alpha */ alpha = (__v4sf)_mm_shuffle_epi32 ((__m128i)rgba_layer, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3)); if (mask) { __v4sf mask_alpha; /* multiply layer's alpha by the mask */ mask_alpha = _mm_set1_ps (*mask++); alpha = alpha * mask_alpha; } alpha = alpha * v_opacity; if (_mm_ucomigt_ss (alpha, _mm_setzero_ps ())) { /* out(color) = src */ out_pixel = rgba_layer; } else { out_pixel = rgba_in; } /* swap in the real alpha */ out_pixel = _mm_blend_ps (out_pixel, alpha, 0x08); *v_out++ = out_pixel; } break; case PIKA_LAYER_COMPOSITE_INTERSECTION: while (samples--) { __v4sf rgba_in, rgba_layer, alpha; __v4sf out_pixel; rgba_in = *v_in++; rgba_layer = *v_layer++; /* expand alpha */ alpha = (__v4sf)_mm_shuffle_epi32 ((__m128i)rgba_layer, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3)); if (mask) { __v4sf mask_alpha; /* multiply layer's alpha by the mask */ mask_alpha = _mm_set1_ps (*mask++); alpha = alpha * mask_alpha; } alpha = alpha * v_opacity; /* multiply the alpha by in's alpha */ alpha *= (__v4sf)_mm_shuffle_epi32 ((__m128i)rgba_in, _MM_SHUFFLE (3, 3, 3, 3)); if (_mm_ucomigt_ss (alpha, _mm_setzero_ps ())) { /* out(color) = src */ out_pixel = rgba_layer; } else { out_pixel = rgba_in; } /* swap in the real alpha */ out_pixel = _mm_blend_ps (out_pixel, alpha, 0x08); *v_out++ = out_pixel; } break; } } return TRUE; } #endif /* COMPILE_SSE4_1_INTRINISICS */