/* PIKA - Photo and Image Kooker Application * a rebranding of The GNU Image Manipulation Program (created with heckimp) * A derived work which may be trivial. However, any changes may be (C)2023 by Aldercone Studio * * Original copyright, applying to most contents (license remains unchanged): * Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "libpikabase/pikabase.h" #include "libpikamath/pikamath.h" #include "libpikaconfig/pikaconfig.h" #include "core-types.h" #include "paint/pikapaintoptions.h" #include "pikacurve.h" #include "pikacurve-map.h" #include "pikadynamicsoutput.h" #include "pika-intl.h" #define DEFAULT_USE_PRESSURE FALSE #define DEFAULT_USE_VELOCITY FALSE #define DEFAULT_USE_DIRECTION FALSE #define DEFAULT_USE_TILT FALSE #define DEFAULT_USE_WHEEL FALSE #define DEFAULT_USE_RANDOM FALSE #define DEFAULT_USE_FADE FALSE enum { PROP_0, PROP_TYPE, PROP_USE_PRESSURE, PROP_USE_VELOCITY, PROP_USE_DIRECTION, PROP_USE_TILT, PROP_USE_WHEEL, PROP_USE_RANDOM, PROP_USE_FADE, PROP_PRESSURE_CURVE, PROP_VELOCITY_CURVE, PROP_DIRECTION_CURVE, PROP_TILT_CURVE, PROP_WHEEL_CURVE, PROP_RANDOM_CURVE, PROP_FADE_CURVE }; typedef struct _PikaDynamicsOutputPrivate PikaDynamicsOutputPrivate; struct _PikaDynamicsOutputPrivate { PikaDynamicsOutputType type; gboolean use_pressure; gboolean use_velocity; gboolean use_direction; gboolean use_tilt; gboolean use_wheel; gboolean use_random; gboolean use_fade; PikaCurve *pressure_curve; PikaCurve *velocity_curve; PikaCurve *direction_curve; PikaCurve *tilt_curve; PikaCurve *wheel_curve; PikaCurve *random_curve; PikaCurve *fade_curve; }; #define GET_PRIVATE(output) \ ((PikaDynamicsOutputPrivate *) pika_dynamics_output_get_instance_private ((PikaDynamicsOutput *) (output))) static void pika_dynamics_output_finalize (GObject *object); static void pika_dynamics_output_set_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static void pika_dynamics_output_get_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static void pika_dynamics_output_copy_curve (PikaCurve *src, PikaCurve *dest); static PikaCurve * pika_dynamics_output_create_curve (PikaDynamicsOutput *output, const gchar *name); static void pika_dynamics_output_curve_dirty (PikaCurve *curve, PikaDynamicsOutput *output); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (PikaDynamicsOutput, pika_dynamics_output, PIKA_TYPE_OBJECT, G_ADD_PRIVATE (PikaDynamicsOutput) G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (PIKA_TYPE_CONFIG, NULL)) #define parent_class pika_dynamics_output_parent_class static void pika_dynamics_output_class_init (PikaDynamicsOutputClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); object_class->finalize = pika_dynamics_output_finalize; object_class->set_property = pika_dynamics_output_set_property; object_class->get_property = pika_dynamics_output_get_property; g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_TYPE, g_param_spec_enum ("type", NULL, _("Output type"), PIKA_TYPE_DYNAMICS_OUTPUT_TYPE, PIKA_DYNAMICS_OUTPUT_OPACITY, PIKA_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT)); PIKA_CONFIG_PROP_BOOLEAN (object_class, PROP_USE_PRESSURE, "use-pressure", NULL, NULL, DEFAULT_USE_PRESSURE, PIKA_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); PIKA_CONFIG_PROP_BOOLEAN (object_class, PROP_USE_VELOCITY, "use-velocity", NULL, NULL, DEFAULT_USE_VELOCITY, PIKA_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); PIKA_CONFIG_PROP_BOOLEAN (object_class, PROP_USE_DIRECTION, "use-direction", NULL, NULL, DEFAULT_USE_DIRECTION, PIKA_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); PIKA_CONFIG_PROP_BOOLEAN (object_class, PROP_USE_TILT, "use-tilt", NULL, NULL, DEFAULT_USE_TILT, PIKA_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); PIKA_CONFIG_PROP_BOOLEAN (object_class, PROP_USE_WHEEL, "use-wheel", NULL, NULL, DEFAULT_USE_TILT, PIKA_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); PIKA_CONFIG_PROP_BOOLEAN (object_class, PROP_USE_RANDOM, "use-random", NULL, NULL, DEFAULT_USE_RANDOM, PIKA_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); PIKA_CONFIG_PROP_BOOLEAN (object_class, PROP_USE_FADE, "use-fade", NULL, NULL, DEFAULT_USE_FADE, PIKA_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); PIKA_CONFIG_PROP_OBJECT (object_class, PROP_PRESSURE_CURVE, "pressure-curve", NULL, NULL, PIKA_TYPE_CURVE, PIKA_CONFIG_PARAM_AGGREGATE); PIKA_CONFIG_PROP_OBJECT (object_class, PROP_VELOCITY_CURVE, "velocity-curve", NULL, NULL, PIKA_TYPE_CURVE, PIKA_CONFIG_PARAM_AGGREGATE); PIKA_CONFIG_PROP_OBJECT (object_class, PROP_DIRECTION_CURVE, "direction-curve", NULL, NULL, PIKA_TYPE_CURVE, PIKA_CONFIG_PARAM_AGGREGATE); PIKA_CONFIG_PROP_OBJECT (object_class, PROP_TILT_CURVE, "tilt-curve", NULL, NULL, PIKA_TYPE_CURVE, PIKA_CONFIG_PARAM_AGGREGATE); PIKA_CONFIG_PROP_OBJECT (object_class, PROP_WHEEL_CURVE, "wheel-curve", NULL, NULL, PIKA_TYPE_CURVE, PIKA_CONFIG_PARAM_AGGREGATE); PIKA_CONFIG_PROP_OBJECT (object_class, PROP_RANDOM_CURVE, "random-curve", NULL, NULL, PIKA_TYPE_CURVE, PIKA_CONFIG_PARAM_AGGREGATE); PIKA_CONFIG_PROP_OBJECT (object_class, PROP_FADE_CURVE, "fade-curve", NULL, NULL, PIKA_TYPE_CURVE, PIKA_CONFIG_PARAM_AGGREGATE); } static void pika_dynamics_output_init (PikaDynamicsOutput *output) { PikaDynamicsOutputPrivate *private = GET_PRIVATE (output); private->pressure_curve = pika_dynamics_output_create_curve (output, "pressure-curve"); private->velocity_curve = pika_dynamics_output_create_curve (output, "velocity-curve"); private->direction_curve = pika_dynamics_output_create_curve (output, "direction-curve"); private->tilt_curve = pika_dynamics_output_create_curve (output, "tilt-curve"); private->wheel_curve = pika_dynamics_output_create_curve (output, "wheel-curve"); private->random_curve = pika_dynamics_output_create_curve (output, "random-curve"); private->fade_curve = pika_dynamics_output_create_curve (output, "fade-curve"); } static void pika_dynamics_output_finalize (GObject *object) { PikaDynamicsOutputPrivate *private = GET_PRIVATE (object); g_clear_object (&private->pressure_curve); g_clear_object (&private->velocity_curve); g_clear_object (&private->direction_curve); g_clear_object (&private->tilt_curve); g_clear_object (&private->wheel_curve); g_clear_object (&private->random_curve); g_clear_object (&private->fade_curve); G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void pika_dynamics_output_set_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { PikaDynamicsOutputPrivate *private = GET_PRIVATE (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_TYPE: private->type = g_value_get_enum (value); break; case PROP_USE_PRESSURE: private->use_pressure = g_value_get_boolean (value); break; case PROP_USE_VELOCITY: private->use_velocity = g_value_get_boolean (value); break; case PROP_USE_DIRECTION: private->use_direction = g_value_get_boolean (value); break; case PROP_USE_TILT: private->use_tilt = g_value_get_boolean (value); break; case PROP_USE_WHEEL: private->use_wheel = g_value_get_boolean (value); break; case PROP_USE_RANDOM: private->use_random = g_value_get_boolean (value); break; case PROP_USE_FADE: private->use_fade = g_value_get_boolean (value); break; case PROP_PRESSURE_CURVE: pika_dynamics_output_copy_curve (g_value_get_object (value), private->pressure_curve); break; case PROP_VELOCITY_CURVE: pika_dynamics_output_copy_curve (g_value_get_object (value), private->velocity_curve); break; case PROP_DIRECTION_CURVE: pika_dynamics_output_copy_curve (g_value_get_object (value), private->direction_curve); break; case PROP_TILT_CURVE: pika_dynamics_output_copy_curve (g_value_get_object (value), private->tilt_curve); break; case PROP_WHEEL_CURVE: pika_dynamics_output_copy_curve (g_value_get_object (value), private->wheel_curve); break; case PROP_RANDOM_CURVE: pika_dynamics_output_copy_curve (g_value_get_object (value), private->random_curve); break; case PROP_FADE_CURVE: pika_dynamics_output_copy_curve (g_value_get_object (value), private->fade_curve); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); break; } } static void pika_dynamics_output_get_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { PikaDynamicsOutputPrivate *private = GET_PRIVATE (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_TYPE: g_value_set_enum (value, private->type); break; case PROP_USE_PRESSURE: g_value_set_boolean (value, private->use_pressure); break; case PROP_USE_VELOCITY: g_value_set_boolean (value, private->use_velocity); break; case PROP_USE_DIRECTION: g_value_set_boolean (value, private->use_direction); break; case PROP_USE_TILT: g_value_set_boolean (value, private->use_tilt); break; case PROP_USE_WHEEL: g_value_set_boolean (value, private->use_wheel); break; case PROP_USE_RANDOM: g_value_set_boolean (value, private->use_random); break; case PROP_USE_FADE: g_value_set_boolean (value, private->use_fade); break; case PROP_PRESSURE_CURVE: g_value_set_object (value, private->pressure_curve); break; case PROP_VELOCITY_CURVE: g_value_set_object (value, private->velocity_curve); break; case PROP_DIRECTION_CURVE: g_value_set_object (value, private->direction_curve); break; case PROP_TILT_CURVE: g_value_set_object (value, private->tilt_curve); break; case PROP_WHEEL_CURVE: g_value_set_object (value, private->wheel_curve); break; case PROP_RANDOM_CURVE: g_value_set_object (value, private->random_curve); break; case PROP_FADE_CURVE: g_value_set_object (value, private->fade_curve); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); break; } } /* public functions */ PikaDynamicsOutput * pika_dynamics_output_new (const gchar *name, PikaDynamicsOutputType type) { g_return_val_if_fail (name != NULL, NULL); return g_object_new (PIKA_TYPE_DYNAMICS_OUTPUT, "name", name, "type", type, NULL); } gboolean pika_dynamics_output_is_enabled (PikaDynamicsOutput *output) { PikaDynamicsOutputPrivate *private = GET_PRIVATE (output); return (private->use_pressure || private->use_velocity || private->use_direction || private->use_tilt || private->use_wheel || private->use_random || private->use_fade); } gdouble pika_dynamics_output_get_linear_value (PikaDynamicsOutput *output, const PikaCoords *coords, PikaPaintOptions *options, gdouble fade_point) { PikaDynamicsOutputPrivate *private = GET_PRIVATE (output); gdouble total = 0.0; gdouble result = 1.0; gint factors = 0; if (private->use_pressure) { total += pika_curve_map_value (private->pressure_curve, coords->pressure); factors++; } if (private->use_velocity) { total += pika_curve_map_value (private->velocity_curve, (1.0 - coords->velocity)); factors++; } if (private->use_direction) { total += pika_curve_map_value (private->direction_curve, fmod (coords->direction + 0.5, 1)); factors++; } if (private->use_tilt) { total += pika_curve_map_value (private->tilt_curve, (1.0 - sqrt (SQR (coords->xtilt) + SQR (coords->ytilt)))); factors++; } if (private->use_wheel) { gdouble wheel; wheel = coords->wheel; total += pika_curve_map_value (private->wheel_curve, wheel); factors++; } if (private->use_random) { total += pika_curve_map_value (private->random_curve, g_random_double_range (0.0, 1.0)); factors++; } if (private->use_fade) { total += pika_curve_map_value (private->fade_curve, fade_point); factors++; } if (factors > 0) result = total / factors; #if 0 g_printerr ("Dynamics queried(linear). Result: %f, factors: %d, total: %f\n", result, factors, total); #endif return result; } gdouble pika_dynamics_output_get_angular_value (PikaDynamicsOutput *output, const PikaCoords *coords, PikaPaintOptions *options, gdouble fade_point) { PikaDynamicsOutputPrivate *private = GET_PRIVATE (output); gdouble total = 0.0; gdouble result = 0.0; /* angles are additive, so we return zero for no change. */ gint factors = 0; if (private->use_pressure) { total += pika_curve_map_value (private->pressure_curve, coords->pressure); factors++; } if (private->use_velocity) { total += pika_curve_map_value (private->velocity_curve, (1.0 - coords->velocity)); factors++; } if (private->use_direction) { gdouble angle = pika_curve_map_value (private->direction_curve, coords->direction); if (options->brush_lock_to_view) { if (coords->reflect) angle = 0.5 - angle; angle -= coords->angle; angle = fmod (fmod (angle, 1.0) + 1.0, 1.0); } total += angle; factors++; } /* For tilt to make sense, it needs to be converted to an angle, not * just a vector */ if (private->use_tilt) { gdouble tilt_x = coords->xtilt; gdouble tilt_y = coords->ytilt; gdouble tilt = 0.0; if (tilt_x == 0.0) { if (tilt_y > 0.0) tilt = 0.25; else if (tilt_y < 0.0) tilt = 0.75; else tilt = 0.0; } else { tilt = atan ((- 1.0 * tilt_y) / tilt_x) / (2 * G_PI); if (tilt_x > 0.0) tilt = tilt + 0.5; } tilt = tilt + 0.5; /* correct the angle, its wrong by 180 degrees */ while (tilt > 1.0) tilt -= 1.0; while (tilt < 0.0) tilt += 1.0; total += pika_curve_map_value (private->tilt_curve, tilt); factors++; } if (private->use_wheel) { gdouble angle = 1.0 - fmod(0.5 + coords->wheel, 1); total += pika_curve_map_value (private->wheel_curve, angle); factors++; } if (private->use_random) { total += pika_curve_map_value (private->random_curve, g_random_double_range (0.0, 1.0)); factors++; } if (private->use_fade) { total += pika_curve_map_value (private->fade_curve, fade_point); factors++; } if (factors > 0) result = total / factors; #if 0 g_printerr ("Dynamics queried(angle). Result: %f, factors: %d, total: %f\n", result, factors, total); #endif return result; } gdouble pika_dynamics_output_get_aspect_value (PikaDynamicsOutput *output, const PikaCoords *coords, PikaPaintOptions *options, gdouble fade_point) { PikaDynamicsOutputPrivate *private = GET_PRIVATE (output); gdouble total = 0.0; gint factors = 0; gdouble sign = 1.0; gdouble result = 1.0; if (private->use_pressure) { total += pika_curve_map_value (private->pressure_curve, coords->pressure); factors++; } if (private->use_velocity) { total += pika_curve_map_value (private->velocity_curve, coords->velocity); factors++; } if (private->use_direction) { gdouble direction = pika_curve_map_value (private->direction_curve, coords->direction); if (((direction > 0.875) && (direction <= 1.0)) || ((direction > 0.0) && (direction < 0.125)) || ((direction > 0.375) && (direction < 0.625))) sign = -1.0; total += 1.0; factors++; } if (private->use_tilt) { gdouble tilt_value = MAX (fabs (coords->xtilt), fabs (coords->ytilt)); tilt_value = pika_curve_map_value (private->tilt_curve, tilt_value); total += tilt_value; factors++; } if (private->use_wheel) { gdouble wheel = pika_curve_map_value (private->wheel_curve, coords->wheel); if (((wheel > 0.875) && (wheel <= 1.0)) || ((wheel > 0.0) && (wheel < 0.125)) || ((wheel > 0.375) && (wheel < 0.625))) sign = -1.0; total += 1.0; factors++; } if (private->use_random) { gdouble random = pika_curve_map_value (private->random_curve, g_random_double_range (0.0, 1.0)); total += random; factors++; } if (private->use_fade) { total += pika_curve_map_value (private->fade_curve, fade_point); factors++; } if (factors > 0) result = total / factors; #if 0 g_printerr ("Dynamics queried(aspect). Result: %f, factors: %d, total: %f sign: %f\n", result, factors, total, sign); #endif result = CLAMP (result * sign, -1.0, 1.0); return result; } static void pika_dynamics_output_copy_curve (PikaCurve *src, PikaCurve *dest) { if (src && dest) { pika_config_copy (PIKA_CONFIG (src), PIKA_CONFIG (dest), PIKA_CONFIG_PARAM_SERIALIZE); } } static PikaCurve * pika_dynamics_output_create_curve (PikaDynamicsOutput *output, const gchar *name) { PikaCurve *curve = PIKA_CURVE (pika_curve_new (name)); g_signal_connect_object (curve, "dirty", G_CALLBACK (pika_dynamics_output_curve_dirty), output, 0); return curve; } static void pika_dynamics_output_curve_dirty (PikaCurve *curve, PikaDynamicsOutput *output) { g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (output), pika_object_get_name (curve)); }