/* PIKA - Photo and Image Kooker Application * a rebranding of The GNU Image Manipulation Program (created with heckimp) * A derived work which may be trivial. However, any changes may be (C)2023 by Aldercone Studio * * Original copyright, applying to most contents (license remains unchanged): * Copyright (C) 1995 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "libpikacolor/pikacolor.h" #include "libpikamath/pikamath.h" extern "C" { #include "core-types.h" #include "gegl/pika-babl.h" #include "gegl/pika-gegl-utils.h" #include "pika-parallel.h" #include "pika-utils.h" /* PIKA_TIMER */ #include "pikaasync.h" #include "pikalineart.h" #include "pikapickable.h" #include "pikapickable-contiguous-region.h" #define EPSILON 1e-6 #define PIXELS_PER_THREAD \ (/* each thread costs as much as */ 64.0 * 64.0 /* pixels */) typedef struct { gint x; gint y; gint level; } BorderPixel; /* local function prototypes */ static const Babl * choose_format (GeglBuffer *buffer, PikaSelectCriterion select_criterion, gint *n_components, gboolean *has_alpha); static gfloat pixel_difference (const gfloat *col1, const gfloat *col2, gboolean antialias, gfloat threshold, gint n_components, gboolean has_alpha, gboolean select_transparent, PikaSelectCriterion select_criterion); static void push_segment (GQueue *segment_queue, gint y, gint old_y, gint start, gint end, gint new_y, gint new_start, gint new_end); static void pop_segment (GQueue *segment_queue, gint *y, gint *old_y, gint *start, gint *end); static gboolean find_contiguous_segment (const gfloat *col, GeglBuffer *src_buffer, GeglSampler *src_sampler, const GeglRectangle *src_extent, GeglBuffer *mask_buffer, const Babl *src_format, const Babl *mask_format, gint n_components, gboolean has_alpha, gboolean select_transparent, PikaSelectCriterion select_criterion, gboolean antialias, gfloat threshold, gint initial_x, gint initial_y, gint *start, gint *end, gfloat *row); static void find_contiguous_region (GeglBuffer *src_buffer, GeglBuffer *mask_buffer, const Babl *format, gint n_components, gboolean has_alpha, gboolean select_transparent, PikaSelectCriterion select_criterion, gboolean antialias, gfloat threshold, gboolean diagonal_neighbors, gint x, gint y, const gfloat *col); static void line_art_queue_pixel (GQueue *queue, gint x, gint y, gint level); /* public functions */ GeglBuffer * pika_pickable_contiguous_region_by_seed (PikaPickable *pickable, gboolean antialias, gfloat threshold, gboolean select_transparent, PikaSelectCriterion select_criterion, gboolean diagonal_neighbors, gint x, gint y) { GeglBuffer *src_buffer; GeglBuffer *mask_buffer; const Babl *format; GeglRectangle extent; gint n_components; gboolean has_alpha; gfloat start_col[MAX_CHANNELS]; g_return_val_if_fail (PIKA_IS_PICKABLE (pickable), NULL); pika_pickable_flush (pickable); src_buffer = pika_pickable_get_buffer (pickable); format = choose_format (src_buffer, select_criterion, &n_components, &has_alpha); gegl_buffer_sample (src_buffer, x, y, NULL, start_col, format, GEGL_SAMPLER_NEAREST, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE); if (has_alpha) { if (select_transparent) { /* don't select transparent regions if the start pixel isn't * fully transparent */ if (start_col[n_components - 1] > 0) select_transparent = FALSE; } } else { select_transparent = FALSE; } extent = *gegl_buffer_get_extent (src_buffer); mask_buffer = gegl_buffer_new (&extent, babl_format ("Y float")); if (x >= extent.x && x < (extent.x + extent.width) && y >= extent.y && y < (extent.y + extent.height)) { PIKA_TIMER_START(); find_contiguous_region (src_buffer, mask_buffer, format, n_components, has_alpha, select_transparent, select_criterion, antialias, threshold, diagonal_neighbors, x, y, start_col); PIKA_TIMER_END("foo"); } return mask_buffer; } GeglBuffer * pika_pickable_contiguous_region_by_color (PikaPickable *pickable, gboolean antialias, gfloat threshold, gboolean select_transparent, PikaSelectCriterion select_criterion, const PikaRGB *color) { /* Scan over the pickable's active layer, finding pixels within the * specified threshold from the given R, G, & B values. If * antialiasing is on, use the same antialiasing scheme as in * fuzzy_select. Modify the pickable's mask to reflect the * additional selection */ GeglBuffer *src_buffer; GeglBuffer *mask_buffer; const Babl *format; gint n_components; gboolean has_alpha; gfloat start_col[MAX_CHANNELS]; g_return_val_if_fail (PIKA_IS_PICKABLE (pickable), NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (color != NULL, NULL); /* increase the threshold by EPSILON, to allow for conversion errors, * especially when threshold == 0 (see issue #1554.) we need to do this * here, but not in the other functions, since the input color gets converted * to the format in which we perform the comparison through a different path * than the pickable's pixels, which can introduce error. */ threshold += EPSILON; pika_pickable_flush (pickable); src_buffer = pika_pickable_get_buffer (pickable); format = choose_format (src_buffer, select_criterion, &n_components, &has_alpha); pika_rgba_get_pixel (color, format, start_col); if (has_alpha) { if (select_transparent) { /* don't select transparency if "color" isn't fully transparent */ if (start_col[n_components - 1] > 0.0) select_transparent = FALSE; } } else { select_transparent = FALSE; } mask_buffer = gegl_buffer_new (gegl_buffer_get_extent (src_buffer), babl_format ("Y float")); gegl_parallel_distribute_area ( gegl_buffer_get_extent (src_buffer), PIXELS_PER_THREAD, [=] (const GeglRectangle *area) { GeglBufferIterator *iter; iter = gegl_buffer_iterator_new (src_buffer, area, 0, format, GEGL_ACCESS_READ, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE, 2); gegl_buffer_iterator_add (iter, mask_buffer, area, 0, babl_format ("Y float"), GEGL_ACCESS_WRITE, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE); while (gegl_buffer_iterator_next (iter)) { const gfloat *src = (const gfloat *) iter->items[0].data; gfloat *dest = ( gfloat *) iter->items[1].data; gint count = iter->length; while (count--) { /* Find how closely the colors match */ *dest = pixel_difference (start_col, src, antialias, threshold, n_components, has_alpha, select_transparent, select_criterion); src += n_components; dest += 1; } } }); return mask_buffer; } GeglBuffer * pika_pickable_contiguous_region_by_line_art (PikaPickable *pickable, PikaLineArt *line_art, GeglBuffer *fill_buffer, const PikaRGB *fill_color, gfloat fill_threshold, gint fill_offset_x, gint fill_offset_y, gint x, gint y) { GeglBuffer *src_buffer; GeglBuffer *mask_buffer; const Babl *format = babl_format ("Y float"); gfloat *distmap = NULL; GeglRectangle extent; gboolean free_line_art = FALSE; gboolean free_src_buffer = FALSE; gboolean filled = FALSE; guchar start_col; g_return_val_if_fail (PIKA_IS_PICKABLE (pickable) || PIKA_IS_LINE_ART (line_art), NULL); if (! line_art) { /* It is much better experience to pre-compute the line art, * but it may not be always possible (for instance when * selecting/filling through a PDB call). */ line_art = pika_line_art_new (); pika_line_art_set_input (line_art, pickable); free_line_art = TRUE; } src_buffer = pika_line_art_get (line_art, &distmap); g_return_val_if_fail (src_buffer && distmap, NULL); if (fill_buffer != NULL) { GeglBufferIterator *gi; const Babl *fill_format; const GeglRectangle *fill_extent; gfloat fill_col[MAX_CHANNELS]; gboolean has_alpha; gint n_components; fill_extent = gegl_buffer_get_extent (fill_buffer); fill_format = choose_format (fill_buffer, PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_COMPOSITE, &n_components, &has_alpha); pika_rgba_get_pixel (fill_color, fill_format, fill_col); src_buffer = pika_gegl_buffer_dup (src_buffer); gi = gegl_buffer_iterator_new (src_buffer, NULL, 0, NULL, GEGL_ACCESS_READWRITE, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE, 2); gegl_buffer_iterator_add (gi, fill_buffer, GEGL_RECTANGLE (-fill_offset_x, -fill_offset_y, fill_extent->width + fill_offset_x, fill_extent->height + fill_offset_y), 0, fill_format, GEGL_ACCESS_READ, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE); while (gegl_buffer_iterator_next (gi)) { guchar *data = (guchar*) gi->items[0].data; const gfloat *fill = (const gfloat *) gi->items[1].data; gint k; for (k = 0; k < gi->length; k++) { /* Only consider if the line art source hasn't filled yet, * and also if this the fill target has full opacity. */ if (! *data && ( ! has_alpha || fill[n_components - 1] == 1.0)) { gfloat diff; diff = pixel_difference (fill, fill_col, FALSE, fill_threshold, n_components, has_alpha, FALSE, PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_COMPOSITE); /* Make the additional fill pixel a closure pixel. */ if (diff == 1.0) *data = 2; } data++; fill += n_components; } } free_src_buffer = TRUE; } gegl_buffer_sample (src_buffer, x, y, NULL, &start_col, NULL, GEGL_SAMPLER_NEAREST, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE); extent = *gegl_buffer_get_extent (src_buffer); mask_buffer = gegl_buffer_new (&extent, format); if (start_col) { if (start_col == 1) { /* As a special exception, if you fill over a line art pixel, only * fill the pixel and exit */ gfloat col = 1.0; gegl_buffer_set (mask_buffer, GEGL_RECTANGLE (x, y, 1, 1), 0, format, &col, GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE); } else /* start_col == 2 */ { /* If you fill over a closure pixel, let's fill on all sides * of the start point. Otherwise we get a very weird result * with only a single pixel filled in the middle of an empty * region (since closure pixels are invisible by nature). */ gfloat col = 0.0; if (x - 1 >= extent.x && x - 1 < extent.x + extent.width && y - 1 >= extent.y && y - 1 < (extent.y + extent.height)) find_contiguous_region (src_buffer, mask_buffer, format, 1, FALSE, FALSE, PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_COMPOSITE, FALSE, 0.0, FALSE, x - 1, y - 1, &col); if (x - 1 >= extent.x && x - 1 < extent.x + extent.width && y >= extent.y && y < (extent.y + extent.height)) find_contiguous_region (src_buffer, mask_buffer, format, 1, FALSE, FALSE, PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_COMPOSITE, FALSE, 0.0, FALSE, x - 1, y, &col); if (x - 1 >= extent.x && x - 1 < extent.x + extent.width && y + 1 >= extent.y && y + 1 < (extent.y + extent.height)) find_contiguous_region (src_buffer, mask_buffer, format, 1, FALSE, FALSE, PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_COMPOSITE, FALSE, 0.0, FALSE, x - 1, y + 1, &col); if (x >= extent.x && x < extent.x + extent.width && y - 1 >= extent.y && y - 1 < (extent.y + extent.height)) find_contiguous_region (src_buffer, mask_buffer, format, 1, FALSE, FALSE, PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_COMPOSITE, FALSE, 0.0, FALSE, x, y - 1, &col); if (x >= extent.x && x < extent.x + extent.width && y + 1 >= extent.y && y + 1 < (extent.y + extent.height)) find_contiguous_region (src_buffer, mask_buffer, format, 1, FALSE, FALSE, PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_COMPOSITE, FALSE, 0.0, FALSE, x, y + 1, &col); if (x + 1 >= extent.x && x + 1 < extent.x + extent.width && y - 1 >= extent.y && y - 1 < (extent.y + extent.height)) find_contiguous_region (src_buffer, mask_buffer, format, 1, FALSE, FALSE, PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_COMPOSITE, FALSE, 0.0, FALSE, x + 1, y - 1, &col); if (x + 1 >= extent.x && x + 1 < extent.x + extent.width && y >= extent.y && y < (extent.y + extent.height)) find_contiguous_region (src_buffer, mask_buffer, format, 1, FALSE, FALSE, PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_COMPOSITE, FALSE, 0.0, FALSE, x + 1, y, &col); if (x + 1 >= extent.x && x + 1 < extent.x + extent.width && y + 1 >= extent.y && y + 1 < (extent.y + extent.height)) find_contiguous_region (src_buffer, mask_buffer, format, 1, FALSE, FALSE, PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_COMPOSITE, FALSE, 0.0, FALSE, x + 1, y + 1, &col); filled = TRUE; } } else if (x >= extent.x && x < (extent.x + extent.width) && y >= extent.y && y < (extent.y + extent.height)) { gfloat col = 0.0; find_contiguous_region (src_buffer, mask_buffer, format, 1, FALSE, FALSE, PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_COMPOSITE, FALSE, 0.0, FALSE, x, y, &col); filled = TRUE; } if (filled) { GQueue *queue = g_queue_new (); gfloat *mask; gint width = gegl_buffer_get_width (src_buffer); gint height = gegl_buffer_get_height (src_buffer); gint line_art_max_grow; gint nx, ny; PIKA_TIMER_START(); /* The last step of the line art algorithm is to make sure that * selections does not leave "holes" between its borders and the * line arts, while not stepping over as well. * I used to run the "gegl:watershed-transform" operation to flood * the stroke pixels, but for such simple need, this simple code * is so much faster while producing better results. */ mask = g_new (gfloat, width * height); gegl_buffer_get (mask_buffer, NULL, 1.0, NULL, mask, GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE); for (y = 0; y < height; y++) for (x = 0; x < width; x++) { if (distmap[x + y * width] == 1.0) { if (x > 0) { nx = x - 1; if (y > 0) { ny = y - 1; if (mask[nx + ny * width] != 0.0) { line_art_queue_pixel (queue, x, y, 1); continue; } } ny = y; if (mask[nx + ny * width] != 0.0) { line_art_queue_pixel (queue, x, y, 1); continue; } if (y < height - 1) { ny = y + 1; if (mask[nx + ny * width] != 0.0) { line_art_queue_pixel (queue, x, y, 1); continue; } } } if (x < width - 1) { nx = x + 1; if (y > 0) { ny = y - 1; if (mask[nx + ny * width] != 0.0) { line_art_queue_pixel (queue, x, y, 1); continue; } } ny = y; if (mask[nx + ny * width] != 0.0) { line_art_queue_pixel (queue, x, y, 1); continue; } if (y < height - 1) { ny = y + 1; if (mask[nx + ny * width] != 0.0) { line_art_queue_pixel (queue, x, y, 1); continue; } } } nx = x; if (y > 0) { ny = y - 1; if (mask[nx + ny * width] != 0.0) { line_art_queue_pixel (queue, x, y, 1); continue; } } if (y < height - 1) { ny = y + 1; if (mask[nx + ny * width] != 0.0) { line_art_queue_pixel (queue, x, y, 1); continue; } } } } g_object_get (line_art, "max-grow", &line_art_max_grow, NULL); while (! g_queue_is_empty (queue)) { BorderPixel *c = (BorderPixel *) g_queue_pop_head (queue); if (mask[c->x + c->y * width] != 1.0) { mask[c->x + c->y * width] = 1.0; if (c->level >= line_art_max_grow) { /* Do not overflood under line arts. */ g_free (c); continue; } if (c->x > 0) { nx = c->x - 1; if (c->y > 0) { ny = c->y - 1; if (mask[nx + ny * width] == 0.0 && distmap[nx + ny * width] > distmap[c->x + c->y * width]) line_art_queue_pixel (queue, nx, ny, c->level + 1); } ny = c->y; if (mask[nx + ny * width] == 0.0 && distmap[nx + ny * width] > distmap[c->x + c->y * width]) line_art_queue_pixel (queue, nx, ny, c->level + 1); if (c->y < height - 1) { ny = c->y + 1; if (mask[nx + ny * width] == 0.0 && distmap[nx + ny * width] > distmap[c->x + c->y * width]) line_art_queue_pixel (queue, nx, ny, c->level + 1); } } if (c->x < width - 1) { nx = c->x + 1; if (c->y > 0) { ny = c->y - 1; if (mask[nx + ny * width] == 0.0 && distmap[nx + ny * width] > distmap[c->x + c->y * width]) line_art_queue_pixel (queue, nx, ny, c->level + 1); } ny = c->y; if (mask[nx + ny * width] == 0.0 && distmap[nx + ny * width] > distmap[c->x + c->y * width]) line_art_queue_pixel (queue, nx, ny, c->level + 1); if (c->y < height - 1) { ny = c->y + 1; if (mask[nx + ny * width] == 0.0 && distmap[nx + ny * width] > distmap[c->x + c->y * width]) line_art_queue_pixel (queue, nx, ny, c->level + 1); } } nx = c->x; if (c->y > 0) { ny = c->y - 1; if (mask[nx + ny * width] == 0.0 && distmap[nx + ny * width] > distmap[c->x + c->y * width]) line_art_queue_pixel (queue, nx, ny, c->level + 1); } if (c->y < height - 1) { ny = c->y + 1; if (mask[nx + ny * width] == 0.0 && distmap[nx + ny * width] > distmap[c->x + c->y * width]) line_art_queue_pixel (queue, nx, ny, c->level + 1); } } g_free (c); } g_queue_free (queue); gegl_buffer_set (mask_buffer, gegl_buffer_get_extent (mask_buffer), 0, NULL, mask, GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE); g_free (mask); PIKA_TIMER_END("watershed line art"); } if (free_line_art) g_clear_object (&line_art); if (free_src_buffer) g_object_unref (src_buffer); return mask_buffer; } /* private functions */ static const Babl * choose_format (GeglBuffer *buffer, PikaSelectCriterion select_criterion, gint *n_components, gboolean *has_alpha) { const Babl *format = gegl_buffer_get_format (buffer); *has_alpha = babl_format_has_alpha (format); switch (select_criterion) { case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_COMPOSITE: if (babl_format_is_palette (format)) format = babl_format ("R'G'B'A float"); else format = pika_babl_format (pika_babl_format_get_base_type (format), PIKA_PRECISION_FLOAT_NON_LINEAR, *has_alpha, NULL); break; case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_RGB_RED: case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_RGB_GREEN: case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_RGB_BLUE: case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_ALPHA: format = babl_format ("R'G'B'A float"); break; case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_HSV_HUE: case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_HSV_SATURATION: case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_HSV_VALUE: format = babl_format ("HSVA float"); break; case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_LCH_LIGHTNESS: format = babl_format ("CIE L alpha float"); break; case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_LCH_CHROMA: case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_LCH_HUE: format = babl_format ("CIE LCH(ab) alpha float"); break; default: g_return_val_if_reached (NULL); break; } *n_components = babl_format_get_n_components (format); return format; } static gfloat pixel_difference (const gfloat *col1, const gfloat *col2, gboolean antialias, gfloat threshold, gint n_components, gboolean has_alpha, gboolean select_transparent, PikaSelectCriterion select_criterion) { gfloat max = 0.0; /* if there is an alpha channel, never select transparent regions */ if (! select_transparent && has_alpha && col2[n_components - 1] == 0.0) return 0.0; if (select_transparent && has_alpha) { max = fabs (col1[n_components - 1] - col2[n_components - 1]); } else { gfloat diff; gint b; if (has_alpha) n_components--; switch (select_criterion) { case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_COMPOSITE: for (b = 0; b < n_components; b++) { diff = fabs (col1[b] - col2[b]); if (diff > max) max = diff; } break; case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_RGB_RED: max = fabs (col1[0] - col2[0]); break; case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_RGB_GREEN: max = fabs (col1[1] - col2[1]); break; case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_RGB_BLUE: max = fabs (col1[2] - col2[2]); break; case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_ALPHA: max = fabs (col1[3] - col2[3]); break; case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_HSV_HUE: if (col1[1] > EPSILON) { if (col2[1] > EPSILON) { max = fabs (col1[0] - col2[0]); max = MIN (max, 1.0 - max); } else { /* "infinite" difference. anything >> 1 will do. */ max = 10.0; } } else { if (col2[1] > EPSILON) { /* "infinite" difference. anything >> 1 will do. */ max = 10.0; } else { max = 0.0; } } break; case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_HSV_SATURATION: max = fabs (col1[1] - col2[1]); break; case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_HSV_VALUE: max = fabs (col1[2] - col2[2]); break; case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_LCH_LIGHTNESS: max = fabs (col1[0] - col2[0]) / 100.0; break; case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_LCH_CHROMA: max = fabs (col1[1] - col2[1]) / 100.0; break; case PIKA_SELECT_CRITERION_LCH_HUE: if (col1[1] > 100.0 * EPSILON) { if (col2[1] > 100.0 * EPSILON) { max = fabs (col1[2] - col2[2]) / 360.0; max = MIN (max, 1.0 - max); } else { /* "infinite" difference. anything >> 1 will do. */ max = 10.0; } } else { if (col2[1] > 100.0 * EPSILON) { /* "infinite" difference. anything >> 1 will do. */ max = 10.0; } else { max = 0.0; } } break; } } if (antialias && threshold > 0.0) { gfloat aa = 1.5 - (max / threshold); if (aa <= 0.0) return 0.0; else if (aa < 0.5) return aa * 2.0; else return 1.0; } else { if (max > threshold) return 0.0; else return 1.0; } } static void push_segment (GQueue *segment_queue, gint y, gint old_y, gint start, gint end, gint new_y, gint new_start, gint new_end) { /* To avoid excessive memory allocation (y, old_y, start, end) tuples are * stored in interleaved format: * * [y1] [old_y1] [start1] [end1] [y2] [old_y2] [start2] [end2] */ if (new_y != old_y) { /* If the new segment's y-coordinate is different than the old (source) * segment's y-coordinate, push the entire segment. */ g_queue_push_tail (segment_queue, GINT_TO_POINTER (new_y)); g_queue_push_tail (segment_queue, GINT_TO_POINTER (y)); g_queue_push_tail (segment_queue, GINT_TO_POINTER (new_start)); g_queue_push_tail (segment_queue, GINT_TO_POINTER (new_end)); } else { /* Otherwise, only push the set-difference between the new segment and * the source segment (since we've already scanned the source segment.) * Note that the `+ 1` and `- 1` terms of the end/start coordinates below * are only necessary when `diagonal_neighbors` is on (and otherwise make * the segments slightly larger than necessary), but, meh... */ if (new_start < start) { g_queue_push_tail (segment_queue, GINT_TO_POINTER (new_y)); g_queue_push_tail (segment_queue, GINT_TO_POINTER (y)); g_queue_push_tail (segment_queue, GINT_TO_POINTER (new_start)); g_queue_push_tail (segment_queue, GINT_TO_POINTER (start + 1)); } if (new_end > end) { g_queue_push_tail (segment_queue, GINT_TO_POINTER (new_y)); g_queue_push_tail (segment_queue, GINT_TO_POINTER (y)); g_queue_push_tail (segment_queue, GINT_TO_POINTER (end - 1)); g_queue_push_tail (segment_queue, GINT_TO_POINTER (new_end)); } } } static void pop_segment (GQueue *segment_queue, gint *y, gint *old_y, gint *start, gint *end) { *y = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_queue_pop_head (segment_queue)); *old_y = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_queue_pop_head (segment_queue)); *start = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_queue_pop_head (segment_queue)); *end = GPOINTER_TO_INT (g_queue_pop_head (segment_queue)); } /* #define FETCH_ROW 1 */ static gboolean find_contiguous_segment (const gfloat *col, GeglBuffer *src_buffer, GeglSampler *src_sampler, const GeglRectangle *src_extent, GeglBuffer *mask_buffer, const Babl *src_format, const Babl *mask_format, gint n_components, gboolean has_alpha, gboolean select_transparent, PikaSelectCriterion select_criterion, gboolean antialias, gfloat threshold, gint initial_x, gint initial_y, gint *start, gint *end, gfloat *row) { gfloat *s; gfloat mask_row_buf[src_extent->width]; gfloat *mask_row = mask_row_buf - src_extent->x; gfloat diff; #ifdef FETCH_ROW gegl_buffer_get (src_buffer, GEGL_RECTANGLE (0, initial_y, width, 1), 1.0, src_format, row, GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE); s = row + initial_x * n_components; #else s = (gfloat *) g_alloca (n_components * sizeof (gfloat)); gegl_sampler_get (src_sampler, initial_x, initial_y, NULL, s, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE); #endif diff = pixel_difference (col, s, antialias, threshold, n_components, has_alpha, select_transparent, select_criterion); /* check the starting pixel */ if (! diff) return FALSE; mask_row[initial_x] = diff; *start = initial_x - 1; #ifdef FETCH_ROW s = row + *start * n_components; #endif while (*start >= src_extent->x) { #ifndef FETCH_ROW gegl_sampler_get (src_sampler, *start, initial_y, NULL, s, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE); #endif diff = pixel_difference (col, s, antialias, threshold, n_components, has_alpha, select_transparent, select_criterion); if (diff == 0.0) break; mask_row[*start] = diff; (*start)--; #ifdef FETCH_ROW s -= n_components; #endif } *end = initial_x + 1; #ifdef FETCH_ROW s = row + *end * n_components; #endif while (*end < src_extent->x + src_extent->width) { #ifndef FETCH_ROW gegl_sampler_get (src_sampler, *end, initial_y, NULL, s, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE); #endif diff = pixel_difference (col, s, antialias, threshold, n_components, has_alpha, select_transparent, select_criterion); if (diff == 0.0) break; mask_row[*end] = diff; (*end)++; #ifdef FETCH_ROW s += n_components; #endif } gegl_buffer_set (mask_buffer, GEGL_RECTANGLE (*start + 1, initial_y, *end - *start - 1, 1), 0, mask_format, &mask_row[*start + 1], GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE); return TRUE; } static void find_contiguous_region (GeglBuffer *src_buffer, GeglBuffer *mask_buffer, const Babl *format, gint n_components, gboolean has_alpha, gboolean select_transparent, PikaSelectCriterion select_criterion, gboolean antialias, gfloat threshold, gboolean diagonal_neighbors, gint x, gint y, const gfloat *col) { const Babl *mask_format = babl_format ("Y float"); GeglSampler *src_sampler; const GeglRectangle *src_extent; gint old_y; gint start, end; gint new_start, new_end; GQueue *segment_queue; gfloat *row = NULL; src_extent = gegl_buffer_get_extent (src_buffer); #ifdef FETCH_ROW row = g_new (gfloat, src_extent->width * n_components); #endif src_sampler = gegl_buffer_sampler_new (src_buffer, format, GEGL_SAMPLER_NEAREST); segment_queue = g_queue_new (); push_segment (segment_queue, y, /* dummy values: */ -1, 0, 0, y, x - 1, x + 1); do { pop_segment (segment_queue, &y, &old_y, &start, &end); for (x = start + 1; x < end; x++) { gfloat val; gegl_buffer_get (mask_buffer, GEGL_RECTANGLE (x, y, 1, 1), 1.0, mask_format, &val, GEGL_AUTO_ROWSTRIDE, GEGL_ABYSS_NONE); if (val != 0.0) { /* If the current pixel is selected, then we've already visited * the next pixel. (Note that we assume that the maximal image * width is sufficiently low that `x` won't overflow.) */ x++; continue; } if (! find_contiguous_segment (col, src_buffer, src_sampler, src_extent, mask_buffer, format, mask_format, n_components, has_alpha, select_transparent, select_criterion, antialias, threshold, x, y, &new_start, &new_end, row)) continue; /* We can skip directly to `new_end + 1` on the next iteration, since * we've just selected all pixels in the range `[x, new_end)`, and * the pixel at `new_end` is above threshold. (Note that we assume * that the maximal image width is sufficiently low that `x` won't * overflow.) */ x = new_end; if (diagonal_neighbors) { if (new_start >= src_extent->x) new_start--; if (new_end < src_extent->x + src_extent->width) new_end++; } if (y + 1 < src_extent->y + src_extent->height) { push_segment (segment_queue, y, old_y, start, end, y + 1, new_start, new_end); } if (y - 1 >= src_extent->y) { push_segment (segment_queue, y, old_y, start, end, y - 1, new_start, new_end); } } } while (! g_queue_is_empty (segment_queue)); g_queue_free (segment_queue); g_object_unref (src_sampler); #ifdef FETCH_ROW g_free (row); #endif } static void line_art_queue_pixel (GQueue *queue, gint x, gint y, gint level) { BorderPixel *p = g_new (BorderPixel, 1); p->x = x; p->y = y; p->level = level; g_queue_push_head (queue, p); } } /* extern "C" */